
Ketotifen for children

The modern drug market offers a large selection of anti-allergy drugs. One of them is "Ketotifen", which is often used for adults with allergic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and other diseases that provoke allergens. Not everyone knows whether it is possible to give such a medication to children when it is used in childhood and what analogues can be replaced.

Release form

Ketotifen is produced by several domestic companies, but there is also a Bulgarian drug on our market called Ketotifen Sopharma. They are presented in two forms that are used for children of different ages:

  • Syrup. It is a viscous transparent liquid of yellowish color or colorless, which smells like vanilla or strawberries. One bottle contains 50 or 100 ml of such a medicine. A 5 ml measuring spoon or a measuring cup is attached to the bottle.
  • Pills. They have a white color, a round flat shape and a slight specific smell. They are packaged in blisters of 10 and sold in packs of 10-60 tablets.


The main component of the drug is ketotifen fumarate or hydrogen fumarate. In terms of ketotifen, its dosage in 5 milliliters of syrup, as in one tablet, is 1 mg. Auxiliary substances of the syrup can be sodium saccharinate, citric acid, ethyl alcohol, sucrose, sorbitol, purified water and other compounds. The solid drug may additionally include milk sugar, magnesium stearate, MCC, starch, and other ingredients.

Operating principle

Ketotifen has the ability to influence mast cells (stabilize their membranes). This action prevents the release of histamine and other active substances from these cells. Since it is this release that occurs during an allergic reaction, the drug effectively eliminates various allergy symptoms.

In addition, "Ketotifen" interferes with the accumulation of eosinophils in the tissues of the respiratory tract and is able to prevent asthma attacks (prevent bronchospasm, but not expand them). This medication blocks histamine receptors, which is also important for eliminating or preventing an allergic reaction.

The drug taken orally is very quickly and almost completely absorbed, and meals do not affect the absorption of the drug.

The maximum concentration of its active substance is determined in the blood 2-4 hours after ingestion, but the therapeutic effect does not appear immediately, but after 6-8 weeks from the beginning of use. After metabolic changes, most of the drug is excreted in the urine.


"Ketotifen" is in demand:

  • For the prevention of bronchial asthma attacks as part of complex treatment.
  • For allergic bronchitis.
  • With atopic dermatitis.
  • For allergic rhinitis.
  • With hay fever.
  • With urticaria.
  • With inflammation of the conjunctiva of an allergic nature.

From what age is it allowed to take?

"Ketotifen" is not prescribed in the first 6 months of life. Babies over six months are prescribed medicine in the form of a syrup. The tablet form of the medication is used in the treatment of children who are 3 years old. If a child over 3 years of age has difficulty taking solid medicine, syrup can be given.


A medication is not prescribed if a small patient has an increased sensitivity to any of its ingredients. In case of epilepsy or liver disease, the use of "Ketotifen" should be monitored by a doctor.

Side effects

  • Taking "Ketotifen" can cause drowsiness and affect the speed of mental reactions, slowing it down. The medicine can cause mild dizziness. These negative symptoms usually appear at the beginning of treatment and soon disappear.
  • Sometimes the child's body can react to syrup or pills with increased appetite, dry mouth, or dyspeptic symptoms.
  • In rare cases, the drug provokes weight gain, the appearance of cystitis, or a decrease in platelet levels.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • The medication is given to children twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Food intake does not affect treatment with Ketotifen, but it is recommended to take the agent with meals.
  • For children aged 6-36 months, a single dosage is 500 mcg, which corresponds to 2.5 ml of syrup.
  • A child over 3 years old is given 1 mg of the drug at a time. This dose of the drug is contained in 5 ml of syrup or in one tablet.
  • The remedy is often prescribed for a long course of 2-3 months, and "Ketotifen" is canceled gradually, reducing the dosage over several weeks.


A very large dose of "Ketotifen" causes drowsiness, disorientation, bradycardia, shortness of breath, convulsions and other dangerous symptoms. In children, overdose is often manifested by increased excitability. If it is detected, it is necessary to provoke vomiting and give the baby laxatives or activated charcoal, immediately calling an ambulance.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking the medication enhances the healing effect of many drugs, including sedatives, antihistamines, or sleeping pills. If in bronchial asthma or allergic bronchitis "Ketotifen" is used together with bronchodilators, their dosage can be reduced. The simultaneous appointment of "Ketotifen" and oral hypoglycemic agents leads to reversible thrombocytopenia.

Terms of sale

The drug belongs to prescription drugs, therefore, before purchasing it, you need to visit a doctor with your child and take a prescription. The average price of 30 Ketotifen tablets is 30 rubles. A syrup of both Russian and Bulgarian production costs about 75 rubles per bottle.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of unopened syrup and Ketotifen tablets is 3 years (Sopharma tablets are 4 years). Until it expires, the medicine can be kept in a dry place at room temperature. In this case, the drug should be protected from sunlight and inaccessible to a small child. After opening the bottle, the syrup is stored for only 1 month.


There are a lot of good reviews about the treatment with "Ketotifen". They confirm the effectiveness of such a remedy for various forms of allergies and praise the drug for an affordable cost. According to parents, the medicine helps to get rid of allergic cough, dermatitis, runny nose and other manifestations of allergic diseases. Mothers like that for little patients, the medicine is released in the form of a syrup, the taste of which does not cause protest among most children.

There are also negative reviews. Some note the lack of the expected effect. Sometimes parents complain that the remedy helped only at the first admission, and repeated treatment was ineffective. Many mothers speak badly about the medicine because of the side effects that have appeared - for example, drowsiness and nervousness. Parents do not like the need to take the drug for a very long course.


Instead of "Ketotifen", drugs with the same effect can be used - for example, drugs based on cromoglycic acid ("Intal", "Krom-allerg", "KromoGEXAL"). In addition, antihistamine drugs may be prescribed for children with allergies.

The most popular are:

  • Claritin syrup, the active substance of which is loratadine. This remedy does not provoke drowsiness and can be used for urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and other diseases. The drug is used from the age of two and is also available in tablets, which are prescribed for children over 3 years old.
  • Drops "Zyrtec". This is one of the cetirizine preparations approved for use in children from 6 months of age. The medication is in demand for seasonal rhinitis, angioedema, food allergies, urticaria and other diseases. In solid form (coated tablets), it is prescribed from the age of 6.
  • Suprastin tablets... The main component of this drug is chloropyramine. The remedy is prescribed for children over 3 years old. The medication is also available in an injectable form, which is in demand at high body temperature, which is dangerous for the child (used together with "Analgin").
  • Erius syrup. Such a sweet medicine based on desloratadine is used for itching, sneezing, rashes and other manifestations of allergies in children over a year old. Erius is also available in film-coated tablets, approved from the age of 12.
  • Drops "Fenistil". The main advantage of such a preparation containing dimethindene is the possibility of using it for children from 1 month. The medicine is also represented by local forms (gel, emulsion), prescribed for allergic skin lesions.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you which antiallergenic drugs are best for treating a child in the following video.

Watch the video: Zaditen Ketotifen TabletsLiquidDrops (July 2024).