
Otrivin for children

In the treatment of rhinitis in children, much attention is paid to moisturizing and cleaning the mucous membrane. Also, sometimes you cannot do without vasoconstrictor drugs. The funds called Otrivin are represented by various drugs, among which there are isotonic solutions that are safe for babies, and drugs that act on adrenergic receptors.

Which of them are allowed for children, when are they prescribed by pediatricians and ENT doctors, in what dosage are they used in childhood and what analogs can be replaced?

Can it be used for children?

In the Otrivin line of drugs, there are drugs designed specifically for children:

  • Otrivin Baby. Such a medicine in the form of nasal drops can be used even in newborns, and the spray is prescribed from 3 months of age.
  • Otrivin for children. This medication is allowed from 2 years of age.

Otrivin More is also considered safe for babies, so this remedy is used in children older than 3 months. As for the other types of Otrivin, they are contraindicated at an early age. Otrivin More Forte can be sprayed with children over six years old, and Otrivin sprays for adults are prescribed even later - from the age of 12.

Otrivin Baby

Two medicines are produced under this name:

  1. Drops, representing a solution of sodium chloride. It is a clear, sterile liquid, placed in a volume of 5 milliliters in disposable plastic bottles equipped with a dropper. The drug is sold in 18 bottles in one pack and, in addition to sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.74%, includes sodium phosphate, sterile water, macrogol and sodium hydrogen phosphate.
  2. Spraybased on sea salt. This medicine is an isotonic solution and does not contain any preservatives. One spray bottle contains 20 milliliters of solution.

Together with them, the manufacturer also offers nasal aspirator "Otrivin Baby", which includes replaceable nozzles (disposable). It is intended for babies who have not yet learned how to blow their nose, and helps to effectively and simply remove mucous secretions from the nasal passages.

How does it work?

The use of Otrivin Baby helps:

  • Moisten the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, which is especially important in very dry air, for example, during the heating season.
  • Remove bacteria, allergens, dust particles, viruses and other substances from the surface of mucous membranes.
  • To increase the resistance of the upper respiratory tract to infectious agents and other adverse external factors.
  • Reduce mucosal irritation caused by colds or inhalation of contaminated air.
  • Make the mucus in the nose thinner and easier to remove, which improves nasal breathing.

When is it used?

Otrivin Baby, both in drops and in the form of a spray, is recommended:

  • For the prevention of colds and SARS in the winter.
  • For daily hygienic treatment of the nose.
  • For the treatment of a viral, allergic or bacterial rhinitis.
  • For the treatment of sinusitis.
  • For moisturizing the nasopharynx if the air in the room is very dry.
  • For the prevention of an inflammatory reaction to surgical treatment in the area of ​​the nasal passages.


It is impossible to inject or drip Otrivin Baby only in case of intolerance to such drugs.

How to apply correctly?

Otrivin Baby is prescribed to drip 2 to 4 times a day, and sometimes more often. To instill the medicine, the child must be laid down and his head turned to the side. It is also recommended to first remove excess secretions from the nose (for example, using a nozzle sucker). Having opened one bottle, it is pressed on to obtain several drops, which are poured into the nasal passage.

After picking up and sitting the baby in a few seconds, wipe the leaked medicine, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

The same actions are needed to process the second nasal passage. Then the bottle is closed with a lid and left at room temperature until next use. If there are several children in the family, each child should irrigate the nose with a solution from a new bottle.

Spray treatment is also prescribed 2-4 times a day, and if necessary, injections can be done more often. A single dose is 1 spray in each nostril. To complete it, remove the cap from the bottle, press the sprayer several times (if this is the first use), then place the tip into the nostril and press on its base to spray the spray inside the nasal passage. Then the manipulation is repeated for the second nostril, the tip is rinsed and closed with a lid.

