
Snow scooters: types and best models

Many adults do not like winter because of the cold weather, difficult weather conditions that make it difficult to get to work or rising utility bills, but childhood is a period when happiness does not depend on the season. If adults are far from always happy with the first snow, then for kids it is always a great joy - at last you can get out the sled and go for a drive from any nearby slide. Today, it is gradually becoming fashionable to buy snow-scooters for children instead of classic sleds, but so far not all parents understand what the difference is, and whether it exists at all.

What it is?

For all its centuries-old provenance, an ordinary sled is not as ideal an invention of mankind as it might seem. Today, in the age of advanced technologies, this type of transport is increasingly criticized for the fact that it is not self-propelled, and does not even provide for passenger control. It turns out that for sledding, you definitely need either a slide (but then it is not known where the child will eventually arrive), or traction power in the form of parents or comrades, whose strengths and desires are not endless.

The simplest snow scooter should at least solve the control problem. For him, he will also need a slide, which will give this transport acceleration, but now the child will be sure that he can dodge a tree that suddenly appeared right along the course or stop in time in front of the roadway, which was unexpectedly close to the starting point. Accordingly, parents feel more confident, for it is now easier for them to decide and let their grown up child go up the hill without the personal accompaniment of their elders.

At the same time, of course, the device can be used by analogy with ordinary sleds - then the baby can be carried through the snow even without a slope.

Moreover, some motorized models are also referred to as snow scooters, which have their own range and operate, as a rule, from an electric battery. If we are talking about a children's model, then it usually cannot be considered a full-fledged transport - the battery's power reserve is not so great, and it is wiser to use it solely for a confident start on an inclined track.

There are also models on which you can go really far, but they are usually sold only in the northern regions and are called snowmobiles, and for children it will be too difficult to operate such a mechanism.

If we talk about a typical "child" configuration, then there is usually no motor at all, but there is a rigid metal frame that serves as the main supporting structure, and flexible plastic skis that can not break on uneven terrain. Many models also include shock absorbers to make skiing as comfortable as possible, and a key feature is the front swivel ski located in the middle and fastened to the steering wheel - thanks to it, you can fit into almost any turn.

Realizing that a child can overdo it with a turn, manufacturers usually limit the angle of a possible turn so that a young rider is not simply "thrown overboard." Another useful bonus is the brake, and in many models there is also a special stopper, which senses the moment at which the passenger fell out, and does not allow his vehicle to drive away light.

An average snow scooter for a child weighs in the range of 5-10 kg, although lighter plastic models without metal parts have been produced recently - such a structure is easier to drag for an independent kid. The design load for such transport is usually within 50 kg, but manufacturers and adults do not deny the opportunity to return to childhood - special snow scooters are produced for them with a permissible load of up to 100 kg.

It should be understood that most types of plastic are not able to withstand very bitter frosts, because in climates with regular cold snaps below 25 degrees, special models with reinforced skis should be selected.

As befits most modern goods, snow scooters differ significantly in design - the consumer has the right to choose the color that suits his taste more or simply will allow him to more effectively find his child in a crowd of other people's children on the hill.

If necessary, you can focus on additional equipment: some prefer to take care of maximum comfort in the form of a soft seat pad, others need ease of transportation by car, which is facilitated by a towing cable, and others want maximum safety from other road users, so they choose models with built-in taillights ...


For our country, a snow scooter still seems to be a rarity, but in fact, manufacturers have already come up with many varieties of this transport, each of which involves certain improvements for the consumer, and is focused on a specific group of the population.

In most of the densely populated territory of our country, the climate is still not so severe for people to buy full-fledged winter transport for themselves, so it is children's models, which are somewhat improved sleds, that are in greatest demand. Snow scooters for children are rarely a miracle of technology - they are usually a fairly simple construction for one child, equipped with the amenities described above - a seat, backrest, steering wheel and brakes.

If there are two children in the family, they are about the same age and get along well with each other, you can not create a special reason for the conflict over skiing, but just buy a two-seater snow scooter. The design for two is fundamentally no different from a single one - here the dimensions are simply increased and all the main parts are strengthened to withstand the increased load. It is worth noting that the model for two can be designed for both two children and a child accompanied by an adult.

Completely different conditions are offered by a snow scooter with a motor, which ideally should be electric in urban conditions - both cheaper and easier. A huge advantage of such a device is that it is already a self-propelled vehicle, and therefore can be used on a flat surface without pulling force. Very young children are usually not trusted with such a technique, because there is a risk that they will not cope with the control or, what good, will become victims of intruders who can run away on the same snow scooter.

