
Adaptol for children: instructions for use and reviews

Adaptol is a medication prescribed for serious nervous disorders. If it is prescribed in childhood, every mother is interested in whether such a drug is possible for children and whether Adaptol is harmful to the child's body.

Release form

Adaptol is available in tablet form in two dosages - tablets with 300 mg of active ingredient and tablets with 500 mg of active ingredient. One package of Adaptol contains 20 such white round tablets.


The main component of Adaptol is represented by a compound called mebikar. Calcium stearate and methylcellulose are added to the tablets for a dense structure.

Operating principle

The medicine is referred to as psychotropic drugs, since it affects the mental state of patients. In particular, Adaptol is a representative of the group of anxiolytics - agents that can eliminate fear and anxiety. These medications are also called sedatives or tranquilizers.

The drug, after absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and entering the bloodstream, is transferred to the brain, where it affects the hypothalamus, as well as the production of all neurotransmitters. Under the influence of mebikar, feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fear decrease, irritability and emotional tension are weakened or disappear, and the mood improves.

The tranquilizing activity of Adaptol is moderate. The tool does not affect the coordination of movements and does not have a muscle relaxant effect, so it can be used during the day. Also, adaptol itself (with a separate appointment) does not have a hypnotic effect.

The drug also has a nootropic effect, since its use has a positive effect on attention, speed of thinking, consistency and mental performance. It also stabilizes membranes and protects the brain from oxidative stress.

Having completed its task, the main component of Adaptol leaves the patient's body within 24 hours. At the same time, it does not change biochemically and does not accumulate, therefore, there is no addiction to the drug, as well as the drug withdrawal syndrome.


The reason for prescribing Adaptol is:

  • Neurosis, in which the patient is irritable, anxious, emotionally excitable, worried about fears. Also Adaptol is recommended for stuttering and nervous tics.
  • Delusional and anxious state, in which there are no serious behavior problems and no arousal.
  • Recovery period after acute psychosis, when the patient is still emotionally unstable.
  • The desire to facilitate the tolerance of other psychotropic drugs, which can be prescribed for schizophrenia, psychosis, autism and other disorders. Adaptol is able to eliminate such side effects as depressed mood, stiffness of movements, cramps and other symptoms. This has a positive effect on the patient's quality of life.

From what age is it allowed to take?

The instruction for use of Adaptol contains information that the medicine should not be used under 18 years of age. This is due to the lack of research on children's reactions to this drug. However, many doctors allow the appointment of this medication in pediatric practice, if there are grounds for such a prescription.

In this case, the minimum age at which Adaptol is prescribed to children is usually 9-10 years. Even experienced neuropathologists do not recommend this medicine for children aged 8, 6 or younger, especially at 3 years old, because the reaction to the drug in such babies is unpredictable. For example, taking Adaptol at bedtime in combination with antipsychotics can provoke sleep apnea, which threatens the child's life at night.

In addition, the kidneys or liver of the baby may not be able to cope with this medicine. And although Adaptol is generally well tolerated, the risk of adverse reactions before the age of 10 is still very high.

If the drug has been prescribed by an experienced doctor, control of such reactions will be his responsibility, and with the slightest complications, the medication is canceled. This explains why giving Adaptol to children without a doctor's appointment is unacceptable.


It is impossible to use Adaptol in the treatment of nervous pathologies if its active substance is intolerant. For adults, this medicine is not prescribed for breastfeeding or pregnancy. If the patient has impaired kidney function, liver disease or low blood pressure, the use of Adaptol should be very careful.

Side effects

Taking Adaptol can cause itching of the skin, which forces you to cancel the medicine. Low body temperature and low blood pressure are quite common side effects. Such manifestations are normalized without treatment.

Occasionally, the use of Adaptol results in problems with digestion, dizziness or a feeling of weakness. Very rarely, the child's body reacts to medicine with bronchospasm. With these symptoms, the dosage of the drug is reduced or treatment with Adaptol is completely stopped.

Instructions for use and dosage

The tablet should be swallowed with plenty of water. The dose of Adaptol for a child should be determined only by a doctor, taking into account clinical symptoms. The medicine can be prescribed at 250-300 mg 1 to 3 times a day. The maximum dosage is considered to be 3 tablets per day, and treatment should be started with half of the prescribed dose.


Adaptol is classified as a low-toxic drug, therefore, a significantly exceeded dosage of the drug can only increase its side effects, for example, provoke dyspepsia, temporarily lower body temperature or cause hypotension. To eliminate such symptoms, detoxification therapy is used. If necessary, gastric lavage is performed.

Interaction with other drugs

If Adaptol is prescribed together with hypnotics, the drug will enhance their hypnotic effect and improve the course of sleep. This medicine does not interfere with other tranquilizers, as well as antipsychotics, psychostimulants, or antidepressants.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription from a doctor. The price of one package of Adaptol is on average 670-700 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The place where the package with the Adaptal lies must be protected from sunlight and dry. The temperature in such a place should not exceed + 25 ° С. The shelf life of the medicine is 4 years.


Adaptol receives different reviews from doctors and parents. Some mothers consider it a dangerous medicine and do not risk giving it to the child, seeking to replace it with another treatment. Those who trusted the doctor and decided to give Adaptol to the child call among the advantages of the drug is a fairly quick effect, no addiction and drowsiness.

The disadvantages of the drug include the rather high cost of the tablets and their bitter taste. Also some mothers noticed that after the withdrawal, the child became unbalanced, despite the information in the instructions that Adaptol does not have withdrawal syndrome.


You can replace Adaptol with drugs with the same active substance, for example, Mebikar medicine or Mebix remedy. These are domestic counterparts, so they are somewhat cheaper, and the effect is practically the same and have the same contraindications.

Also, an alternative to Adaptol can be medicines with similar effects, but with a different composition.

Among them are:

  • Noofen. These capsules are prescribed from the age of 8.
  • Anvifen. This medicine in capsules is prescribed for children over 3 years old.
  • Phenibut. The drug is approved over the age of 2 years.
  • Children's Tenoten. The medicine is represented by lozenges, prescribed for children from 3 years of age.
  • Grandaxin. Such pills are prescribed from the age of 14.

You can find out the doctor's opinion about the drug "Adaptol" by watching the following video.

Watch the video: Гидазепам (July 2024).