
Exportal for children: instructions for use

Constipation can be called one of the most common problems in childhood. The normal functioning of the digestive system of babies is important for their health, well-being, immunity and growth. Therefore, in order to normalize the stool, doctors prescribe harmless drugs with a laxative effect to children, for example, "Exportal".

Such a remedy has a delicate effect on the intestines, does not contain dyes and various chemical additives, and also has a neutral taste. Thanks to these qualities, it has become widespread and is in demand among parents.

Release form and composition

"Exportal" is a white crystalline powder, packaged in sachets of 5 and 10 grams (one pack contains from 6 to 20 sachets), as well as in plastic containers of 200 and 500 grams.

The main ingredient in the drug is called lactitol. It is in the form of a monohydrate is the only component of the powder, that is, there are no other substances inside the sachet or container.

Operating principle

Lactitol contained in Exportal is an oligosaccharide that is obtained from milk sugar. When it enters the intestines, it begins to be broken down by beneficial flora and becomes organic low molecular weight acids. The formation of such acids increases the osmotic pressure, which makes the feces more voluminous and softer, as a result of which they leave the digestive tract faster, and the bowel function is normalized.

The effect of "Exportal" is observed within 24 hours after taking the powder, since it takes some time for the drug to enter the large intestine and begin to be processed by bacteria. Sometimes the effect of lactitol is noted only on the second or third day of use, which is also the norm.

If the drug is used for hepatic precoma or encephalopathy, then due to a decrease in the pH of the intestinal contents and an increase in osmotic pressure, ammonia and other nitrogen toxic substances from the blood pass into the feces, after which they leave the body. This leads to an improvement in the condition of patients with such pathologies.


Constipation is the main reason for using "Exportal" in both adults and children. The drug is also in demand in situations where it is necessary to induce a stool and cleanse the intestines, for example, if a child is to undergo an endoscopic examination or surgery on the rectum. In addition, "Exportal" is used for dysbacteriosis, hepatic encephalopathy, elevated blood ammonia and hepatic precoma.

Exportal can be used to relieve constipation in children over one year old.

If a baby has a problem, you should consult a doctor so that he prescribes a laxative that has been approved from birth.


The powder is not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to lactitol, and since it is obtained from lactose, Exportal is also prohibited in case of lactase deficiency, malabsorption of glucose and galactose, galactosemia and fructose intolerance. The drug is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction or suspicion of this pathology (the remedy should not be used for severe abdominal pain until the cause is clarified), as well as for organic damage to the digestive tract.

In addition, "Exportal" should not be used for dehydration and rectal bleeding. Since the caloric content of the powder is low, and the glucose level does not increase after taking the drug, diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for the use of such a drug.

Side effects

When a child is just starting to receive "Exportal", he may complain of bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, as well as painful sensations. In most cases, the digestive tract will soon adapt to the drug and all these ailments disappear.

Sometimes taking "Exportal" in a therapeutic dose can cause diarrhea. With such an individual reaction, a dosage reduction is required.

Instructions for use

The powder is mixed with any liquid food or drink, such as juice or tea, and then given to the child once in a daily dose during any meal. The dosage of "Exportal" is selected individually for each patient - it must be sufficient to obtain a therapeutic effect (the child must have daily bowel movements).

For some children, it is enough to give the drug in the minimum age-specific dosage, but often for a stable effect of the drug, it is required to use several days in higher doses, after which the amount of powder per day is reduced. Usually the medication is prescribed as follows:

  • for babies from one to six years, "Exportal" is given with half a teaspoon (2.5 g), but often the dosage is increased to a full spoonful of powder (5 g);
  • a child of six to twelve years old, the doctor usually prescribes 5-10 grams per dose, that is, one or two teaspoons of the drug per day;
  • in adolescence, treatment begins with two teaspoons (10 g), but the dosage can be more - 3-4 spoons, that is, 15-20 g per dose.

The indicated doses are prescribed for constipation, and the duration of taking "Exportal" is agreed with the doctor. If necessary, the agent can be given for a long period (several months). For other indications, the amount of powder is different and is assigned individually.


If you exceed the dose of the powder, it will provoke diarrhea, and in some children, overdose causes vomiting and abdominal pain.

To eliminate such symptoms, the dosage must be reduced or the drug withdrawn, and electrolyte imbalances caused by diarrhea must be corrected with rehydration solutions.

Compatibility with other medicines

Since the pH in the intestine decreases under the influence of lactitol, it is not recommended to take any medications two hours before using the powder and within 2 hours after taking "Exportal".

Terms of sale and storage

The purchase of "Exportal" in a pharmacy does not require a prescription, but the use of such a product in childhood should be monitored by a doctor, a preliminary examination by a pediatrician is recommended. The average price of six 5 g sachets is 220-240 rubles, ten 10 g sachets - 330-350 rubles.

Store the drug at home at room temperature. The shelf life of the powder is 5 years.


The use of "Exportal" is generally well received by children. It is praised for its mild action, positive effect on normal gut flora, and minimal risk of side effects. According to the mothers, “Exportal” quickly adjusted the child's regimen. The drug is called very convenient to use, because you need to drink it only once a day and can be mixed with any food.

The disadvantages of the drug include the appearance of flatulence in the first days of treatment. You can also see reviews in which parents note that the drug did not help the child, and they had to give the baby another medication.


If you need to replace "Exportal" with another remedy for constipation, the doctor may prescribe another laxative medicine that is approved for children.

  • Microlax. Such a solution based on sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate and sodium citrate is placed in plastic tubes used for microclysters. It can even be used in newborn babies.
  • Forlax. This powder contains macrogol, effectively stimulates bowel movements and does not provoke addiction. The solution made from it is used in children over six months old.
  • "Glycelax". Such glycerin-based suppositories can be used in children over three months old. They reflexively stimulate the contraction of the intestine, which leads to rapid emptying after the introduction of the suppository.
  • "Normaze"... This syrup acts due to lactulose and can be replaced by Duphalac, Portalac and others. It not only stimulates bowel movements due to the hyperosmotic effect, but also has a positive effect on the microflora. The drug is allowed to be used from birth.

Dr. Komarovsky tells more about laxatives in the next video.

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