Such a miracle is much more expensive than usual, and more often it is purchased for teenagers and adults by analogy with a moped or motorcycle.

Even folding snow scooters have been developed solely for the sake of convenience of storage, although these usually include only those that are not equipped with any motor. When folded, such transport takes up much less space, which is very practical in a cramped apartment located in a city, where snow does not lie all year round.

In addition, snow scooters are also classified by how low or high they are in relation to the level of the skis, how widely they are spaced, and so on. However, this is already technical information, which we will consider below - in the section on the rules for choosing such a transport.

Finally, it should be said that above we all the time talked about snow-scooters, mass produced by industrial enterprises. However, there are still folk craftsmen who are able to make something similar with their own hands. Perhaps no one will be engaged in the creation of motorized self-propelled vehicles with their own hands, but welding a ski to an old bicycle handlebar, and then welding the steering wheel itself to a sled is a task that can be completely solved for a person who knows how and loves to work with his hands.

To create such a design requires minimal engineering thinking, and at least some example in the form of other good snow scooters. On the Internet, you can find many text instructions and training videos on how to avoid common mistakes.

How to choose?

A snow scooter is a device for a kind of sports activities, therefore you need to choose it carefully, because the product is experiencing increased stress and must be safe for the child. For this reason, it is unacceptable to choose the first model that catches your eye - all options should be studied from all sides in order to choose the ideal one.


It is impossible to buy a good product without having a clear idea of ​​what you want to get. The fact is that snow scooters are usually perceived as transport for seated driving, but there are also standing models, and by mistake you can buy something completely different from what you wanted.

Passenger age

Most models of snow scooters have very specific recommendations about how old the passenger should be. For example, children can be carried on a sled even at 1-2 years old, but here you cannot do without traction in the form of parents, and therefore the steering wheel is not particularly needed. Therefore, models are considered useful if they have a steering wheel, but it can be fixed so that it does not interfere yet.

Such models usually acquire a little to grow, but remember that the seat must be comfortable for the child, and for this it must fit in size.

At about 3-4 years old, the child begins to understand the purpose of the steering wheel, but he usually cannot confidently steer at high speed until the age of 6, when a snow scooter with a steering wheel and brakes, launched from a steep hill, begins to fully justify itself. As for the transport with a motor, the timing of its purchase should be determined based on the speed of the baby's growing up, but, perhaps, before ten years, such a gift is still inappropriate. In general, an adult can ride a snow scooter, but you should pay attention to what maximum weight the structure can withstand.


It is easy to guess that a snow scooter descending from a hill at high speed is largely subject to mechanical damage, but the product is in danger from the other side. Children rarely tend to take good care of things, sometimes they are willing to purposefully break something in order to satisfy a simple child's curiosity. For this reason, even at the time of purchase, it will be reasonable to assess the strength of such a product by eye and ask whether replacement parts are produced for it, and where they can be purchased.

Particular attention should be paid to plastic parts - even at best they are still weaker than metal ones, and at worst they cannot be called reliable at all.

The weight

Unlike a sled, a snow scooter assumes a certain independence of the child, who, even with a quick descent, is able to control his transport. It would be strange if such a kid went for a walk exclusively accompanied by his parents, but then his sports equipment should be light enough to lower and raise him up the stairs or drag him up the hill.

Weight is of particular importance when overturning - a heavier structure is more likely to injure the baby. That is why those models are in good demand where there are as many plastic parts as possible - on average, they weigh much less than those where the frame is made of metal.

Seat location and characteristics

The general rule is that a low-seated seat provides increased stability of the entire structure, but makes you feel all the unevenness of the relief. Accordingly, a higher seat for a passenger provides increased rolling softness, but at the same time it is much easier to overturn such a snow scooter. Certain requirements are also put forward for the seat itself - it should be neither cramped nor too spacious, and insulation and soft pads are welcome.

In some models, the seat is specially increased in order to accommodate two passengers at once.


It is this part of the snow-scooter that usually experiences the maximum load, especially since for the softness of the ride it is often made of elastic plastic. The task of the parents is to find some balance between the rigidity sufficient for long-term service, and the softness that will save the child from bruises at the "fifth point". It is worth paying attention to the location of the skis: the wider they are apart, the less likely the structure to overturnhowever, this decreases the maneuverability of the device and the effectiveness of the steering wheel.

The model on skis, located close, is not so stable, but on it, with a perfected sense of balance, you can fit into any turn.

