
Aqualor Throat for children: instructions for use

If a child has a sore throat, parents are interested in safe and natural medicines for children that have a minimum of harmful effects, especially when it comes to treating a baby. One of these tools can be called "Aqualor Throat". It is often used for various diseases of the oropharynx, both in adults and in young children.

Release form and composition

The drug "Aqualor Throat" is produced in two packaging options - 50 ml (such a "mini" format tool is convenient to take with you on a trip and is often bought for the first time to check portability) and 125 ml (this option is calculated at the cost of 1 ml is cheaper). Both the one and the other "Aqualor" are placed in a metal balloon, which has a special one-way valve to maintain sterility. The balloon comes with a special anatomical nozzle designed for throat treatment.

The medicine itself is a colorless liquid that smells like chamomile and tastes salty. It is completely transparent and contains natural seawater from the Atlantic Ocean as its main ingredient. Plain water (purified) and two plant extracts are added to it. One of them is obtained from Roman chamomile, and the other from aloe vera. Both extracts are represented by a 0.025% solution.

Since the amount of sodium chloride in Aqualore Throat is from 19 to 23 grams per liter, such a solution is called hypertonic (in contrast to the isotonic solution in Aqualor Baby). There are no other components in the composition of the drug, apart from water and plant extracts. The drug does not contain any preservatives and ethyl alcohol.

Operating principle

Sea water in "Aqualore Throat" acts as a source of nutrients (chlorine, selenium, sodium, magnesium, iodine, etc.), and due to the hypertonic concentration of salt, treatment with the drug draws excess fluid from cells and intercellular space. This action is associated with different osmotic pressure. Thanks to him, the treatment with Aqualor Throat helps:

  • reduce the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • reduce swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the throat and different parts of the mouth;
  • eliminate purulent plaque, bacteria and viral particles from the tonsils, throat and mouth;
  • to strengthen local protection against the attack of pathogenic microbes and viruses;
  • accelerate the regeneration of the oropharyngeal mucosa.

Chamomile extract in Aqualora Throat is a natural antiseptic, and aloe vera has the ability to enhance local immunity. Both of these components help to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the hypertonic seawater solution.


"Aqualor Throat" is most often prescribed if the child has sore throat and the mucous membrane is inflamed. Such a remedy is prescribed for chronic tonsillitis, chronic or acute pharyngitis, as well as for angina or laryngitis. It is also in demand for stomatitis, epiglottitis, periodontitis or gingivitis. In addition, this drug can be used to gargle for prophylaxis in order to prevent acute respiratory infections during an epidemic. It is also prescribed for children who have undergone any dental surgery or throat surgery.

At what age is it prescribed?

The use of "Aqualore Throat" is allowed from 6 months of age. If the treatment of the oropharynx is needed by an infant in the first months of life, such a remedy should be replaced with an analogue.


Spray should not be used in children only with individual intolerance. There are no other restrictions on the treatment with such a drug.

Side effects

Usually there are no negative effects when using Aqualora Throat. Negative symptoms are possible only in children with intolerance, but such cases are rare.

Instructions for use

Before using Aqualora Throat, wipe the nozzle with alcohol or dip it into boiling water, then put it on the bottle. The drug is used to irrigate the throat of a small patient from 4 to 6 times a day, or more often if necessary. For one treatment, 3-4 spray injections are used, and the balloon nozzle is directed to the inflamed areas. For example, if your baby has tonsillitis, the spray should be directed at the tonsils.

After irrigation, the child is not given food for about 30-40 minutes.

Overdose and drug interactions

Exceeding the dosage of "Aqualore Throat" does not threaten any negative phenomena. Even if the child accidentally swallows the solution, it is completely safe. As for compatibility with other medicines, Aqualor Throat does not interfere with the use of any other medicines. On the contrary, when treating the throat with other topical agents (antibiotics, antiseptics, etc.), such a spray helps to enhance their effectiveness. To do this, spray "Aqualor" before spraying other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

"Aqualor Throat" refers to non-prescription drugs and costs an average of 330-370 rubles per bottle with a capacity of 125 ml. The shelf life of this drug is 3 years. Until it has expired, it is recommended to keep the can in a dry place where children cannot reach the product. The temperature at which the spray should be stored should be within + 5 ... +25 degrees.


You can see a lot of good reviews about the use of Aqualor Throat in children. According to the parents, this remedy helps with various diseases of the oropharynx, and is also convenient to use. The medication is praised for its useful composition, the ability to use from an early age and the absence of side effects. The disadvantages of the spray include only its high price and salty taste.


If there is no opportunity to use "Aqualor Throat", the doctor can replace it with other drugs with similar therapeutic effects, which are prescribed for diseases of the throat and mouth. Among them are "Miramistin", "Oralsept", "Tantum Verde", "Cameton", "Hexoral", "Yoks" and other antiseptic agents. However, they differ in active ingredients and have different age restrictions.

In addition, such drugs have different contraindications, so it is best to entrust the selection of an analogue to an ENT specialist, pediatrician or other specialist.

Dr. Komarovsky tells about what to do for parents if a child has a sore throat in the next video.

Watch the video: Full A-Z phonic sounds FOR REFERENCE (July 2024).