
Features of the use of sage for children

If your child has an inflamed oral mucosa or sore throat, the doctor may prescribe a sage-based antiseptic. Such a plant is in demand in the practice of ENT doctors and dentists, has a lot of useful properties and a wide range of uses.

Healing properties

Sage leaves contain many valuable compounds, among which are flavonoids, phytoncides, vitamin P, ursolic acid, gum, essential oils, bitterness, and so on.

Thanks to such substances, this plant is capable of:

  • to thicken the epithelium, reduce the permeability of membranes in cells and vascular walls, which causes an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • act on pathogenic bacteria (including Staphylococcus aureus), as well as inhibit some viruses and pathogenic fungi;
  • have an astringent effect;
  • relieve cough due to expectorant action.

Release forms

In the pharmacy, you can find products in which sage is the only component. Usually these are crushed leaves of a plant, to which stems, flowers and petioles are added in small quantities. Such raw materials are green with a gray or brown tint, as well as interspersed with yellow, white, brown and other colors. It has a fragrant smell, and the prepared infusion has a slightly astringent, spicy-bitter taste.

Dry chopped sage sold in packs of 30, 35, 50, 75, 100 or 300 grams. Some manufacturers pack it in special filter bags with 1.5 grams of dried plant in each. These bags are sold as 10, 20 or 24 pieces in one box.

Another option for sage-based preparations are Sage tablets from the Valeant company. The composition of such an antiseptic contains a dry extract and oil isolated from sage, and sorbitol, honey flavor, malic acid, dyes, aspartame and other compounds act as auxiliary substances. The preparation has a round shape and a bluish-green tint. It is packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, and one package contains 10-50 tablets.

The same manufacturer offers "Sage" in the form of lozenges... They contain the same active ingredients in the same doses, but additionally contain eucalyptus oil, menthol, glucose syrup, citric acid, sugar, anise flavor and water. The lozenges themselves are round, yellow-greenish, sold in packs of 2, 6, 10, 12 or more. Such lozenges are not a medicine, but are dietary supplements.

In addition, there are products in which sage is only one of the active ingredients.

  • "Breast fee number 3"... The expectorant effect of such a herbal preparation is due to crushed plants, including marshmallow, anise, licorice, sage and pine buds. An infusion from such a collection is allowed from the age of 12.
  • "Broncholin Sage"... This syrup, in addition to sage oil, also contains ephedrine and glaucine, so it has an antitussive effect and is able to expand the bronchi. Children are prescribed this drug from the age of 3.

  • "Karmolis"... These drops, phytogel and lotion contain sage oil, to which other oils have been added, such as pine, lavender, anise, rosemary and eucalyptus. Drops are not used in childhood, but the skin is treated with lotion for pain in muscles, joints, injuries and neuralgia from the age of 12. But phytogel is used even in infants to lubricate the gums when milk teeth erupt.
  • "Stomatofit"... Such a solution, in demand in dentistry, includes extracts from oak bark, chamomile, arnica, calamus, sage, mint and thyme. In childhood, it is used from 6 years old.

  • "Sage Bronchoactive"... These tablets include extracts from sage, plantain and marshmallow, as well as vitamin C, chlorophyll and menthol. Children are given them only as directed by a doctor.
  • Elekasol... This herbal remedy is made from licorice, sage, string, chamomile, marigold and eucalyptus. The infusion prepared from it is given to drink, used for inhalation, lotions or rinsing from the age of 12.

When is it prescribed?

Sage is especially in demand for inflammation in the oral cavity, for example, if a small patient has stomatitis or gums become inflamed. Such a plant effectively copes with tonsillitis, laryngitis and other throat diseases.

In the form of rinsing, its water infusion is allowed for children over 12 years old. Sage lozenges are prescribed from the age of 5, and lozenges are used only from the age of 14.

Sometimes doctors prescribe an infusion of sage for external use, for example, to rinse the eyes with conjunctivitis or to make applications on long-term non-healing wounds.

Potential harm

Preparations with sage can harm people with hypersensitivity to such a plant, therefore, if they are prone to allergies, they should be used very carefully. If there is a risk of a negative reaction, it is better to do a test and, in the absence of allergic symptoms, continue to use sage as recommended by the doctor.

Sage usually does not have any side effects other than allergies. However, if the dose is too high (for example, if you brew more dried plant than the prescription), tachycardia, vomiting, or tinnitus may occur. When buying "Sage" in tablets, you should also remember about such contraindications for this sweet drug as fructose intolerance and phenylketonuria.

Instructions for use

If crushed sage leaves are used, then an infusion is prepared from them. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw materials and pour 200 ml of water. The mixture is placed in a water bath and kept there for 15 minutes, after which the vessel is removed from the heat. After cooling the solution to room temperature, it is filtered, squeezing out the sage, and then boiled water is added to make 200 ml.

When using sage bags, you need to take 3-4 bags and pour 100 ml of boiling water, then infuse the liquid for about 15 minutes, squeeze the bags and add boiled chilled water so that the volume of the infusion is 100 ml.

The infusion prepared from chopped sage is used in different ways:

  • wash the skin and make lotions;
  • used for rinsing the throat;
  • added to the bath, including for bathing newborns;
  • do inhalation (not in a nebulizer, but steam);
  • combined with milk and honey and given to drink.

The most in demand are rinses, which are carried out with a warm infusion 3-5 times a day. For one procedure, use half a glass of the drug, and such treatment lasts up to one week.

If not a freshly prepared preparation is used for rinsing, but a previously brewed one, then the liquid must be shaken.

"Sage" tablets are placed in the oral cavity and held without biting or chewing until the drug is completely absorbed... A child 5-10 years old is given the remedy every 4 hours, but not more than three tablets a day, at 10-15 years of age - at intervals of 3 hours, but a maximum of 4 tablets. For adolescents over 15 years of age, it is recommended to use it every two hours, but not more than 6 pieces per day. Usually, such a drug is prescribed for 5-7 days.

"Sage" in lozenges is used from 3 to 6 pieces a day, slowly dissolving in the mouth... The duration of use of such a dietary supplement is 2-3 weeks.

Purchase and storage

You can buy dry sage leaves or Valeant preparations without a prescription. On average, you need to pay 70-100 rubles for 20 filter bags, about 170 rubles for 20 tablets, and about 140-180 rubles for 12 lozenges.

Dried sage in a box or sachets is usable up to 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is advised to keep it at home away from moisture at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees. A solution prepared from such raw materials can be stored in a cool place for up to 2 days. Shelf life of lozenges and lozenges is 3 years.


In most reviews of sage leaves, such a remedy is called effective and inexpensive. The advantages of the infusion include ease of use, pleasant taste and smell, and among the disadvantages they mention a weak effect with severe cough and pain, as well as long-term use.

For more information on the beneficial properties of sage, see the next video.

Watch the video: 21 Savage - a lot Official Video ft. J. Cole (July 2024).