
What should be normal blood urea during pregnancy? Reasons for deviations

Pregnancy is a time when all physiological processes in the female body are different. This is caused by the altered hormonal background that occurs during the bearing of the baby. Urea is an important clinical indicator that also changes during different periods of pregnancy.

What it is?

Protein metabolism is one of the most important in the body. Its activity increases significantly during the intrauterine development of the baby. The final process of protein metabolism is accompanied by the formation of carbamides (urea) in the blood.

These substances are quite dangerous for the body. Their excessive accumulation can cause very dangerous pathologies for both the expectant mother and her baby. By their chemical structure, these substances can be attributed to ammonia products.

Later they are excreted through the kidneys and urinary tract. So 90% of urea is excreted from the body. The remaining urea is removed through the skin. This removal of the breakdown products of protein metabolism is very important. This helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances.

Due to various pathologies, the concentration of urea in the blood can vary. Deviations can be both upward and downward. A variety of causal factors lead to the development of these conditions in the body.

Normal values

In order to determine the concentration of urea in the blood, a biochemical analysis is performed. For this, a small amount of venous blood is taken.

This study is carried out both in an ordinary women's clinic, but also in a private laboratory. The therapist must decipher the results obtained. If necessary, the doctor can refer the patient for additional research.

During different periods of pregnancy, the concentration of urea is different:

  • In the very first weeks from the moment of conception until the end of the first half of pregnancy, this figure is 2.5-7.1 mmol / l.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, the concentration changes to 2.5-6.3 mmol / l.

Decreased values ​​of urea and creatinine

Urea in the blood can be lowered during pregnancy due to a variety of pathologies of the internal organs of the expectant mother. The liver is an organ that is actively involved in protein metabolism.

Diseases that can cause low blood urea levels include cirrhosis, hepatitis, neoplasms and tumors, as well as overuse of certain medications.

These conditions significantly reduce the formation of end products of protein metabolism, which is manifested by a decrease in urea in the blood.

Pituitary pathology, accompanied by the development of acromegaly, can also contribute to the development of this condition. In this case, excessive release of growth hormone leads to a decrease in urea in the blood. This biologically active substance is synthesized in the anterior half of the pituitary gland. Unfortunately, this pathology can be treated only with the help of surgical treatment.

Eating habits are also becoming a common cause leading to a decrease in blood urea levels. If the expectant mother consumes few protein products, then this can lead to the development of this pathology in her. A pathological decrease in the concentration of urea in the blood occurs in women, practicing vegetarian food style.

Urea can also be low in women who use improperly selected diets or practice fasting. In this case, protein metabolism is also significantly disrupted. Before making recommendations, a specialist must definitely pay attention to the woman's diet.

Kidney disease, accompanied by various functional disorders, can provoke a decrease in urea in the blood. This pathological condition includes nephrotic syndrome. In this case, other concomitant changes are also detected in the blood - hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia and hyperlipidemia.

Diseases accompanied by an increased release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) contribute to an increase in the total volume of circulating fluid. This condition provokes a decrease in the concentration of urea in the blood.

Pregnancy is a physiological condition in which blood urea can decrease. The active work of the urinary system also contributes to the development of this condition. Urea is significantly reduced, usually in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

In order to separate the norm from pathology, it is imperative to monitor the course of pregnancy. For this, a woman preparing to become a mother should undergo biochemical tests to determine this indicator regularly.

Bowel pathologies, accompanied by malabsorption, can also lead to the development of this condition. Doctors call this pathology malabsorption. Chronic enteritis or irritable bowel syndrome often leads to the development of such a condition.

Chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by a change in the work of the pancreas, causes a significant violation of protein metabolism. In some cases, the development of this condition can also lead to and tumor formations of this organ.

The toxic effects of various substances also lead to a significant decrease in blood urea. Phosphorus or arsenic poisoning can cause this condition.

A significant decrease in the level of urea in the blood can also be detected after dialysis. This procedure is prescribed for women with severe kidney or other organ pathology, accompanied by severe renal failure.

Increased blood urea

A wide variety of diseases of internal organs can lead to an increase in this indicator. Many of them are extremely dangerous. Most often, various pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as liver diseases, lead to the development of this condition.

When detecting an increase in blood urea levels, doctors say about the presence of uremic syndrome. A variety of reasons can lead to the development of this condition. In this situation, additional diagnostics are required, which will be aimed at establishing the cause that caused this pathology.

An accumulation of excess carbamides can lead to the development of many symptoms in a woman. A pregnant woman begins to get tired faster, she develops severe nausea and appetite is disturbed. Often, expectant mothers complain about the appearance of increased gas formation in the abdomen and the development of pain in the right side.

Certain cancers and leukemias can cause blood urea levels to rise significantly. This condition can also develop after severe burns or toxic poisoning.

Various bleeding can also contribute to an increase in blood urea. This condition is caused by a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, which causes an increase in urea in the blood. Also, the consequences of various injuries and damage to internal organs lead to an increase in urea in the blood.

Intestinal obstruction is another pathology that can lead to the development of such a condition.... It is extremely dangerous as it requires urgent surgical treatment.

During pregnancy, there is a great threat to life for both the woman and her baby. Without treatment, the prognosis for the development of this pathology is extremely unfavorable.

For information on why urea in the blood can be increased, and what may be the reasons for this condition, see the next video.

Watch the video: Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Modern Era (July 2024).