
Play-Doh Sets for Boys

Plasticine is good because it allows a child to create any toys according to his own taste, but how much can such a kid make with his own hands? So it turns out that the very attractive, at first glance, properties of this material in practice are usually revealed rather weakly.

Noticing this injustice, Play Doh was one of the first in the world to release special play sets, consisting of very soft plasticine, available for processing even by the smallest children's fingers, complete with specially created plastic toys that, in combination with sculpting mass, look even more impressive.

Today we will consider kits from this company, created specifically for boys, because the reviews of the parents of the future stronger sex usually awaken remarkable interest among potential buyers who do not always have enough information about a possible purchase.

Construction Equipment Series

We will start, perhaps, not with the most popular, but the most masculine trend. What could be closer to a real man than the ability to imitate serious construction activities? However, usually it all comes down to assembling houses from cubes or sculpting sand castles, and after all, the combination of plastic and sculpting mass can give amazing results.

"Merry Saw"

A striking example. The key plastic element here is a special machine, which, with the help of two removable, replaceable nail files, will help to "saw" plasticine building materials.

Moreover, so that the child does not imagine logs and other building forms made of shapeless pieces of plasticine, the manufacturer put special molds in the set, allowing them to give the toy logs a very natural look.

Of course, it is far from the fact that it will be possible to build stable houses from such material (after all, plasticine may simply not be enough), but just imagine this boyish delight from the process itself!

"Fire engine"

It's not very correct to call it construction equipment, but it was in this series that the company included this set. By the way, there is very little plasticine here, but how is it used!

In the set only red and blue are included - fire is molded from red, for which special molds have even been created, but a plastic fire engine is refueled with blue, and the same hydrant, the mechanisms of which allow throwing a stream of such "water" onto the fire in order to extinguish the raging elements.

Of course, such a set itself is a little incomplete, because it does not provide for anything that could burn, but this is probably not the only toy of the kid, so he will figure out what to "set on fire" in order to "save" later.

Series "City"

Actually, the series "Construction Equipment" is a kind of structural element of a larger series called "City". By itself, not a single set is a full-fledged city, but combining several such sets at once or combining with other, smaller and specific sets will help create a real metropolis in the boy's room.

"Fire Department"

If we talk about relatively small and specific sets, as well as continue the fire-fighting theme, one cannot fail to mention such a set. Contrary to such a name and specificity, the components do not intersect with the "Fire Truck", and therefore the most vivid emotions are caused by their joint use to extinguish any game fires. The "part" includes a two-story building made of plastic, as well as a gallant firefighter and his faithful dog made of the same materials.

Some more fire-fighting tools complement the overall picture, and those that are not available can be fashioned using special molds provided in the kit.

However, hardly any of the parents could buy all the small specific sets at once to allow the kid to create a full-fledged city, so the manufacturer made sure in advance that everything necessary, albeit in a somewhat truncated form, could be found in one set.

"The main street"

Perhaps the most prominent example of this approach is this set. There is no room here for the same fire department, which, by definition, should not be a sign of the city, but this set includes many different buildings that will decorate a toy settlement and turn it from a banal set of houses of various shapes into a full-fledged tourist center.

This, for example, includes plastic models of a clock tower, the dial of which allows the movement of the hands - this is very convenient to simulate a real change of day and night, organize a working day in the city, and appoint meetings between figures of people.

There are also various arches and flower beds, which will decorate the city and make its inhabitants truly happy.

Other sets of the same series are less popular in our country, but in total at the end of 2017 there are a whole dozen of them, so if finances allow, you can provide the boy with a truly exciting gameplay.

Animal world

In fact, boys love the animal world no less than girls, and even exploring the unknown is one of the most beloved male activities. A complete play set that tells the youngest children about the existence of various forms of life, very contributes to the development of the child and the formation of a correct, good attitude to our younger brothers.

"Fun Safari"

The set is quite simple, and therefore it is quite inexpensive, but it allows the kid to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the savannah. This, unlike the expensive sets described above, does not include any plastic toys - only molds in the form of various African animals, which will help to mold any number of corresponding animals from plasticine.

This kit was created with the aim of acquaintance with the animal world and is aimed at the younger age category, so here the word "safari" should not be taken as a hunt - none of the components included in the composition provide opportunities for any form of violence against animals.

"Underwater world"

This set will cost even less. There is a little less plasticine, but there are also ready-made figurines made of plastic - for example, a whale, a shark, an octopus and a ball fish. Figures resemble, rather, not real, but cartoony, but they are focused on children from 3 years old.

Manufacturers have carefully thought out the design of not only the components, but even the box itself - one of its sides is made transparent so that the contents can be seen through it, because this creates a stable association with the aquarium.

Of course, plasticine in this set is also not in vain - special molds are provided for it, allowing you to create various sizes of fish, small crabs and even sea stars, which will make it quite plausible to recreate all the diversity of the population of the seabed. The plastic shark is designed to be able to function as a stack, making it very easy to cut large pieces of plasticine.

Although the set includes only three colors of plasticine, you can successfully use the mass for sculpting from other sets of the same brand, which will increase the number of marine life to infinity and help replace a real large aquarium for tens of thousands of rubles.

For an overview of the Fire Truck game set, see the next video.

Watch the video: Shopping for Play-Doh Sets. Baby Playful (July 2024).