
"Enterofuril" during pregnancy: instructions for use

If the expectant mother has diarrhea, then this requires immediate medical attention, since this condition poses a danger to the fetus. The cause of loose stools is poisoning with poor-quality food, a violation of the diet, the ingress of pathogenic bacteria into the intestines, and so on.

The consequence of frequent visits to the toilet is dehydration and weakness, the well-being of the pregnant woman deteriorates sharply, and the threat to the baby increases significantly.

If diarrhea cannot be eliminated without medication, the doctor prescribes drugs that help get rid of this symptom, at the same time do not have a harmful effect on the uterus and do not provoke negative consequences for the unborn child. One of them can be called "Enterofuril".

Features of the drug

Enterofuril is a Bosnalec product and comes in two dosage forms. The first is a sweet homogeneous suspension with a yellow color and a banana smell. It is sold in glass bottles that hold 90 ml of medicine.

For accurate dosing, a 5 ml measuring spoon is placed in the box with the bottle, which also has the mark "2.5 ml". The active substance in the suspension is called nifuroxazide. Its amount in a full measuring spoon is 200 mg, in a half (2.5 ml) - 100 mg. Auxiliary components of the drug are citric acid, banana flavor, ethyl alcohol, sucrose and other ingredients.

A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase such a drug. The average price of one package is 350-400 rubles. The suspension can be stored at room temperature.

If the vial is sealed, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture, but after opening the drug should be used for a maximum of 14 days.

The second form of "Enterofuril", more often used by adults, is presented capsules in two dosages. They also contain nifuroxazide, and the inactive ingredients of the drug are gelatin, corn starch, sucrose, dyes, magnesium stearate, MCC and titanium dioxide.

Capsules are also over-the-counter. The drug with a lower dosage (100 mg in one capsule) differs in size No. 2 and yellow shell. This medication is packaged in blisters and sold in 30 capsules in one box. The 200 mg capsules are size 0 and have a brown body. They are packaged in blisters of 8 pieces, one package contains from 16 to 32 capsules.

Depending on the dosage, the price for the solid form of Enterofuril in different pharmacies ranges from 270 to 350 rubles.

The shelf life of such a medicine is 3 years. The main conditions for proper storage are the temperature not higher than +30 degrees and a place inaccessible to children.

Operating principle

Enterofuril is capable of acting on many types of harmful microbes, therefore such a medicine is referred to as intestinal antiseptics. Under the influence of the active substance of the capsules and suspension, some biochemical reactions inside the cells of bacteria are disrupted, which inhibits their vital activity and damages the membranes. In addition, the drug blocks the release of toxins by microorganisms.

Due to the reception of "Enterofuril" pathogenic microbes in the intestinal lumen are destroyed, which leads to the cessation of infectious diarrhea. The drug is noted to be active against Salmonella, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Clostridia and other microorganisms. At the same time, the sensitivity of Klebsiella and Proteus to Enterofuril is low, and this medication usually does not work on viruses and pseudomonads.

It should be noted that in the intestine, nifuroxazide has mainly local influence, not being absorbed into its walls. The active substance of the drug leaves the digestive tract with feces and does not disturb the balance of the normal intestinal flora. On the contrary, due to the suppression of pathogenic bacteria, the intake of Enterofuril restores the number of beneficial microorganisms, which additionally helps to get rid of diarrhea.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The instructions for "Enterofuril" indicate that studies of such a drug in animals did not show any negative effect on the fetus and its bearing. However, the manufacturer does not recommend using the drug for pregnant women, because no tests have been conducted on humans. Nevertheless, doctors prescribe this remedy to expectant mothers, if there are strict indications for this. But the independent intake of "Enterofuril" during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

Despite the action only in the intestinal lumen, in the 1st trimester, "Enterofuril" still try not to use. The effect of any medication on the embryo in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can be fatal or cause malformations. If it is possible to avoid drug treatment in the early stages, it is advisable to refuse to use Enterofuril during this period.

In the second trimester, capsules and suspensions are used in cases where they will bring visible benefits and will not harm the woman's health. The remedy is usually prescribed in minimal dosages to eliminate the risk of possible harm to the child.

In the 3rd trimester, "Enterofuril" can be used without fear, if the doctor has ruled out the presence of contraindications. In the later stages, this drug is not contraindicated, since it does not affect labor in any way and does not penetrate the baby.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The main reason for using Enterofuril during pregnancy is diarrhea caused by infection with pathogenic bacteria. The drug is indicated for an acute process with minimal signs of intoxication and normal body temperature. It is prescribed for women with salmonellosis, dysentery, poisoning and other intestinal diseases of a bacterial nature.


It is prohibited to use Enterofuril in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the medicine. Since both forms of the drug include sucrose, the drug also contraindicated in case of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, absence of sucrose and isomaltase in the body.

Side effects

Some women, after taking Enterofuril, have an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, edema or other symptoms. In such a situation, treatment with this remedy must be immediately abandoned.

Instructions for use

A single dose of Enterofuril for an adult woman is 200 mg. It can be obtained from two 100 mg capsules, one higher dosage capsule, or 5 milliliters of suspension. The frequency of using the medication is most often 4 times a day. The medicine should be taken every 6 hours.

To accurately measure the suspension, you must use the spoon attached to the bottle. Before using the liquid form, it is important to shake it each time to return the liquid to a homogeneous appearance. The capsules must be swallowed with a non-hot liquid. It is impossible to open them or bite through the shell. The diet for the time of use of "Enterofuril" is not important, since food does not in any way affect the therapeutic effect of the drug. Drink capsules or suspension permissible both before and after meals.

The duration of taking the drug is determined by the attending physician for each expectant mother separately. Usually, the duration of the course of therapy with Enterofuril does not exceed 5-7 days. You can stop taking the medication if there have been no more episodes of diarrhea in the last 12 hours. If a week has passed since the beginning of treatment, and loose stools persist, you need to consult your doctor again.

Contacting a specialist is recommended even if there is no improvement after 2-3 days from the start of using the medication, and when general condition worsens or additional symptoms appear (eg, fever or abdominal pain).


In most cases, the use of "Enterofuril" while waiting for the baby responds positively. The drug is called safe and effective, as it helps with many cases of diarrhea, does not inhibit the normal intestinal microflora and does not provoke resistance. The slurry is praised for its sweet taste, but its disadvantage is its short shelf life after opening. The capsules are said to be easy to use, and their tolerance is often noted as good.


If it is necessary to replace "Enterofuril" with a similar drug, the doctor will recommend another drug based on nifuroxazide, for example, Ersefuril, Mirofuril or Stopdiar... Such funds are used during pregnancy with diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature only as directed by a specialist.