
Herbion for children: instructions for use

A child's cough is common. Dry, wet, long-lasting and short-term. It is understandable and understandable for the parents' desire to treat the baby with means, the composition of which is as natural as possible. Therefore, very often they give preference to the drug "Herbion". What is this medicine and how to give it to children, we will figure it out right now.

About the drug

Under the general name "Herbion" there are several types of herbal sweet syrup against cough. Cough is different, this is taken into account by the manufacturers of the drug, so syrups differ in composition and mechanism of action. Today, several types of "Herbion" are available on the shelves of pharmacies. Used for dry cough:

  • "Herbion" with Irish moss - a product containing a dense, dense extract of Irish moss, a thick consistency and a brownish color. It is recommended for dry, unproductive cough, excludes joint intake with mucolytic drugs, according to the classification it is antitussive.
  • "Herbion" with plantain - a product containing extracts of plantain, mallow. The composition contains ascorbic acid. The drug is intended for the treatment of a non-productive, dry type of cough, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and can resist certain bacteria.

Used for wet cough

  • "Herbion" with ivy extract - means of expectorant action. It is used only in the treatment of productive cough to change the consistency of sputum and its output.
  • "Herbion with primrose rhizome extract" - vegetable mucolytic, which contains an extract of primrose rhizomes, levomenthol and thyme.

All four varieties of the drug are produced in Slovenia, all are allowed for use at a young age, but each of the listed syrups has its own age restrictions for children, provided for by the corresponding instruction. We will talk about them below.

Composition and mechanism of action

As the names suggest, manufacturers include aqueous extracts and extracts of medicinal plants. Excipients are also considered safe for children. The syrups do not contain alcohol, but they contain sorbitol and are therefore sweet. On the one hand, this is good - the child does not need to force an unpleasant-tasting medicine. On the other hand, sweet syrup can cause allergies in children with allergies, it is contraindicated for babies with diabetes. Varieties of the drug with ivy and primrose have a mucolytic effect. They contribute to the production of an increased amount of secretion by the bronchi, its dilution and the speedy elimination of sputum. Therefore, they are used for wet coughs, when it is necessary to ensure the outflow of secretion, to exclude its accumulation and drying out.

Herbion syrup with Irish moss extract and plantain preparation have a different effect. The substances included in them help to get rid of a choking, dry and painful cough, hoarseness due to the effect on the cough center in the cerebral cortex.

Before buying "Herbion" and using it to get rid of the child's annoying cough, parents should know exactly what type of cough is observed, since the combined use of antitussive and mucolytic drugs is unacceptable.

If there are difficulties with the diagnosis, you should consult with your doctor to determine this key point as accurately as possible.

When to apply?

Indications for the use of "Gerbion" differ depending on the belonging of the variety of the drug to a certain group - to mucolytics or antitussives. Thus, a remedy with Irish moss or plantain is recommended for laryngitis, a dry cough accompanying laryngotracheitis, sometimes to relieve symptoms of a dry allergic cough, and also an idiopathic or psychogenic unproductive cough. These funds should not be given to a baby with a wet cough, with the formation and separation of sputum after an attack.

Funds with primrose and ivy included in them are used for ailments of the upper respiratory organs, if the child cannot cough up and get rid of thick sputum, for example, with bronchitis, tracheitis and tracheobronchitis. In addition, both of these Herbiona syrups can be used for some types of dry cough, for example, during acute respiratory viral infections with difficulty in breathing at the initial stage.

Gerbion is not considered a self-sufficient medicine. Manufacturers advise including it in the general therapy regimen along with other drugs prescribed by a doctor.


For any of the Herbion syrups, an intolerance to the components and impaired absorption of fructose are considered a 100% contraindication.

Syrup with primrose rhizomes is not prescribed for children with bronchial asthma, as well as for children who have recently suffered croup or acute obstructed laryngitis. Syrups are prohibited if the child has diagnosed diabetes mellitus.

Instructions for use

"Herbion" for children is used in accordance with age. The use of the drug should be carried out taking into account the dosage recommended by the instructions attached to the package. There is no “baby syrup” release form. For the treatment of children, drugs are used that have a universal purpose and are suitable for both adults and children. How to use each of the syrups, we will tell you in more detail.

"Herbion" with Irish moss extract

This syrup is contraindicated in infants from birth to one year.

For babies from one to four years old, a pediatrician consultation is required before use.

  • children 1-4 years old are given 2.5 ml syrup no more than 4 times a day.
  • children 4-10 years old can double the dose - up to 5 ml with the same frequency.
  • children over 10 years old are allowed to take 10 ml per dose four times.

