
Cogitum for children: instructions for use with delayed speech development

The correct development of the child is important for every mother, so any problems are cause for concern and are the reason for contacting a pediatrician. Especially if the question concerns the formation of speech.

Simultaneously with classes aimed at eliminating speech underdevelopment, doctors prescribe various medications, among them - Kogitum.

Is such a medication effective for delayed speech development and how is it correctly used in children?

Release form

Cogitum is a yellow transparent solution with a banana odor and taste, which is taken internally. It is placed in 10 ml glass ampoules with two sharp ends, packed in boxes of 30 pieces.


The main ingredient of Cogitum is acetylamino succinic acid, presented in the drug in the form of potassium acetylaminosuccinate. The amount of such a compound in one ampoule is 250 mg (25 mg in 1 ml). Additionally, the solution includes methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, banana flavor, and fructose.

Operating principle

The drug has a general tonic effect, since its main component is a biologically active substance that affects the work of the central nervous system. The use of such a remedy has a positive effect on nervous regulation and has a stimulating effect on processes in the nervous system.


Kogitum, according to the instructions, is prescribed for asthenic syndrome, as one of the drugs of complex treatment. It is in demand with increased fatigue, taking antidepressants and mild neuroses. Children recommend it:

  • With a delay in physical, speech, psychomotor or emotional development;
  • With perinatal CNS damage;
  • With neurotic disorders;
  • With increased mental or physical stress;
  • With mental retardation;
  • With adjustment disorders;
  • After a neuroinfection;
  • During the recovery period after traumatic brain injury;
  • With rapid fatigue due to a viral infection;
  • With mental disorders;

From what age is it allowed to take?

Annotation to the solution notes among the contraindications age up to 7 years. In practice, doctors can prescribe medication to a younger patient by determining the dosage for a particular patient.


The medication is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to any of its components. The manufacturer of the drug does not note other contraindications.

Side effects

Taking the solution can provoke an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use

The medicine is taken orally in the morning. The ampoule must be carefully opened on one side. Further, substituting a cup or glass under it, you need to break off the tip on the other side. This makes it easy to empty the contents into the container.

The doctor selects the dosage of the solution individually, but often a child of 7-10 years old is prescribed a medication in 1 ampoule, and for a patient 10-18 years old - two ampoules. Diluting the medicine is not required. The duration of the course of treatment is on average 2-4 weeks.

Terms of sale and storage

Cogitum is sold without a prescription, and the average price of a pack of 30 ampoules of such a medicine is 4000 rubles. At home, the medication should be kept for no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture in a place hidden from direct sunlight at room temperature. The storage area must be out of reach of small children.


Parents respond mostly well to treatment with Cogitum. According to them, the drug has a positive effect on the development of speech and the mental state of young patients, especially if its reception is combined with speech therapy classes. The banana flavor of the drug is liked by most children.

The disadvantages of the tool, most mothers consider its high cost, because of which they often resort to analogues. In addition, many note the high fragility of ampoules, calling this form inconvenient to use.

There are also reviews in which they complain about the lack of the expected effect of treatment with a solution.


Completely identical drugs with the same active ingredient are not produced. At the same time, instead of the drug Kogitum in children with RRR, other nootropics can be used, for example:

  • Cortexin. Injections of this drug are allowed for babies of any age.
  • Pantogam. This syrup containing hopantenic acid can be administered to a child of any age.
  • Aminalon. This GABA tablet is used in the treatment of children over a year old.
  • Glycine. Such pills are prescribed for brain damage, memory problems, stress or mental retardation. The drug can be used at any age.
  • Nootropil. This piracetam drug is available in several forms (oral solution, capsules, injections, tablets) and can be prescribed for children over a year old.
  • Phezam. In this medication in capsule form, piracetam is combined with cinnarizine. The medicine is used in the treatment of children over 5 years old.
  • Anvifen. These capsules containing aminophenylbutyric acid are prescribed for children over 3 years of age.

You will learn more about this drug in the following video.

Watch the video: Toddler Speech. Tips To Encourage Language Development (July 2024).