
Cromohexal for children: instructions for use

CromoHEXAL is one of the drugs prescribed for allergies. Is it allowed in childhood and in what dosage is it used in children?

Composition and release forms

KromoHEXAL is represented by the following types:

  • Eye drops. They are available in plastic bottles of 10 milliliters.
  • A solution that is used for inhalation. It is placed in 2 ml polyethylene ampoules, connected in strips of ten. One pack includes 5-10 ribbons.
  • Spray into the nose. It is represented by plastic bottles that have a dispensing device. One bottle contains 15 ml of the medicine (of which the patient receives 85 doses) or 30 ml of liquid (it includes 170 doses).

Any of the KromoHEXAL variants is a colorless or slightly yellowish solution. It is transparent and does not include any suspended matter. The active ingredient in all forms is sodium cromoglycate. In 1 ml of eye drops and in each ampoule of solution, this compound is presented in a dosage of 20 mg. One spray dose contains 2.8 mg cromoglycate.

Additionally, drops and spray contain water, benzalkonium chloride, sorbitol and other compounds. In a solution for inhalation use, the active ingredient is supplemented with purified water only.

Operating principle

Cromoglycate has the property of stabilizing the membranes in cells that are called obese. The drug prevents calcium ions from entering such cells, as a result of which histamine, prostaglandins and other active compounds involved in an allergic reaction are not released from them. Since the drug does not begin to act immediately, but after a few days (or even weeks), it is most often used as a prophylactic agent.


CromoHEXAL is dripped into the eyes in case of allergic forms of keratitis, conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis. The drug is used for allergic reactions to household chemicals, dust particles, eye drops, cosmetics, pollen, animal hair and other allergens. The dosed spray is in demand for hay fever or allergic rhinitis, as well as for adenoids. Inhalation of KromoGEXAL is prescribed for bronchial asthma.

At what age is it prescribed?

Eye drops and solution are used in children who are 2 years old. Nasal spray is allowed for children over 5 years old.


No form of medication is prescribed for hypersensitivity to their ingredients. CromoHEXAL in the form of eye drops is used with caution in children under 4 years of age, and in the form of a spray - for serious liver diseases, nasal polyps and renal failure.

Side effects

The use of CromoGEXAL can cause headaches, mucosal irritation, hives, cough and some other symptoms. When they appear in a child, you need to tell the attending physician about this.

Instructions for use

  • The solution is injected using a nebulizer 4 times a day with equal intervals between procedures. Take 1 ampoule for each inhalation. If required, the single dosage is doubled and the frequency of inhalations is increased to six per day.
  • The spray is injected into the nose, one dose into each nostril. The procedure is performed 4-6 times a day. As soon as the therapeutic effect becomes noticeable, the frequency of use decreases and the medicine is injected into the nose only in case of contact with allergens.
  • The duration of the application of the spray or solution should be at least 4 weeks with the gradual withdrawal of the medication within a week.
  • Drops are instilled in 1-2 drops in each eye every 4 or 6 hours. The medication is applied 4, 6 or 8 times a day. When the condition improves, the drug continues to drip only when it interacts with the allergen.

Drug interactions

The drug enhances the therapeutic effect of antihistamines.

Inhalation of KromoHEXAL should not be combined with inhalation of bromhexine or ambroxol.

Terms of sale and storage

  • All forms of KromoGEXAL are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. One bottle of eye drops costs about 80-100 rubles, and the price of a nasal spray is on average 150 rubles.
  • At home, medicines should be stored at room temperature in a place hidden from children, out of sunlight.
  • The shelf life of all forms is 3 years, however, the medicine from the opened spray bottle or drops should be used within 6 weeks after the first use. Each ampoule for inhalation is used for one procedure.


There are mostly good reviews about the treatment with KromoGEXAL. The drug is called an effective preventive medicine for allergies and it is noted that it is not addictive, and side reactions are extremely rare.


Other agents with the same effect on mast cells can replace CromoGEXAL:

  • Ketotifen. This remedy in syrup is given from 6 months of age, and in tablets - from 3 years.
  • Hard-hitting. Such eye drops are used from 12 years old.
  • Intal. Inhalation with such capsules is allowed from 2 years old, and aerosol is used in children over 5 years old.
  • Tiled Mint. This metered aerosol has been used since the age of two.

Also, in case of an allergic reaction, antihistamines may be prescribed to the child, for example, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Erius or Claritin.

How to determine what a child may be allergic to, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the following video.

Watch the program of the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky about antiallergenic drugs.

Watch the video: असथम क इलज - How To Cure Asthma by Sachin Goyal - asthma ka ilaj (July 2024).