Features of purchase and storage

Otrivin Baby products are non-prescription, therefore, they are sold in pharmacies without any problems. The average price of a pack of drops is 280 rubles. The shelf life of both forms is 3 years. An opened bottle of drops is allowed to be stored for no longer than 12 hours.

"Otrivin More"

This spray is an isotonic solution, which contains only two components - sea water and purified water. There are no preservatives in the preparation, and nitrogen acts as a propellant. The medication is released in aluminum cans with a spray device. The volume of the solution in one bottle is 50 or 100 ml.

Otrivin More is prescribed:

  • For rinsing the nose, if the child has congestion, has developed allergic rhinitis, or has an acute respiratory viral infection with a runny nose. In such cases, the drug is used as needed.
  • For irrigation of the nasopharynx if the child breathes excessively dry air, for example, when air conditioning or turning on the heaters in the room. For prophylactic purposes, the spray is used 1-2 times a day.

The drug should not be used in children with sea water intolerance. After each use, the spray tip must be rinsed and dried and then closed with a cap. Shelf life of Otrivina More is 3 years.

"Otrivin More Forte"

This drug, which is also produced in the form of a nasal spray, differs from Otrivin More in a higher concentration of seawater (because of this, the solution is not isotonic, but hypertonic). In addition, eucalyptus essential oil and menthol obtained from wild mint are added to the Forte spray.

Additional ingredients of the solution are sorbitol, polylysine and some other fillers. There are no preservatives or propellants in Otrivin More Forte. The solution in a volume of 20 ml is packed in a plastic bottle, which has a spray bottle and a protective cap.

The most common reason for using this medicine is the feeling of a stuffy nose. According to reviews, breathing is easier 2-3 minutes after injection. This action is called osmotic and is associated with the pressure difference between the mucous membrane and the solution. In addition, the solution mechanically flushes mucus, viruses or bacteria and moisturizes the nasopharynx.

Otrivin More Forte is applied 1 injection into each nostril from 1 to 6 times a day. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, but after the first use, the bottle can be used no longer than 6 months. Before use in children, after a nose injury or surgery, a doctor's consultation is required.

If the spray packaging is damaged or the patient is allergic to any component of the drug, its use is prohibited. A slight tingling sensation may occur after treatment.

Otrivin for children

Otrivin for children is a spray and is produced in polyethylene bottles with a pump device and a protective cap. One package contains 10 ml of a solution that is odorless and colorless.


The main ingredient in Otrivin for children is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Its amount in 1 ml of the drug is 0.5 mg (0.05% solution). This substance complements benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, sorbitol, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, pure water, sodium hydrogen phosphate, and sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

Mechanism of action

Otrivin for children has the ability to influence alpha adrenergic receptors in the nasal mucosa, resulting in narrowing of the blood vessels. The therapeutic effect after applying the spray appears rather quickly (within 1-2 minutes) and lasts a very long time (up to 12 hours).

As a result of the use of such Otrivin, edema and redness of the nasopharyngeal membrane decrease, and mucus is secreted in a smaller amount, which will result in an improvement in breathing through the nose. Since the drug contains sorbitol and hypromellose, its use has both moisturizing action, protecting the nasopharynx from irritation and excessive dryness.

When is it used?

Otrivin for children is most in demand in case of a cold, which can be caused by both infectious agents and allergens. The drug is also prescribed for otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or eustachitis. Another spray is used before a diagnostic or surgical procedure in the nasopharynx area.


The medication is not used if the child has high blood pressure, tachycardia, or had brain surgery. Also, Otrivin for children contraindicated in patients with hyperthyroidism and glaucoma. It should not be injected with atrophic changes in the mucous membrane, as well as with intolerance to any of the components.

If a child has diabetes mellitus or a pheochromocytoma is detected, medical supervision is required when using Otrivin.

Side effects

When treated with a spray, a child may experience burning, sneezing, dryness, tingling in the nose, palpitations, nausea, headache, and other symptoms. If they appear, you must immediately inform your doctor.

