
Homeovox for children: instructions for use

Such a homeopathic remedy as Homeovox is in demand for pathologies of the respiratory tract, for example, with laryngitis. Is it legal for children and can it be used to prevent voice problems?

Release form

The drug is produced in tablets, packed in packs of 60 pieces. They have a convex shape on both sides, a white shell and a sweet taste, and there is no smell.


Homeovox belongs to the combined homeopathic remedies, since it includes both herbal and non-herbal ingredients. The medicinal plants, from which the active substances of the tablets are obtained, are represented by aconite, arysema, calendula, steppe, belladonna, sea sponge and poplar. They are supplemented with minerals such as iron phosphate, soluble mercury, hepar sulfur and potassium dichromate.

In addition, there are excipients inside the tablets, thanks to which the drug has a dense structure and a sweet taste. These are lactose, magnesium stearate, starch and sucrose. The Gomeovoksa casing is made from gelatin, beeswax, acacia gum, sucrose, carnauba wax and talc.

Operating principle

Homeovox components help eliminate hoarseness and restore voice. They have anti-inflammatory effects as well as mucolytic effects. Taking this remedy accelerates the recovery from throat ailments and improves the quality of the voice.


The main reason for prescribing Homeovox is laryngitis in acute or chronic form. This medication is also used for other voice disorders, for example, if hoarseness appears or fatigue of the vocal cords is diagnosed.

From what age is it allowed to take?

The use of Gomeovoks in children is recommended from 1 year old. For babies of the first year of life, such a remedy is contraindicated. Children who are one year old (for example, at 2.5 years old or at 5 years old) are given tablets in the same dosage as adults.


Homeovox should not be given not only to children under one year old, but also in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components, lack of lactase or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Side effects

In rare cases, intolerance to pills occurs. There are no other significant negative reactions other than allergy to the drug.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • A single dosage for children over one year old for both treatment and prevention is represented by two tablets.
  • For therapeutic purposes, the drug is given every hour between meals. After improving the condition, they switch to a five-time dose per day (this is a supportive treatment).
  • For prophylactic purposes, tablets are given 5 times a day.
  • The agent must be kept in the mouth until the tablet is completely absorbed.
  • For a child aged 1 to 6 years, the tablet is first dissolved in warm boiled water (200 ml), and then allowed to drink this liquid.


When taking more tablets than the instructions recommend, the toxic effect of the drug was not detected.

Drug interactions

The drug is compatible with any other drugs, for example, you can give Gomeovox together with Imudon, Paracetamol, Biseptol and other drugs prescribed for laryngitis.

Terms of sale and storage

Homeovox is freely available in pharmacies without a prescription. On average, the price of a pack of 60 tablets is 260-300 rubles. You need to store the product at home in a place hidden from children at a temperature of + 15 + 25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


Most of the parents' comments about Gomeovoks are positive. In them, mothers confirm that this remedy quickly enough helps with loss of voice and sore throat. The advantages of the drug are called pleasant taste, natural composition, harmlessness for children over one year old, affordable cost. Only in rare reviews do they complain that the pills did not help or caused allergies.


Preparations with the same composition as that of Gomeovoks are not available. If replacement is required, the doctor may recommend other lozenges or tablets that are prescribed for laryngitis, for example, Strepsils, Dyshi, Doctor Mom, or Travisil.

Briefly about homeopathic remedies, see the next video. Commentary provided by Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: סרטון 4 שתילה בערוגה גן ילדים (June 2024).