
Breast elixir for children: instructions for use

Parents quite often face such a problem as cough in children. Some of moms and dads immediately run to the pharmacy for advertised medicines that should "immediately get rid of the annoying cough", but a large part of adults want to use natural-based, not synthetic drugs to treat their little ones. One of such effective medicines is "Breast Elixir". Whether it is possible to give it to children and how to do it correctly, we will tell you in detail in this article.

What it is?

The drug called "Breast Elixir" is combined. It contains both natural ingredients and chemical compounds.

The main component of the product is licorice rhizome extract. This plant is a well-known "fighter" against coughs and is part of many mucolytic drugs.

Licorice effectively destroys many types of bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a relaxing effect on the bronchi, and strengthens the immune system. It contains a specific substance - glycyrrhizin, which promotes active secretion of the upper respiratory tract, thus, at a faster rate, mucus is formed in the bronchi, which we call phlegm. Together with her, during expectoration, pathogens are "evicted" from the body, which caused the disease.

The second most important component of the "Breast Elixir" is anise oil. It is a pleasant taste and smell product obtained from anise seeds. It has a systemic anti-inflammatory effect, having a beneficial effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the entire body as a whole. Anise is an excellent sedative, natural antidepressant that improves mood, gently calms the nervous system and makes the child's sleep stronger and healthier.

Anise seed oil in the elixir acts as a faithful assistant to licorice root. It promotes the formation of bronchial secretions, and anise contributes to its liquefaction and rapid removal.

This is where the plant components end and chemical compounds begin. The preparation contains ammonia. It is not used in its pure form, therefore, in the "Breast Elixir" the substance is introduced in the form of a 28% solution with ammonia. This mixture is able to stimulate those parts of the brain that are responsible for normal breathing. Ammonia is a strong antiseptic, so pathogenic bacteria cannot resist, in addition, it irritates the bronchial epithelium, nerve endings, which is an important stimulus for the removal of formed and already liquefied bronchial secretions.

In addition to the main active ingredients, there are auxiliary substances in the "Breast Elixir". Nothing more, just plain purified water and ethyl alcohol.

When is it appointed?

Instructions for use prescribe to give this remedy for various ailments of the respiratory system. The drug shows high efficiency in laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis of various forms (including chronic). The drug is also prescribed in combination with the main therapy for conditions such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis. The drug significantly eases the manifestations of bronchial asthma.

Usually "Breast Elixir" is recommended for dry coughs, when it is important to start the process of sputum formation and discharge as soon as possible. In some cases, the drug is prescribed to patients with a productive wet cough if the sputum is too thick and it is significantly difficult to pass it.

Many parents cannot immediately determine the nature of their child's cough. In order not to be mistaken and not to harm the baby, it is best to show the child to a doctor who will listen to him and decide on the advisability of prescribing the "Breast Elixir" for this particular child.

For kids

"Breast elixir" is equally respected by pediatricians and parents of children who are often ill. This remedy can and should be given to children for coughs. True, if they are already 2 years old. Until this age, the medicine is not prescribed. The fact is that during the neonatal period and up to 24 months, the human bronchi are weak, the diaphragm is imperfect, and therefore the increased secretion can lead to the fact that the child simply chokes on his own phlegm.

In addition, the preparation contains alcohol, which is undesirable for young children. And licorice root and anise can cause a strong allergic reaction in infants.

Mode of application

"Breast Elixir" comes in the form of a thick, sweet solution for oral administration. The product is sold in glass bottles, the lid of which acts as a measuring cap, for which it is convenient to dispense the product:

  • Children from 2 years to 6 years old are given no more than 15 drops of the elixir three times a day.
  • For children from 6 to 10 years of age, a single dose can be up to 20 drops, the frequency of administration is the same.
  • For adolescents from 12 years old, an adult dose is prescribed, which is from 20 to 40 drops at a time three times a day.

