
Prospan for children: release forms and instructions for use

Cough is a common symptom of respiratory diseases. This is a protective reaction of the body, which is undesirable to suppress. Its task is to cleanse the bronchi from pathogens and toxins. However, spasms and too viscous secretions interfere with such cleansing.

Expectorants are used to help the cough fulfill its natural function. One of them is Prospan, an effective herbal preparation that is prescribed for both adults and young patients. How does it affect the respiratory tract, in what doses is it prescribed for children and what drugs are its analogues?

Release form

Prospan is a product of the German pharmaceutical company Engelhard Arzneimittel, which produces it in two forms.

  • Syrup... Such a medication is sold both in dark glass bottles containing 100 or 200 ml of medication, and in 5 ml portioned sachets (such a remedy is called Prospan sachet and is presented in a box with 21 sachets). The syrup has a brown tint, normally it is a little cloudy, and during storage, a sediment may appear in it. It tastes sweet and smells like fruit (in bags) or cherries (in bottle).
  • Drops... This form of Prospan is more liquid, its color is dark brown, and the smell is alcohol-fennel. The drops are placed in glass bottles with a dropper stopper. One bottle can contain 100, 50 or 20 ml of medication.


The main component of all Prospan forms is the extract obtained from the leaves of climbing ivy. This is a dry extract, for the extraction of which 30% ethanol is used, but in the process of making the syrup, the alcohol evaporates, so this form does not contain alcohol, as well as sugar or dyes.

The concentration of the extract in 1 ml of syrup is 7 mg. Each of the sachets, which immediately contain 5 ml of the drug, contains 35 mg of the extract.

For a sweet taste, long-term storage and a liquid state, sorbitol, citric acid and xanthan gum, as well as water and potassium sorbate are added to such a medicine. The syrup also contains levomenthol inside the sachet. For a pleasant smell, fragrances are added to the preparation.

Unlike syrup, Prospan drops contain 96% ethyl alcohol. The dosage of ivy extract in this form of medication is 0.02 g per 1 ml (30 drops). In addition, the drops contain sodium saccharin, water and oils from peppermint, anise and fennel fruits.

Operating principle

Ivy extract in Prospan has the following properties:

  • Mucolytic. The medication lowers the viscosity of the sputum formed in the respiratory tract. It becomes more liquid, but practically does not increase in volume.
  • Expectorant. Prospan facilitates the separation of liquefied sputum and makes the cough productive (moist).
  • Spasmolytic. The drug acts on the bronchi and expands them, preventing their spasms and constriction.

Also, the drug has some anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.


The reason for prescribing Prospan to a child is a cough, which is called unproductive. He is agonizing due to very viscous phlegm, the child coughs heavily and cannot sleep normally.

The medicine is in demand in children with bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, acute respiratory infections and other diseases.

It can be given both in chronic pathologies, as in acute inflammation.

At what age is it allowed?

Prospan syrup is a safe drug that is prescribed from birth. It can even be given to an infant if there is evidence for this. Since Prospan sachet sachets are not stored after opening, this form of medicine is prescribed for children over 6 years old.

As for Prospan in drops, their ingestion is contraindicated in children under one year old, and inhalations with this agent, due to the increased risk of laryngospasm, are not prescribed until the age of two.


A common contraindication for both forms of the drug is hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Syrup is also not prescribed for fructose intolerance and some other problems with the digestion of carbohydrates.

Inhalation with drops is unacceptable for babies with bronchial asthma and a tendency to laryngospasm.

If a small patient has a traumatic brain injury or a brain disease, it is necessary to prescribe Prospan in drops with extreme caution. Doctor's supervision is also required when using drops in babies with liver pathologies.

Side effects

Due to its plant base, Prospan can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the medication must be canceled immediately. In addition, sorbitol in the syrup when using this form can cause loose stools in some children.

Instructions for use

To dispense the syrup, use the measuring cup attached to the bottle, and Prospan in drops is dripped into a spoon and given to the patient undiluted. However, if the child is small, it is permissible to mix the product with a small amount of water, which should not be hot. To make it easier to give medication to the smallest children, you can use a syringe without a needle.

It is recommended to shake both drops and syrup before use so that all components of the drug are evenly distributed in the liquid.

If Prospan sachet is used, then the sachet should first be kneaded with your fingers, and then opened and given to the child. It is best to take the medication before meals.

As for the dosage of the drug in childhood, it will be as follows:

  • Babies up to a year only give Prospan in syrup in a single dose of 2.5 ml. The frequency of taking this medication is twice a day.
  • Child 1-3 years old syrup is prescribed in the same single dosage (2.5 ml per dose), but it can already be used three times a day. At this age, drops can already be prescribed - they are taken 3-5 times a day at a dose of 10 drops per dose.
  • Children 3-6 years old syrup is given three times a day, 2.5 ml, and drops - from 3 to 5 times a day at a dose of 15 drops per application.
  • For patients over 6 years old a single dose of syrup is 5 ml. They can be given not only a drug from a bottle, but also one sachet per appointment. The frequency of application is 3 times a day. As for the drops, from the age of seven, their single dosage can be increased to 20 drops.

