
"Lizobakt" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The period of bearing a baby is quite long, and it is not always possible to avoid the use of drugs during these months. For example, the expectant mother may experience stomatitis or worsening tonsillitis. If their first signs appear, then treatment should be started as early as possible, because this will help prevent complications. In addition, most diseases of the oral cavity provoke discomfort and pain, interfere with eating normally and affect the general condition of the patient.

When they appear, some expectant mothers resort to folk recipes for sore throats and coughs, while others rely on special medicines. Usually these are drugs that locally affect the focus of inflammation and pain. One of them is "Lizobact" - one of the few drugs that can be used by a woman in position.

Features of the drug

The medicine is presented in only one form - small round tablets intended for absorption in the oral cavity. They are usually white in color, but they can be yellowish or creamy. The taste of "Lizobakt" is sweetish, and on one side of the tablet there is a dividing risk.

The drug is sold without a prescription in blisters of 10 tablets, and one pack holds 30 tablets. It is recommended to store it at home in a place where small children cannot get it. The recommended storage temperature for "Lizobact" is from 10 to 30 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the tablets is quite long - 5 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the box.

Each of the Lizobact tablets includes two active ingredients at once. One of them is lysozyme at a dosage of 20 mg. It is an enzyme with antiseptic properties. It affects various bacteria and fungi, as well as viral particles. Lysozyme is formed in a certain amount in the human body and is involved in the formation of local immunity. Thanks to this protein substance, the oral cavity and pharynx are protected from infectious agents.

The second active compound of "Lizobact" is pyridoxine hydrochloride. Its dose in one tablet is 10 mg. This vitamin has a protective effect on the mucous membrane and accelerates the healing of various lesions, including aphthae and ulcers. Together, lysozyme and pyridoxine help:

  • reduce the activity of inflammation;
  • eliminate pain when eating and swallowing;
  • enhance local non-specific immunity;
  • accelerate epithelialization if the mucous membrane is damaged;
  • prevent re-infection (relapse).

Among the inactive components of the drug are magnesium stearate, sodium saccharinate, lactose, vanillin and gum tragacanth. These substances are included in "Lizobact" to make the drug dense, keep its shape and have a sweet taste. Their presence is important to consider for women who have an intolerance to such compounds.


Considering the medicinal effects of the tablets, "Lizobakt" is prescribed as an adjuvant for ARVI and other inflammatory diseases in the oropharynx. The medication is in demand in the treatment of gingivitis, herpes, stomatitis (including aphthous), periodontitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and similar pathologies.

Is it used during pregnancy?

The instruction for the pills notes that "Lizobakt" is allowed both during the period of gestation and after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding. Although its components enter the digestive tract with saliva, where they are absorbed in a very small amount, and then transported with the blood and in a certain dose penetrate the baby in the womb, experts assure that they do not harm the child.

According to doctors' reviews, the drug is completely safe in the second trimester, since during this period the laying of the organs of the future baby has already occurred and the active substances of the tablets will not interfere with this.

Short-term treatment with "Lizobactom" is not contraindicated in the last months of gestation. but you should not abuse the drug or use it without a doctor's prescription in the 3rd trimester... The pyridoxine present in the tablets can penetrate into the nerve, hepatic and muscle cells of the mother and the fetus, so the intake should be careful, but it is still allowed, since such a medication does not affect the tone of the uterus and the course of labor.

But regarding the 1st trimester, there are different opinions. Some experts consider "Lizobact" harmless to the embryo, others advise avoiding any medication during the period when all important organs are being formed in the crumbs. AND if the expectant mother for up to 12 weeks has the opportunity not to use medication, then you should not use pills... In the first trimester, taking any drugs is permissible only after a doctor's prescription. If he writes out "Lizobakt" to the pregnant woman, then such treatment will be justified - the risk of exposure to active substances on the fetus will be lower than the likelihood of complications of the disease.