This method of use is indicated in the official instructions for the drug. But quite often, doctors recommend determining the children's dosage, starting from age, at the rate of one drop of the drug for each year of life after 2 years. For example, if a child is 3 years old, he needs to be given 3 drops at a time, if 5 years old - five drops, etc.

The first dose of the drug is best done in half the required dose. This will allow you to see if the child is allergic to the components of the "Breast Elixir".

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it lasts from 5 to 7 days. The elixir should be taken 30 minutes after a meal or an hour before it. Children are advised to dilute the drug in a little water or unsweetened tea (not milk!). After your baby has swallowed the medicine, give him plenty of water to drink.

Possible side effects

Only optimists and poorly informed adults are sure that herbal preparations do not harm the child's body. In reality, this is not at all the case. The instructions for the "Breast Elixir" indicate several points that it is advisable to avoid when taking the drug. There is only one contraindication - intolerance to any of the substances in the composition.

There are several possible side effects:

  • Digestive disorders. While taking it, indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting may develop, the child may begin to complain of abdominal pain.
  • Allergy. If the child, after a dose of the medicine, after a few hours, began to develop a rash, itching, coughing intensified, a burning sensation appeared in the throat, here in the mouth, tears flowed, breathing is difficult.
  • Swelling. If the drug is taken longer than the period indicated by the doctor or if you do it uncontrollably when you want, fluid may accumulate in the tissues of the body.
  • Heart rhythm disorder. Such a consequence may occur in case of an overdose of the drug or the simultaneous intake of "Breast Elixir" and another cough remedy based on licorice rhizomes.

In all these cases, you should immediately stop taking the "Breast Elixir", inform your doctor about it.

If an allergic reaction with respiratory failure develops rapidly, Quincke's edema is possible, you should immediately call an ambulance for the child. The same should be done if the child has arrhythmia.

With caution, the drug should be given to children with impaired brain function, liver and kidney disease, if the child has recently suffered a head injury.


"Breast elixir" can be taken simultaneously with antiviral agents, with antibiotics. However, it cannot be combined with the intake of corticosteroids, as well as antitussives with codeine in the composition, whose task is to "drown" signals from the center of the cough in the brain, to reduce the cough reflex. The agent we are considering will form phlegm, thin it, and another drug will prevent the child from coughing. There will be no way out of the secret, a strong inflammatory process will begin - pneumonia.

Do not take the remedy at the same time with other mucolytic cough medicines. This can lead to excessive bronchial secretion.

To make your recovery faster, it is usually recommended to use different cough remedies at different times. For example, in the morning, at lunchtime and in the afternoon you give your child to drink "Breast Elixir" in the prescribed dosage according to age, and at night just before going to bed you give the expectorant "Bromhexin". In this alternate way, you can combine cough elixir with "Mukaltin".

The cost

"Breast elixir" belongs to the category of inexpensive drugs available to all segments of the population. The average cost of a bottle in Russian pharmacies for 2017 is 20-30 rubles. In addition, the drug is available in online pharmacies, where its price starts at 16 rubles.


Many of the adults are familiar with the "Breast Elixir" since their own childhood, because it was this drug that we were treated by grandmothers and mothers. Over the past decades, little has changed, the tool continues to be popular. Most of the reviews about him are positive. Only a small part of mothers complain about minor allergic manifestations in the child and stool disorders.

Some parents, according to reviews, have difficulty trying to get the child to drink the medicine. Licorice, indeed, has a specific smell and sugary taste. In this case, you can dilute the medicine with your child's favorite juice or fruit compote.

Do not trust the numerous reviews on the Internet, in which it is proposed to mix "Breast Elixir" with "Mukaltin" tablets or effervescent "ACC" for a stronger effect. Above, we told why this should not be done.

Watch the program of children's doctor Komarovsky, from which you will learn the rules for treating cough in children.

Watch the video: Daily Dose Ep51: How To Feed Problem Babies Colic, Reflux, Constipation, Allergy (July 2024).