
Desal for children: instructions for use

When choosing an antihistamine for treating allergies in a child, preference is usually given to drugs that quickly help relieve unpleasant symptoms, but do not depress the central nervous system. One of them is Dezal. This medication represents the third generation of antihistamines and is often used in pediatric practice.

Release form and composition

Desal comes in two forms.

  • Solution to be drunk. Unlike analogs in syrup, it is more liquid, transparent, without any shade. One bottle of this "Desal" contains from 50 to 300 ml of the drug. It is supplemented with a 5 ml syringe or a 2.5 or 5 ml measuring spoon.

  • Pills, which have a dense film shell of a bluish tint. There is an engraving "LT" on one side of the medicine. The tablets have a convex round shape and are sold in blisters of 10 pieces. One package contains 10 to 30 tablets.

Both forms of the medication work by a substance called desloratadine. Its amount in 1 ml of liquid "Desal" is 0.5 mg, and in one tablet - 5 mg. Additionally, the solution contains sodium citrate, sucralose, flavor, propylene glycol, and other compounds. Tablet medicine includes macrogol, microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol, corn starch and other inactive ingredients.

Operating principle

As already noted, "Desal" by its mechanism of action belongs to the group of antihistamines. That is, it blocks receptors sensitive to histamine, which is of great importance for the development of allergic reactions. Under the influence of this drug, which is referred to as the metabolites of another well-known antihistamine (loratadine), the inflammatory reaction in allergies is inhibited, and the substances that participate in it cease to be released from mast and other cells.

This can help prevent or reduce allergy symptoms, such as reducing swelling or itching. The effect of "Desala" begins to manifest itself within half an hour after taking it and lasts up to 24 hours. At the same time, the medication practically does not act on the nervous system, therefore, the sedative effect during treatment with such a remedy does not appear in most patients.


"Desal" is in demand for various manifestations of an allergic reaction. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for hives, rashes and other skin symptoms of allergies. In addition, the drug is prescribed for rhinorrhea, sneezing, lacrimation, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, itching in the nose and other signs of rhinitis or conjunctivitis of an allergic nature.

At what age is it prescribed?

In liquid form "Desal" can be used for babies over one year old. Due to the higher dose and the presence of a film shell, the tablet preparation is not prescribed until the age of 12.


None of the forms of the drug can be taken by children with hypersensitivity to desloratadine or to one of the auxiliary components. If the patient has severe kidney damage, treatment requires medical supervision. Solution "Desal" due to the presence of sorbitol in the composition is contraindicated in children with hereditary diseases, in which the absorption of carbohydrates is impaired.

Side effects

When treating with Desalom, the following may appear:

  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • skin rash and other symptoms.

If the patient has any of the negative reactions to the medication, you need to stop taking Desal and consult a doctor so that he can prescribe another treatment.


The instructions for use say that meals do not affect the use of any form of Desal. The drug in tablets is prescribed for children over 12 years old, one tablet per day, that is, 5 mg of desloratadine per day. Liquid medicine is also taken once a day in a dose that depends on age:

  • if the child is older than one year, but he is not yet six years old, then at one time he is given 2.5 ml of solution, which corresponds to a dosage of 1.25 mg;
  • if the patient is from 6 to 11 years old, then a single dose of desloratadine for him is 2.5 mg, therefore, such a child is given 5 ml of liquid "Desal" at a time;
  • if the drug was prescribed instead of tablets to a teenager over 12 years old, then a single dose will be 10 ml of solution (that is, as with the solid form, he will receive 5 mg of the active ingredient per day).

Overdose and drug interactions

According to research data, exceeding the dose of Desal up to 45 mg does not pose a danger to the health of the child, but it can provoke drowsiness. In case of an overdose, it is recommended to flush the stomach and consult the patient with the attending physician. With regard to compatibility with other medicines, then, according to the manufacturer, there was no effect of "Desal" on the action of other drugs.

If you have doubts about the possibility of simultaneous administration with any other drug, it is worth discussing this with your pediatrician.

Terms of sale

There are no difficulties with buying Desal in pharmacies, because both of its forms are products that are sold without a prescription. However, when purchasing medicine for a child under twelve years of age, a doctor's consultation is required.

The cost of the drug differs depending on the form, as well as on the volume of the solution in the bottle and the number of tablets in the pack. For example, the price of a bottle containing 100 ml of solution is 320-350 rubles, and for 10 tablets you need to pay an average of 230-240 rubles.

Storage features

Both forms of "Desal" can be stored at room temperature (you do not need to put the solution in the refrigerator), choosing a dry place in which the medicines will be hidden from children. The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years, and the solution is 3 years. After the first application of the liquid medicine, it does not change. If the date marked on the box of the drug has passed, the expired medication must be thrown away.


There are many good reviews on the Internet about the use of "Desal" for children. In them, the remedy is called effective and inexpensive (when comparing prices for similar drugs). Often mothers choose a solution, because it is easy to dose and can be given from 1 year old. Most children like the taste of such a drug, and side effects are very rare, but in some cases they do happen. The latter fact is responsible for the appearance of a small number of negative reviews.


If Desal is not in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with any other medicine with desloratadine as the main ingredient. These drugs are:

  • "Blogir-3";
  • "Nalorius";
  • Desloratadine;
  • "Lordestin";
  • Elisey;
  • Erius;
  • Desloratadin-Teva;
  • "Ezlor";
  • "Desloratadine Canon".

All these analogues of "Desal" are produced in coated tablets (except for "Blohir-3", the solid form of which is represented by tablets for resorption) containing 5 mg of the active ingredient. They, like the tableted "Desal", can be given from the age of 12.

If you need an analogue of the Desal solution for a younger child, then choose one of the syrups containing desloratadine at a dosage of 0.5 mg / 1 ml. In this form, "Erius", "Lordestin", "Eliza" and "Blogir-3" are produced. These medicines are used for babies over one year old. As for the treatment of infants, "Desal" can be replaced with drugs that are allowed under the age of one year, for example, "Zirtek" drops.

For more information about the drug "Desal" and its analogues, see the next video.

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