The duration of the application of Prospan is determined by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, but the minimum duration of therapy is 1 week.

If the symptoms of the disease have passed, it is advised to continue taking the remedy for a few more days to consolidate the action. If the child drinks syrup or drops for 2-3 days and his condition does not change or worsens, you should consult a doctor and change the treatment.


With a dry cough, the doctor may prescribe Prospan in the form of inhalations, which, like taking the medicine inside, help to make the phlegm less viscous and speed up recovery. The procedures require a nebulizer.

Inhalation can only be carried out with Prospan in the form of drops. Such a medication is poured into the nebulizer chamber at a dose of 20-25 drops, and then pure water is added to it (a 1: 2 ratio is used for dilution). The procedures are carried out 3-5 times a day.


Exceeding the dose of any form of medication leads to loose stools, an attack of vomiting, or severe nausea. Such symptoms were noted if the amount of syrup drunk by the child exceeded the recommended dosage by 3 times. In such situations, the remedy must be canceled and the child must be shown to the doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs

Prospan should not be used in conjunction with medications that affect the cough reflex. Such a combination of medications will worsen the condition of a small patient, since Prospan will thin phlegm, and an antitussive agent will prevent it from being removed from the bronchi.

The use of Prospan together with antiviral or antibacterial agents is permitted.

Features of sale and storage

Both versions of Prospan are over-the-counter, so they are freely available. On average, for 20 ml of drops you need to pay from 300 to 340 rubles, a bottle with 100 ml of syrup costs about 400-450 rubles, and the price of one box of Prospan sachet is about 540 rubles.

Storage of the medication in any form is recommended by the manufacturer at temperatures below +25 degrees. For storage, you must definitely choose a dry place in which children will not find the drug, because due to its sweet taste, an overdose is possible for children with easy access.

If the drug has become cloudy or its taste has changed slightly, this is considered the norm and does not in any way affect the healing properties of Prospan.

The syrup has a shelf life of 3 years, drops - 4 years. Such restrictions apply to sealed preparations and opened drops. However, after the first use of a syrup produced in a bottle, it is permissible to store it for no longer than 3 months.


There are many positive reviews about the use of Prospan in children. According to the parents, the drug has a fairly quick effect and helps to get rid of the cough in a few days.

The syrup is especially praised, since this drug without alcohol is approved even for infants and rarely causes unpleasant side effects. Mothers of schoolchildren prefer sachets, calling the packaging of this Prospan form the most convenient, because such a product does not need to be diluted or dispensed, but you just need to open the bag and drink.

Prospan in drops also receives good reviews from parents and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky. Its advantages are called a natural base, economical consumption and the possibility of long-term storage. In addition, only this drug can be poured into a nebulizer and used for inhalation. Most children like the taste of both forms of the drug.

Among the disadvantages of syrup are usually called its high cost (because of this, many mothers are looking for an analogue cheaper) and a reduction in the shelf life after opening the bottle. The main disadvantages of drops are the presence of alcohol in the composition, the risk of allergies and the difficulty of determining how much solution remains inside the bottle, since it is made of dark glass and is completely sealed with a label.


If it is impossible to use Prospan, you can replace such a medicine with another remedy with a similar therapeutic effect. Among the effective analogues there are both herbal preparations and medicines with a different composition.

  • Gedelix. It is a preparation similar to Prospan, as it also includes dry ivy extract and is available in two forms - drops and syrup.
  • Lazolvan. Such an ambroxol-based drug, represented by a solution or syrup, can be used at any age, even with prematurity. It can also be replaced by other medicines containing ambroxol (Ambrobene, Flavamed, etc.).
  • Bronchipret. This syrup contains 2 plant extracts at once - from ivy and from thyme. This medicine is used in children over 3 months old. There is also Bronchipret in drops, but it contains higher concentrations of extracts, so it is prescribed from the age of six.
  • Bromhexine. This syrup is effective for dry cough and, if indicated, can be used from birth. The drug is also presented as a solution that can be drunk and used for inhalation.
  • Herbion ivy. This is another Prospan analogue that includes ivy extract. This syrup is used in children over 2 years old.
  • Dry cough medicine. This medicine, in which there are several active ingredients at once, is available in bottles and sachets in dry form. After dilution with water, such a drug is allowed for children of any age.
  • Dr. Theiss. This syrup acts on phlegm due to plantain extract. It is prescribed for children over 1 year old.
  • Fluditek. This syrup is based on carbocisteine. The medication is prescribed for coughing from 2 years of age and can be replaced with Bronchobos or Libeksin Muko syrups containing the same active ingredient.
  • Erespal... Such a syrup based on fenspiride helps to eliminate inflammation and spasms in the bronchi. It is used for acute laryngitis, pharyngitis and other diseases in children over 2 years old.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell about cough and its proper treatment in the next video.

Watch the video: Prospan Special-Ivy-Extract EA 575 Mode of Action (July 2024).