
"Barberry comp" ("Job-baby") for children: instructions for use

Many mothers trust homeopathic remedies, considering them harmless and effective. Especially often they resort to such drugs if the baby is often sick and recovers for a long time with ARVI. Homeopathy against enlarged adenoids and tonsils is no less popular, which, judging by the reviews, helps to avoid surgical treatment.

One of the homeopathic remedies capable of acting on adenoid growths and inflamed tonsils is "Barberry Comp". Such a drug, produced by the Talion-A company, is also called "Job-baby". It is often prescribed in childhood for both adenoids and chronic tonsillitis.

Release form

"Barberry Comp" is sold in glass bottles, inside which are spherical white, white-cream or white-gray granules. They have a sweet taste and no smell. One bottle contains 20 grams of these granules.

In the form of tablets, drops, solution or other forms, "Job-baby" is not available.


The drug belongs to complex homeopathic remedies, as it includes not one, but several active ingredients at once.

The action of "Job-baby" on the tonsils is due to the following four components:

  • substances from barberry berries, in which the homeopathic dilution of D4;
  • iodine, which is in granules at a dilution of D6;
  • substances from the steep (this plant is also called Eupatorium perfoliatum), the dilution of which is also D6;
  • substances from western thuja (occidentalis), presented in the preparation at a dilution of D12.

The base of the granule is sugar grains, due to which they taste sweet. There are no other ingredients in the preparation.

Operating principle

The effect of "Barberry Comp" on the upper respiratory tract is provided by the complex effect of all the ingredients of the drug.

  • Thanks to the substances from the ripe fruits of the common barberry, which gave the name to the drug, "Job-baby" reduces the activity of the inflammatory process. This homeopathic ingredient is called berberis fructus and it works well for colds and also helps to eliminate toxins.
  • The addition of iodine to the granules is due to the influence of this homeopathic component on the overgrown adenoids. In addition, the substance "iodum" affects the acute inflammation of any mucous membranes.
  • Substances from the Compositae plant, called the steep, have a tropism for the respiratory system. Due to their inclusion in the composition of the drug "Job-baby" helps with fever, hoarseness, runny nose, cough, headaches.
  • The substances from the thuja coniferous tree present in the "Barberry Comp" have proven themselves well in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. They help to get rid of chronic rhinitis, are indicated for hypertrophied adenoids and nasal polyposis.

Granules not only have a local anti-inflammatory effect, but also affect the child's body as a whole. Moreover, their ingredients are not converted into some kind of toxic compounds and are unable to accumulate in tissues. This was confirmed by studies in which children with chronic tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids participated.

When supplementing the intake of granules with physiotherapy, the child's condition improved significantly already in the first weeks of treatment, the inflammatory process gradually decreased, and soon the symptoms of tonsil inflammation disappeared. In addition, after the Barberry Comp course, a decrease in puffing and snoring at night was noted, and the frequency of colds while taking the granules decreased several times compared to the group of patients who were not given Job-Baby, but were prescribed only physiotherapy.


Taking into account the action of the granules, "Barberry Comp" can be prescribed to a child for the following purpose:

  • if a small patient is diagnosed with an increase in adenoids, regardless of its degree or the presence of complications;
  • if the child often catches a cold and suffers viral infections of the nasopharynx for a long time;
  • if the baby has acute tonsillitis or chronic inflammation of the tonsils has worsened.

At what age are they used?

Treatment with Job-Baby is contraindicated for children under three years of age. If a drug is needed for a patient of an early age, then together with a doctor, an analogue is selected that can be used up to 3 years.

It is impossible to give granules to a baby or toddler 1-3 years old, and a child 3-6 years old should dissolve them under the supervision of an adult.


It is prohibited to use "Barberry Comp" only in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of such granules. The manufacturer does not note other reasons to refuse treatment with this remedy. However, if the baby has any serious pathologies, then before using "Job-baby" you need to inform the doctor about it.

Side effects

Most often, the drug is tolerated normally, and no negative symptoms are noted. However, "Barberry Comp", like any other homeopathic remedy, can cause primary deterioration. This is the name of the temporary deterioration of the child's condition at the beginning of taking the granules. In addition, in rare cases, an allergic reaction may develop to the drug, in which it is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to dissolve the granules, but you can also bite or gnaw. There is no need to wash down the product with water, as it has a neutral taste. Since food can weaken the effect of the components of "Barberry Comp", the drug is given, if possible, half an hour or more before meals, and if the child has had breakfast or a snack at other times of the day, the granules should be absorbed no earlier than half an hour later.

If the disease is acute, then "Job-baby" is given twice a day. After five days of admission, you need to take a break for two days.