Instructions for use

For children aged 2 to 5 years, the spray is prescribed one injection into each of the nostrils from 1 to 3 times a day. A child 6-11 years old is recommended 2-3 times use of 1-2 injections. The last time the medication is applied at bedtime. The duration of treatment is influenced by the course of the disease, but you cannot use Otrivin for more than 10 days (there is a risk of mucosal atrophy or the appearance of a drug-induced rhinitis).

Is an overdose dangerous?

Exceeding the dose of Otrivin for children leads to increased sweating, dizziness, a decrease in body temperature, a slowdown in the heart rate and other symptoms dangerous to the child's health. Therefore, if an overdose is detected, you should immediately seek medical help.

Where to buy and how to store?

Children's Otrivin is sold without a prescription and costs an average of 150 rubles per bottle. Keep the medication at home out of the reach of babies at temperatures below +25 degrees. The shelf life of such a medicine is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Otrivin's use for adults in children

Otrivin sprays marked "adult" are presented in two types - Moisturizing Formula and Menthol. Their difference is the composition, because the second medicine contains menthol and eucalyptol, due to which the solution smells pleasant and has some cooling effect.

Such drugs are intended for the treatment of adults, since xylometazoline in these solutions is contained in a concentration of 0.1%. In children, they can be used from 12 years of age, one injection no more than three times a day. Possible side effects, a list of contraindications and symptoms of an overdose in adults and children Otrivin are the same.

In addition, in pharmacies you can see a drug called Otrivin Complex... This spray effectively fights cold symptoms due to the combination of two active substances at once - xylometazoline and ipratropium bromide.

However, in childhood, it is contraindicated and is not prescribed for patients who are not yet 18 years old.


Most of the reviews on the use of all drugs in the Otrivin line are positive. Otrivin Baby drops are praised for their safety for the child's body, ease of use, convenient form of release and good tolerance. The advantages of Otrivin for children include the rapid development of the therapeutic effect, a convenient bottle, low cost and long shelf life. The disadvantages of the vasoconstrictor Otrivin for children are the frequent occurrence of side effects, for example, a burning sensation in the nose.


To replace Otrivin Baby and Otrivin More, solutions with a similar composition and effect can be used. Some are more expensive, while others are slightly cheaper. These include:

  • "Aqua Maris". Such drops, made from sea water, are used from birth, and spray - from 1 year.
  • Salin. The basis of this spray is saline. It can be used even in infants, if you turn the bottle over and drip the nose (use as drops).
  • "Aqualor baby". Such drops, which are sterile seawater, are prescribed at any age.
  • Morenazal. These drops are made from sea salt and are allowed from birth.
  • "Marimer". These drops based on purified sea water are used at any age.
  • Physiomer. Such a spray with sea water is prescribed for children over two weeks of age.
  • "Nazol Aqua". This sodium chloride spray is approved even for babies.
  • Humer. Such drops of Monodose are used from birth, and spray 150 is allowed for treating the nasopharynx in infants over a month old.
  • Fluimarin. Such an aerosol with sea water is prescribed for children over 2 years old.

A similar hypertonic solution can become a replacement for Otrivin More Forte spray. It could be spray "Humer 050", which is undiluted seawater. In children, it is used from 3 months of age. Children over one year old can be given a spray with sterile sea water "Aqua Maris Strong".

Instead of Otrivin, the pediatrician may recommend another drug, xylometazoline. They are produced in a large assortment by different pharmaceutical companies and are presented as drops and sprays. These include Xilen, Rinostop, Dlyanos, Galazolin, Tizin, Xymelin, Rinonorm, Xylometazoline, Rinorus and others.

They can also be replaced by vasoconstrictor drugs with another active compound, for example, Nazol, Sanorin, Nazivin, Vibrocil or Adrianol.

Watch the video: HOW TO USE A NASAL SPRAY (July 2024).