Steering wheel

A swivel ski is an indispensable part of any snow scooter, it is she who distinguishes it from ordinary sleds, but the ease of control can differ significantly from model to model. So, a good steering wheel has a steering angle limitation, which prohibits turning too sharply - from this, as you know, almost any transport will tip over, and a swivel ski can come off a low-set and stable one.

The child is growing rapidly, which is why he needs a new handlebar height every year, so a good mechanism should provide for the possibility of adjustment. Finally, cushioning is needed not only for the seat, but also for the steering wheel - without this, it can shake too much, which makes driving a vehicle not too easy.


The reliability of this component cannot be tested until you go out on the track, but the standard equipment includes only a foot mechanism, while the best models also have a manual backup. Two brakes at once seem not so necessary until a tree suddenly appears right in front of the snow-scooter - at this moment an additional manual mechanism may be the last chance to avoid a collision.

Folding possibility

A snow scooter, especially designed for passengers of a fairly conscious age, can take up a significant amount of free space in an apartment, which is not always convenient, because it will be so for most of the year. For this reason, those models from which at least skis can be removed are in high demand.

It should be noted that good compactness is appreciated not only in home storage, but also during transportation, because a good snow scooter must be taken to visit your grandmother, or even for a winter vacation in the mountains.

Color spectrum

Manufacturers today produce snow scooters in a bright design. They can be either plain - blue, red, yellow, or with a certain pattern. Parents have the opportunity to choose a design for a boy or a girl, following the tastes of the child, which cannot but please the little consumer. In addition, experts insist that choosing a bright model is not only a tribute to external beauty, but also a prerequisite for safety, since colorful vehicles are visible from afar on a snow slide, and this helps to avoid collisions or simply find your child faster.

Finally, let's say that sometimes on the Internet you can find criticism of individual snow-scooters, whose brakes were not sharp enough, which led either to leaving the roadway, or to a collision with other children's vehicles.It should be understood that such criticism of a particular model is usually not very fair, because no snow scooter brake will provide braking without an appropriate braking distance.

This is not even so much an imperfection of the mechanism as a concern for the safety of the passenger - parents hardly want the child to be thrown out of the saddle at a too abrupt stop. For this reason, the presence of brakes and a steering wheel should be perceived only as a kind of safety bonus, and not as a guarantee of it - as the latter, it is better to comply with the basic rules of skiing, which consist in choosing a route away from highways, and maintaining the distance between snow scooters and sledges.

How to store?

The principle of storing a snow scooter is generally similar to those principles that should be followed for the long-term preservation of an ordinary sled.

To begin with, it should be understood that in many cities of our country in the winter they actively use chemical reagents that negatively affect the integrity of the mechanism parts. It is clear that no one sprinkles the slides from which children like to ride, but such a slide usually still needs to be reached, and the route runs along public paths that utility workers usually sprinkle.

The chemicals used are equally harmful to both metal and plastic, therefore, in order to increase the life of the purchase, it is advisable to clean the skis as little as possible after each return from the street. After the next use, the product must be washed with warm water and then dried so that rust does not become the cause of potential problems.

Cleaning should be especially thorough before the scooter is stored until next winter. At this point, it is advisable to remove all the parts that, in principle, are removed from this model, and to carry out a complete cleaning of all joints, where sand, small stones or any other reagents could get into. If rust appears on metal surfaces, it is advisable to polish the damaged areas. A thoroughly washed and well-dried snow scooter can be sent for storage.

It is advisable to choose premises where high humidity is not observed as a place for temporary storage of transport. Modern manufacturers often use stainless materials or special protective compounds that are applied to the surface of metal parts, but in the case of cheap models, you should not rely on this too much. If you are one hundred percent sure that nothing bad will happen to the children's transport, you can fix it on the balcony from the outside - so it will definitely not interfere.

The latter factor is also quite important, since constantly touching the plastic parts of the stored structure, you can significantly increase their degree of wear.


Nowadays, very many consumers do not want to delve into the details of exactly how to choose one or another product - they prefer to simply trust a trusted manufacturer, who over the years has been collecting the vast majority of positive reviews from customers. Sometimes this approach is not entirely correct if the product you are looking for must be highly specialized and meet certain non-standard requirements. But in the case of snow scooters and snowmobiles, such a problem usually does not arise - in this situation it is quite possible to rely on professionals who know their business.

One of the best domestic products of this type is considered to be famous in certain circles "Argamak". This is a real "beast": with a weight of up to 7 kg, such a structure can withstand up to 100 kg of payload, so a child can easily ride on it with one of the parents. Children can ride this model on their own from the age of three, since the controls are quite simple, and the steering wheel, stylized as an aircraft steering wheel, will cause a real storm of positive emotions in the kid.

