
Syrup "Bronchipret" for children: instructions for use

In the treatment of cough in children, syrups containing herbal ingredients are especially in demand. One of them is Bronchipret. When is this medicine prescribed, how is it dosed, and in what cases is it not recommended to give it to children?

Release form

Bronchipret syrup is a light brown liquid with a pleasant thyme scent. Usually, such a medicine is clear, but during storage a small precipitate may form in it, which is considered the norm. One bottle can contain both 50 ml of syrup and 100 ml of medicine. The bottle is equipped with a dosing device (allows you to measure drops) and is supplemented with a measuring cup.

In addition to syrup, such a drug is also produced in drops. They are also presented in bottles of 50 and 100 ml, they are a liquid with a thyme scent and a light brown tint, but differ in a higher concentration of active ingredients.


Bronchipret syrup has a plant base that includes:

  1. Thyme herb as a liquid extract. Such a component is contained in an amount of 15 grams per 100 grams of the drug.
  2. Ivy leaves, also a liquid extract. The content of this ingredient in 100 g of syrup is 1.5 grams.

Such plant extracts are supplemented with ethanol (it takes 7% of the total volume of the drug), maltitol syrup, citric acid, purified water and potassium sorbate.

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Operating principle

The main action of Bronchipret syrup is an expectorant. Its herbal ingredients:

  • Reduces the viscosity of mucus.
  • They have a bronchodilator effect.
  • Reduces the severity of inflammation.
  • Accelerate the removal of phlegm from the respiratory tract.


The reason for prescribing Bronchipret in syrup is both acute and various chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract, in which a cough occurs and viscous sputum is formed. The medicine is especially in demand for bronchitis and tracheitis.

From what age is it allowed to take?

You can give Bronchipret syrup to children from 3 months of age, but when treating small children, prior consultation with a doctor is desirable. If the child is 6 years old, Bronchipret can be given in drops.


Bronchipret in syrup is not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components. Since the composition of such a medication includes ethanol, its use in liver pathologies, brain diseases or epilepsy should be very careful.

Side effects

In some children, taking Bronchipret syrup leads to an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use

The syrup is shaken and the child is given to drink after meals three times a day undiluted, after which it is advisable to drink the drug with water. The duration of treatment with Bronchipret is 10 to 14 days. If the syrup has been taken for 14 days and no improvement is noted, you need to see a doctor.

The dosage of the drug for children at one time can be determined in different ways:

  • Calculated by age. Babies of the first year of life over 3 months are given the medicine in a dose of 10 to 16 drops. To determine the number of drops for a child 1 year old and older, add 3 drops to 17 drops for each year of life. For example, a 3-year-old child is given the drug at a dosage of 17 + 6 = 23 drops.
  • Calculated by weight. For children under the age of one year, the dosage will be the same as calculated by age. To determine the number of drops, a child over 1 year old needs to add the number of drops corresponding to the weight of the baby in kilograms to 10 drops. For example, a child weighs 14 kilograms, then he needs 10 + 14 = 24 drops for 1 dose. In addition, in the annotation to Bronchipret there is a table for average dosages in accordance with the body weight of a small patient.
  • Measured with the supplied glass... For babies under one year old, they measure 1.1 ml of the drug, for a crumbs 1-2 years old - 2.2 ml of syrup, a child 2-6 years old - 3.2 ml of medicine, and at the age of 6-12 years - 4.3 ml of Bronchipret per appointment ... If the child is 12 years old, the syrup is collected in a glass up to the 5.4 ml mark.


If you give your child Bronchipret at a dose higher than recommended, loose stools, vomiting, or abdominal pain may occur.

Interaction with other drugs

The medicine is not recommended to be combined with antitussive medicines, as well as with drugs that block sputum production. Such combinations can worsen the child's condition. Taking Bronchipret does not affect antibiotic treatment.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Bronchipret syrup should be stored away from moisture and direct sunlight. The temperature at the storage location should be below +25 degrees Celsius. In addition, the medicine must be out of reach of young children. Its shelf life is 3 years.

Terms of sale

Bronchipret is an over-the-counter medication, so it can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. On average, the price of one 50 ml bottle of such syrup is 180-200 rubles.


Parents respond mostly positively to the use of Bronchipret syrup in children. They confirm that such a medicine effectively relieves cough and does not cause side effects. Mothers like that such a drug has a plant base, although in some babies this becomes the cause of allergies. Negative reviews are very rare. In them, parents either note the lack of effect, or complain about the content of alcohol in the composition.


Choosing an analogue to Bronchipret syrup, you can use other herbal cough medicines:

  • Primrose syrup Herbion. It contains primrose extract supplemented with thyme extract. The drug is prescribed from the age of two.
  • Dry cough medicine. This herbal medicine includes licorice and marshmallow extracts and anise oil. According to the doctor's prescription, it can be used even in babies up to a year.

  • Althea syrup... The main component of such an expectorant drug is an extract from the roots of marshmallow. It is prescribed for children over a year old.
  • Bronchipret TP film-coated tablets... They contain extracts of thyme and primrose. This drug is prescribed from the age of 12.

  • Eucabal syrup. In such a herbal medicine, thyme extract is combined with plantain extract. Treatment with this syrup is permissible from 6 months of age.
  • Prospan syrup... Such a remedy based on ivy leaves can be used to treat coughs in babies from birth.

  • Gedelix syrup... This drug is also made from ivy leaf extract, so it can be prescribed even in infancy.
  • Plantain syrup Herbion. At the heart of this herbal medicine, plantain extract is combined with mallow extract. It is permissible to prescribe the drug from 2 years of age.

Watch the video: Wick Medinait Erkältungssirup bekämpft Ihre Erkältung über Nacht (July 2024).