After taking a dose, you should not immediately offer the child to drink it or eat. The result will be more positive if the drug stays longer on the mucous tissue of the mouth and throat. You can drink the drug, but only with warm water, non-hot tea, fruit drink, and only 10-15 minutes after taking the syrup.

The general course is from 7 to 14 days. If after a week of daily intake of the drug there are no results, you should show the child to the doctor and adjust the therapy regimen.

"Herbion with plantain"

This syrup is not recommended for babies under 2 years old. For children over this age, the remedy is recommended in the following age dosages:

  • children from 2 to 7 years old - no more than one measuring spoon, which is 5 milliliters, three times.
  • children 7 - 14 years old - 1-2 scoops three times a day;
  • adolescents who are already 14 years old - 2 scoops from 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms.

The duration of the course is 14-21 days. The first positive results should come after two weeks of use. If necessary, the treatment can be extended, but only with the permission of the doctor. The drug can be taken with a large volume of warm liquid.

"Herbion with extract of primrose rhizomes"

This type of drug is also not recommended for toddlers under 2 years of age. The rest of the babies should be offered sweet medicine along with a large glass of warm tea, compote or water.

  • for children aged 2 to 5 years, the remedy is allowed in an amount not exceeding half a measuring spoon, three times a day after a meal.;
  • children 5-15 years old, a single dose is one scoop, the rate remains the same;
  • adolescents over 15 years old are given 2 scoops, and the number of doses can be increased from 3 to 4.

The duration of the course is on average 2-3 weeks.

"Herbion ivy syrup"

This is the only drug from "Herbions" that can be given to children under one year old.

  • for babies up to a year, the agent is prescribed in a dosage of no more than 2.5 ml twice a day.
  • for toddlers aged 1 to 6 years, the dose is the same - 2.5 ml, but the frequency of administration increases up to three times a day.
  • children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended 5 ml of syrup three times a day;
  • children over 12 years old - up to 7.5 ml.

There are no recommendations regarding meals - before or after meals, you can take the syrup arbitrarily. For babies, the medicine can be diluted with warm water.

The course of treatment is one week. After the cough disappears, you need to continue taking the medicine for a couple of days to consolidate the result.

Side effects and overdose

For all types of the drug, an overdose is not typical, it is detected extremely rarely, and therefore the manufacturers of the syrup with a clear conscience indicate in the instructions that there have been no reports of overdose cases. But a reasonable attitude to the question of adults does not imply a child's intake of the drug without dosing.

Possible symptoms of overdosing include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. A side effect may be an allergy to the sweet syrup or its ingredients.


The price of "Gerbion" on average in Russia is from 280 to 390 rubles per bottle of 150 ml. In order to reduce expenses from the family budget, the question may arise of replacing the drug with cheaper analogues. Let's look at what analogues exist and whether there is a significant difference in price.

  • "Gedelix" - herbal preparation prohibited for children. Sometimes acceptable for adolescent therapy. Indications - dry cough. Price - from 280 to 380 rubles.
  • "Erespal" Is a non-herbal prescription drug. It can be prescribed for cough for children under one year old at the discretion of the doctor. The cost is from 220 to 400 rubles.
  • "Lazolvan" - oral solution, also not related to herbal preparations. It is allowed for therapy in babies from one year of age. Costs from 140 rubles.
  • "Prospan" - syrup containing dry ivy extract. It can be used for wet coughs in children from birth. Price - from 300 rubles.

Also, the analogues of "Herbion" include preparations with marshmallow, "Pectolvan-ivy", "Pectolvan C", "Ascoril" and syrup "Licorice root".


Reviews about the experience of using "Herbion" for the treatment of children are ambiguous. Many parents claim that the remedy helped very well to relieve the child from coughing, and the first results were not long in coming - after 5-6 days it became easier. But there are also reviews in which parents refer to the complete uselessness of this herbal preparation for a child. When faced with the choice of a cough remedy, most parents prefer herbal preparations, since they consider them the safest for the child's health.

Some of the negative reviews describe a situation in which the child was taking several cough suppressants at the same time (there are parents who are sure that something can be achieved not by quality, but by quantity). In this case, the lack of effect from "Gerbion" is quite justified, since the manufacturers in the official instructions for the drug indicate that the drug interacts poorly with an abundance of other cough suppressants, the withdrawal of sputum, on the contrary, may be difficult. According to reviews, Herbion with ivy tastes good, which cannot be said about plantain syrup.

For an overview of Herbion cough syrup, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to give steam to kids (July 2024).