
Red blood cells in urine during pregnancy and causes of blood in urine

Carrying a baby is a rather difficult and responsible period. Any pathologies arising at this stage in the mother can lead to adverse consequences for the fetus. The appearance of red blood cells in the urine is a prerequisite for urgent medical attention.

Why do erythrocytes appear in urine?

Normally, there are practically no red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Only a small concentration is allowed. These blood cells appear in the urinary sediment as a result of various pathologies. Most often these are diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.

If erythrocytes are increased in the urine, then doctors call this condition erythrocyturia or hematuria. It is extremely dysfunctional. For expectant mothers - even dangerous. The development of this pathological condition is quite often accompanied by the formation of pathologies in the fetus.

Erythrocyturia can be of varying severity. It depends on how many red blood cells have appeared in the urinary sediment.

If this amount is insignificant, then doctors call this condition microhematuria. A large accumulation of red blood cells leads to the development of a more dangerous condition - gross hematuria. In this case, it can be seen with the “naked” eye.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are necessary for the body to carry dissolved oxygen to all internal organs. A baby growing in the mother's tummy for its development and growth requires a lot of nutrients, which are transferred by red blood cells. The general blood flow system leads to the fact that the mother's pathologies can appear in her baby.

During the carrying of a baby, the need for oxygen supply increases many times. This feature is largely due to the daily changing physiology and anatomy of the fetus. Insufficient intake of substances due to various pathologies of the mother leads to severe hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the baby.

Reasons for the appearance

Doctors identify several clinical variants of hematuria. True pathology is called that occurs in the distal (distant) parts of the kidneys and the initial part of the urinary tract. The erythrocytes that appear in the urinary sediment are called by specialists already "processed".

If the pathological condition was caused by pathologies that have arisen in the lower parts of the urinary tract, but it is called untrue hematuria. The red blood cells that appear in the urine sediment are called "fresh" or untreated kidneys.

A wide variety of pathologies can lead to an increase in erythrocytes in the urine. Quite often they lead to this state chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. These pathologies arise from kidney damage. They are quite common in women. As a rule, these diseases can manifest themselves even before pregnancy.

Inflammatory processes in the urinary tract are also a fairly common cause, leading to the appearance of a large number of red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Various bacterial infections most often cause damage to these anatomical structures.

Also, traumatic damage to the urinary tract can also lead to the development of inflammation. In this case, micro-invasive intervention of urologists may be required.

Chronic cystitis, accompanied by frequent exacerbations, can also cause a large number of red blood cells in the urine. This pathology is accompanied by multiple adverse symptoms. In a sick woman, urination becomes much more frequent, the portions of urine become small in volume. In the lower abdomen there is a "pulling" pain syndrome.

Urolithiasis, accompanied by permanent damage to the urethral mucosa, can lead to multiple damage. This is manifested by the fact that erythrocytes appear in the urinary sediment. Also, with this pathology, the indicators of the general analysis of urine change. It may contain oxalates or urates, and with exacerbation, leukocytes.

The appearance of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment is caused not only by pathologies of the kidneys or urinary system. Diseases of the reproductive organs are common pathologies that contribute to the appearance of erythrocyturia in pregnant women. Erosion of the cervix is ​​accompanied by trauma to the inner epithelial lining. This condition leads to the frequent development of microbleeding, which is manifested by the appearance of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment.

Colpitis and vaginitis are quite common diseases of the genital organs, which can lead to the appearance of red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Perhaps this is mainly due to improper collection of urine. In order to prevent this, Doctors recommend covering the vaginal opening with a cotton swab when collecting an analysis.

Various sexually transmitted diseases occurring with damage to the organs of the urinary and reproductive system also cause an increase in leukocytes in the urine. It is possible to identify these pathologies only when contacting a doctor.

To establish a diagnosis, a whole range of various laboratory tests is required. It is important to note that if such a disease has been established, then both partners should be treated at once.

In late pregnancy erythrocytes appear quite often in the urine. Usually this situation occurs in many expectant mothers. It is due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder and urinary tract. This leads to compression of these organs and pronounced stagnation of fluid, which is manifested by erythrocyturia.

Long-term use of certain medications Is another reason for the appearance of red blood cells in urinary sediment. This situation manifests itself both in early and late pregnancy. Quite often, prolonged use of hormonal drugs leads to the development of this type of pathology.