In addition to more careful use in the first trimester, "Lizobact" has other contraindications. Basically, they relate to the risk of an allergic reaction, which increases during gestation. Therefore, if the expectant mother uses such pills in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, you need to carefully monitor your feelings. If any signs of allergy appear (sneezing, rash, itching, runny nose, etc.), treatment should be abandoned immediately.

"Lizobact" should not be used if a woman has:

  • there is a hypersensitivity to pyridoxine, lysozyme or any auxiliary component of the tablets;
  • there is glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • identified a lack of lactase or milk sugar intolerance.

The last two limitations are associated with the presence of lactose in the composition, therefore they apply to many analogues of Lizobact in the form of lozenges, since milk sugar is added to most of these preparations.

Admission rules

For "Lizobact" to work more effectively, the tablet must slowly dissolve in the oral cavity - as long as possible. Chewing and biting such a medicine is not recommended, as well as simply swallowing it with water, because in this case the active ingredients will not have time to penetrate into the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Even if the drug has melted a little, it should be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved under the influence of saliva.

A single dose of "Lizobact" for a pregnant woman should be checked with a doctor... Most often, these are two tablets of medication per appointment, but sometimes the doctor decides that the expectant mother needs to dissolve more or less pieces at a time. The frequency of use should also be determined by a specialist, but on average it is 3-4 doses per day. As for the duration of treatment, usually one course of the drug is 8 days, but in pregnant women, the duration of use is often shorter.

Can it hurt?

Among the side effects of "Lizobact", allergies can be noted, therefore, when using the medicine for the first time, a woman should monitor her condition in order to cancel the medicine in time. Other negative symptoms from taking such pills usually do not develop unless the dose prescribed by the doctor is exceeded. If the dosage is exceeded, the expectant mother may feel numbness or tingling in her arms and legs.

To eliminate these and other signs of overdose, it is important to drink more. This will help remove pyridoxine and lysozyme from the body faster.


The mothers-to-be speak of Lizobactom treatment mostly positively. They find the taste of the tablets pleasant and confirm their effectiveness for sore throat and sore mouth. To improve the condition, they say, even a few days of admission is enough, so a full course of treatment is usually not required.

Almost all women who used "Lizobact" in the first trimester note that this drug did not have any harmful effect on the child. Only in very rare cases did the pills provoke an allergic reaction, due to which they had to be canceled, choosing a replacement. Another reason to use analogs instead of "Lizobact" is the high price - since you need to pay about 260-300 rubles for 30 tablets, women are often interested in cheaper drugs with a similar effect.

What to replace?

If the expectant mother has stomatitis, sore throat or similar problems for which Lizobact helps, but there is no opportunity to use this medication, the doctor will recommend another medicine with a local effect on the oropharynx.

These can be Hexaliz tablets, which also contain lysozyme. It is supplemented with an anti-inflammatory component (enoxolone) and an antiseptic (biclotymol), therefore it is used for the same indications. In addition, contraindications to the use of "Hexaliz" are the same as for "Lizobact". The drug is allowed at any stage of pregnancy, but only in cases where the benefits of such treatment will be higher than the risk to the baby in the womb.

Another option for a local remedy used for sore throat and stomatitis is Faringosept. These popular tablets act on pathogenic bacteria and stimulate the secretion of lysozyme thanks to the substance Ambazon. They can be used in pregnant women as directed by a doctor.

Laripront may also replace Lizobaktu. Such a drug is also produced in tablets for resorption, and its effect on the mucous membrane is provided by a combination of lysozyme and an antiseptic called dequalinium chloride. The medication is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy for the treatment of angina, oral candidiasis, laryngitis, gingivitis and other pathologies. In the second and third trimesters, instead of "Lizobact", "Grammidin for children" can also be used, which includes not only an antiseptic, but also an antimicrobial component.

Instructions for using the drug "Lizobact" are presented in the video below.