
ACTS 200 powder for children: instructions for use

One of the very popular mucolytic drugs is ACC 200, so it is often prescribed for coughing with viscous sputum. But is such a medicine suitable for children?

Release form

ACC 200 is produced in two forms:

  • Powder, packaged in 3-gram portion bags. It is represented by homogeneous white granules that smell like honey and lemon. There is also orange powder on sale. One pack contains 20 packs of medicine.
  • Effervescent tablets. The manufacturer offers packs of 20 of these white round tablets with a blackberry flavor.


The active substance in ACC 200 is acetylcysteine, which in each tablet or in each serving packet contains, as the name implies, 200 mg. ACC 200 powder also includes sucrose, sodium saccharinate, ascorbic acid and flavorings (lemon and honey). Orange granules contain saccharin and sucrose in addition to vitamin C and orange flavoring for a sweet taste.

Additional substances in the tablets are citric acid, milk sugar, bicarbonate, saccharinate, sodium citrate and carbonate, mannitol, ascorbic acid and blackberry flavor.

For video instructions about the drug, see below.

Operating principle

The main action of acetylcysteine, which is contained in ACC 200, is mucolytic. Such a substance directly affects the phlegm in the respiratory tract, changing its rheological properties. This is due to the ability to destroy the bonds of mucopolysaccharides in sputum, as a result of which the viscosity of the secretion decreases. In this case, the drug does not lose activity, even if pus is present in the sputum.

Also, acetylcysteine ​​has antioxidant properties, because it is able to neutralize oxidative radicals and stimulates the formation of glutatathione. The result of this action will be an increase in cell protection and a decrease in the intensity of inflammation.

For a video review of the ACC 200 preparation in powder form, see below.

Can I give it to children?

The instructions for use clarify that the use of acetylcysteine ​​is allowed from the age of two. In this case, a single dose for children under 6 years of age is usually 100 mg of the active substance, so you have to divide the sachet or tablet in half. ACTS 200 is intended for use over 6 years of age.


Doctors prescribe ACC 200 if necessary to improve sputum separation and thin it. The medicine is prescribed in childhood for:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchiolitis or bronchitis.
  • Chronic lung diseases, including obstructive.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • Otitis media.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Lung abscess.


The drug should not be taken in such situations:

  • If the child has an intolerance to acetylcysteine ​​or other components of the medication.
  • If peptic ulcer disease has worsened.
  • If blood is found in the sputum.
  • If the baby has glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • If pulmonary bleeding is detected.

Prescribing a medicine requires increased attention from a doctor if a child has bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands or liver. The granules should not be given to children with fructose intolerance or sucrase deficiency.

Effervescent tablets are contraindicated in case of lactose intolerance or lactase deficiency.

Side effects

  • ACTS 200 can provoke allergieswhich manifests itself in children with a skin rash, low blood pressure, itching, swelling, hives, or tachycardia. Anaphylactic reactions are very rare.
  • The respiratory system of children can react to ACC with shortness of breath, and in bronchial asthma, the medicine is the cause of bronchospasm.
  • In some children, under the influence of ACC, the digestive system may suffer, which is manifested by dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, loose stools, stomatitis, vomiting or abdominal pain.
  • Occasionally taking ACC provokes headaches, tinnitus, fever, or bleeding.

Instructions for use and dosage

ACTS 200 powder must be diluted and given to the child to drink after meals. For one sachet, take half a glass of liquid, which can be represented not only by water, but also by cool tea or juice. Effervescent tablets are diluted with water only.

The prepared solution should be drunk shortly after preparation. Due to the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition, the diluted medicine can be stored for up to two hours after it is diluted with liquid.

The dose of the medication will depend on your age:

  • At 2-6 years of age, a child is given 200-300 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day. Since the daily dosage is divided by 2 times, a single dose will be 100-150 mg. In most cases, half a packet of ACC 200 is taken at one time. If tablets are used, then for a child under 6 years of age, an effervescent tablet should be broken into halves and only 1/2 mixed with water. However, at this age it is more convenient to use the medicine ACC 100.
  • At the age of 6-14 years, the daily dosage will be 300-400 mg of acetylcysteine, therefore, a single dosage is most often represented by a whole sachet or a whole effervescent tablet of ACC 200, and the medicine is taken 2 times a day.
  • Children over 14 years of age are given 400-600 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day, dividing this dosage into 1-3 doses. At this age, it is already permissible to use the ACC Long drug.

The duration of treatment for ACC 200 should be determined by the doctor, but in acute pathologies without complications, the drug is often prescribed for 5-7 days.


If the dosage of ACC for the child is too large, the baby's body will react to the drug with nausea, loose stools or vomiting. You can help in such a situation with symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

  • It is not recommended to dissolve tablets or ACC powder in one glass with any other medicines.
  • When you take activated carbon, the activity of acetylcysteine ​​will decrease.
  • It is unacceptable to prescribe ACTS 200 and any antitussive drugs, since an inhibited cough reflex can cause stagnation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • With the appointment of ACC and bronchodilators, their effectiveness increases.
  • Some antibiotics (cephalosporin, penicillin, tetracycline), when interacting with acetylcysteine, lose their antimicrobial activity, so a pause should be made between such medications, taking them at least 2 hours apart.
  • The simultaneous appointment of ACC 200 and nitroglycerin or other vasodilating drugs causes a more pronounced vasodilating effect.

Terms of sale

To purchase ACC 200 in a pharmacy, a prescription from a doctor is not required. The average cost of a package with 20 sachets is 130 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The temperature at the storage place of the ACC 200 should not exceed + 25 ° С. ACC 200 sachets have a shelf life of 4 years from the date of release, and effervescent tablets - only 3 years. After removing the effervescent tablet from the tube, check the tightness of the packaging.


Mostly positive reviews are left about the drug ACTS 200. Mothers who gave such a drug for coughing to babies note a rather high efficiency and a low frequency of side effects. The tool facilitates the excretion of phlegm and accelerates recovery. At the same time, the taste does not cause protest in most children.


Instead of ACC, other drugs with the same main component can be used, for example, a Swiss remedy Fluimucil or a domestic drug Acetylcysteine... It is also possible to replace with other drugs with a mucolytic effect, for example, preparations of carbocysteine ​​or ambroxol.

Watch the video: How to use a flexhaler inhaler (July 2024).