Internal diseases can also cause the development of erythrocyturia during pregnancy. Women with diabetes have a significant risk of high levels of red blood cells in their urine even before conception. The uncontrolled course of this pathology is very dangerous for the intrauterine development of the baby..

Systemic metabolic disorders and pathologies can also lead to hematuria. One of these diseases is gout, accompanied by a high concentration of urea in the blood. During an exacerbation of this pathology, a pregnant woman may have increased erythrocytes in the urine.

The appearance of erythrocyturia can lead and various adverse effects of the external environment. These include prolonged debilitating stress. Depletion of the nervous and immune systems leads to the aggravation of multiple problems in the urological tract and other internal organs. Ultimately, this can lead to the appearance of leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine.

In some cases, certain types of anemia can cause blood in the urine. Systemic and rheumatological diseases are also triggering factors for the development of erythrocyturia. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a pathology that occurs with kidney damage. In this case, you cannot do without adequate treatment.... When prescribing therapy, doctors always take into account the possible risk of drugs to the fetus.

In some cases, erythrocyturia is an extremely unfavorable symptom and indicates a threat to the baby's life. In such situations, as a rule, not individual red blood cells, but blood appear in the urine. This can happen when uterine bleeding begins. In the later stages, in this way, an incipient placental abruption may appear. This means a strong threat to the fetus.

How to determine?

Detecting the initial manifestations of hematuria is a rather difficult task. With single erythrocytes, this is practically impossible to do. To detect small hematuria, a general urine test is required. This study can be done both in a regular antenatal clinic and in a private laboratory.

The lead time for this analysis is usually short. The readiness of the result is possible within a few hours or by the end of the first day after the delivery of the material. Collect urine for analysis only in a clean, dry container with a screw cap.

A general urinalysis is the basic study required to detect hematuria. Normally, the urinary sediment in women should contain no more than 1 erythrocyte in the studied field of view. During pregnancy, this indicator remains the same. Any deviations from normal values ​​are already considered pathological.

When the level of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment rises to five units, experts speak of the presence of microhematuria. Higher rates already indicate the manifestation of gross hematuria. Both of these pathological conditions require additional diagnostics.

For this, doctors, as a rule, prescribe to hand over material for research on Nechiporenko. This test is more accurate in calculation and helps to accurately establish the severity of the violations that have arisen. Such an analysis can be prescribed by both a therapist and an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy.

What to do if there is an increase in red blood cells in urine?

A high level of red blood cells in the blood is an obligatory reason for referring a future mother to a urologist. This is necessary to exclude kidney and urinary tract diseases, which most often lead to the appearance of this symptom. Also, a woman must be examined and consulted by a therapist.

One analysis is not yet the basis for a diagnosis.... The appearance of erythrocytes in urine requires mandatory rechecking. For this, a repeated general urine test is prescribed, and, if necessary, other laboratory tests, including a study according to Nechiporenko.

After the diagnosis is established, doctors will compose a whole complex of drug therapy. If the cause of the pathology is a bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs will be required. Antibiotics are still undesirable to prescribe in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all internal organs and systems are still in the fetus.

Traumatic pathologies are treated by urologists using microinvasive technologies. The resulting attack of urolithiasis with the discharge of a stone through the urinary tract requires urgent hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital. To relieve a painful attack, you will need the appointment of painkillers and antispasmodics.

Moderate urinary tract infections may require only the appointment of uroseptics. Preparations of choice for pregnant women - products containing herbal ingredients. Medicinal herbs and berries are used as a course method and normalize urine indicators in a fairly short period of time.

Lingonberry leaves and berries, cranberries, as well as ready-made pharmaceutical preparations can be used as medicinal decoctions. Such multicomponent products include, for example, "Kanefron". Its course use allows you to normalize urination and reduce red blood cells in the urine.

If the cause of the appearance in the urine is any disease of the internal organs, its treatment will be required. When bleeding from the uterine vessels begins, the expectant mother must be hospitalized in a hospital due to the strong threat to the life of the mother and baby. In this case, emergency therapy is carried out by obstetricians-gynecologists.

Of course, it is imperative to monitor the erythrocytes in the urine. To do this, the expectant mother should only regularly visit the antenatal clinic and her obstetrician-gynecologist.

Negative dynamics and an increase in the number of red blood cells in the urinary sediment may become an indication for ultrasound examination.

In the next video, you will find an interesting webinar on the above topic.

Watch the video: RBC in urine - how to differentiate from WBCclear explain (July 2024).