In general, this model is suitable for almost any operating conditions - it can easily withstand up to 40 degrees of frost, and steel and plastic parts are characterized by increased impact resistance. High structural stability and excellent flotation on loose snow, as well as a convenient foot brake and soft shock absorption make the control of this miracle of design thought as comfortable as possible.

Another domestic snow scooter, Bars, is a good alternative to Argamak. This model also can withstand up to 100 kg, and the manufacturers themselves indicate in the instructions for transport that the optimal age for driving will be from 3 to 14 years old - this limitation is caused by a decrease in carrying capacity to 80 kg in conditions of a rapid descent.

Some disadvantage of "Bars" is its relatively weak resistance to severe frosts (temperatures below -25 degrees are already dangerous for it), however, its advantages lie elsewhere - for example, the seat is covered with fabric. In some modifications, there is also a folding back, which can be folded at any time so that it does not stick out during storage. The model called Vanessa Comfort is especially popular.

Nika also enjoys a certain degree of success among Russian consumers, although its characteristics may not seem ideal to many. If a relatively low operating temperature (not lower than 25 degrees of frost) is considered typical for most snow scooters, then the reduced passability on loose snow caused by the absolutely flat lower surface of the ski will probably not be appreciated by the same parents who would like to use the purchase as ordinary children's sled on a rope.

Those who are still ready to give money for such a design point to the advantages that can also be found - for example, the seat is very soft and comfortable, while it does not get wet even with a direct hit of snow or water. The manufacturer also offers a huge number of different modifications to choose from, differing not only in the color of the body, but also in the estimated age of the passenger.

Snowstorm, contrary to the allegedly imported name, is in fact a Russian product - such snow scooters are produced in Kaliningrad. A characteristic feature of the model is that it is installed on wide carving skis, which are able to go not only forward, but also backward. An interesting decision of the developers is the fact that they made the towing cable built into the frame, so it cannot be forgotten or lost.

If all these snow-scooters do not suit you for relatively low frosts due to living in a much more severe climate zone, pay attention to the products of the Snezhok brand. It is safe to say that you will not be able to find an even more frost-resistant snow scooter - the manufacturer claims that all the details of its structure can withstand frosts up to 70 degrees!

Such characteristics make it possible to use the model in any region of Russia, and in Antarctica it would most likely be useful.

The seriousness of the manufacturer's approach to the manufacture of such equipment is also expressed in the fact that he prudently took care of spare parts - if any component breaks down, they can always be replaced by buying new ones in specialized stores. It is clear that in such extreme conditions, even children are usually not eager to walk, just as parents are not particularly keen to let the kids go into the bitter frost. So the manufacturer chose to release its snow scooter mainly for adolescents of 14-16 years old, who have winter sports in their blood.

Yamaha is already a completely different level of technology, since such a snow scooter could just as well be called a snowmobile. The design even includes headlights located at the back and front, so that the object remains clearly visible even in the dark, and is less likely to remain unnoticed by other moving objects.

Many models of this manufacturer are equipped with the very same motor that can become a real dream of any boy, even though the volume of charge here is very small and will not allow you to go far. Another important advantage of the products of this Japanese company is the design - no one else doubts that this projectile is designed for fast sports driving. As befits a high-speed sports transport, such a snow scooter is equipped with a perfectly working braking system, and even a towing cable is provided for more convenient transportation to the nearest ski resort.

Imported snow scooters of other brands are relatively rare, but if there is no trust in domestic producers, try to at least choose those brands that are registered in the snowy northern countries. For example, Swedish snow-scooters Stiga and Canadian Snow Moto, as well as German KHW, are relatively popular in our country. The first ones are good for the variety of their modifications - this is where you can freely choose between metal or purely plastic frames.

Another advantage of Swedish products is the use of the same carving skis, due to which the maneuverability of such transport increases significantly.

The aforementioned Canadian brand, contrary to its name, still focuses not on motorized models, and the mention of the word "moto" is just a tribute to a design that imitates self-propelled vehicles. Such products have a huge disadvantage in the form of a permissible load of no more than 70 kg, however, an important advantage is the ability to adjust the seat height.

As for German snow scooters, they are appreciated for their modern and very stylish design, as well as for an unprecedented carrying capacity of 110 kg, but you need to understand that there are no typical Russian frosts in Germany, so such products are not suitable for operation at temperatures below -20 degrees calculated. In fact, this means that it is suitable for winter throughout its entire length only in the southern regions of our country.

See the following video for an overview of the Bars snow scooter.

Watch the video: TESTING SNOW SCOOTER FOR FIRST TIME! (July 2024).