It is better to check the dosage with a doctor, but usually the drug is prescribed as follows:

  • a child 3-6 years old is given one granule for one year of life, for example, if a child is 4 years old, then his single dose will be 4 granules;
  • at the age of 6-12 years, a single serving is 8 granules;
  • from the age of twelve, 10 granules will be required at one time.

The duration of admission for acute infections is usually 7-10 days. If the agent is used prophylactically, then it is recommended to take "Barberry Comp" for a longer period. The average duration of a preventive course is 6 weeks. In this case, the granules are given once a day only three days a week, that is, the drug is not used for 4 days.

Sometimes such a remedy is prescribed for a whole year or longer, despite the fact that an improvement in the condition can be noted already after two to three weeks from the beginning of taking the granules. If, during treatment, the existing symptoms suddenly began to worsen, the manufacturer advises to stop giving "Barberry Comp" for 5-7 days, and then resume therapy.

If the negative reaction reappears, you need to consult with your doctor about changing the dosage regimen, for example, taking a 3-day break after 4 days of taking.


Since the granules "Barberry Comp" are considered harmless and do not contain toxic substances, accidental excess of the dose of such a drug should not provoke any undesirable phenomena. Although there have been no cases of overdose until now, because of the sweet taste, it is recommended to store the drug so that babies cannot get it.

If the child swallows a lot of granules, his condition should be monitored by giving the crumbs a sorbent, and if it worsens, consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the annotation to the granules, which is attached to the bottle, the drug is compatible with other homeopathic remedies and can be used in combination with any medications that are also prescribed for angina, inflammation of the adenoids and other indications for taking Barberry Comp.

Terms of sale

It is not required to obtain a prescription for "Barberry Comp" from a doctor before purchasing such granules in a pharmacy, but it is recommended to examine the child before starting treatment. This is necessary for the doctor to confirm the need to use this remedy and, if necessary, supplement it with other necessary prescriptions. The average price of one bottle is 180-200 rubles.

Storage conditions

To prevent the granules from losing their properties, the bottle of "Barberry Comp" should be stored in a dry place, where the sun's rays will not fall. The recommended storage temperature for "Job Baby" is below 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the product is 3 years. It is imperative to look at the package so as not to accidentally give your child an expired product.


Most of the reviews about "Barberry Comp" are positive. In them, mothers note a good healing effect and an affordable cost. According to parents, one bottle is enough for a long time, children often like this remedy, and side effects are extremely rare.

The disadvantages usually include the need for a fairly long intake for a sufficient effect. Negative reviews are left in cases where the remedy did not fit the child (did not improve the condition in any way) or provoked an allergy.

The opinion of doctors about "Barberry Comp", as well as about other homeopathic preparations, is different. Some doctors include it in the treatment of their patients and note a good effect. Other experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, call "Job-baby" a remedy, the effectiveness of which has not been proven.


If it is necessary to replace "Barberry Comp" with a similar remedy, the doctor may recommend another homeopathic remedy that is used for the same indications. Several funds can be allocated.

  • "Angin-Khel SD"... This drug based on arnica, hepar sulfuris, phytolacca, atropa belladonna and some other substances can be given from 3 years of age. Such tablets should be resorbed both in chronic inflammation of the tonsils and in acute infections when the tonsils are inflamed. However, the use of this agent in patients 3-12 years old is recommended under medical supervision.

  • Tonsillin... Such a drug in drops, which is also called "Edas-125", is prescribed for acute angina and adenoiditis, as well as in cases where chronic tonsillitis has worsened. The drug acts on the tonsils thanks to hepar sulfur, mercurius solubilis, substances from thuja, barium carbonicum and substances from hemlock. It can be used at any age and can be substituted with a pellet-shaped analog called "Edas-925".

  • "Lymphomyosot"... These drops are often used in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, since the agent has an anti-exudative, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect. The solution is based on geranium, Dubrovnik, gentian, pine, forget-me-not, horsetail and other homeopathic substances. According to the instructions, drops are contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, but in practice, some doctors prescribe such a remedy at any age, if indicated.

  • "Tonsilotren"... Such tablets contain potassium dichromate, hepar sulfuris and atropine, as well as silicium and mercurius biiodatus, due to which the drug reduces inflammation of the tonsils and stimulates the restoration of their tissues. This remedy is recommended to dissolve and with angina, and with enlarged tonsils, and after their removal to prevent complications. Children are discharged from it from the age of three.

  • "Tuya Edas-801"... The main component of such oil is thuja oxydentalis. The remedy is indicated for chronic rhinitis, adenoiditis or otitis media. It can be dripped into the nose at any age, but an ENT consultation is required first.

For more information about the drug "Barberry comp" ("Job-baby"), see the next video.