
Features of the use of motherwort during pregnancy

Motherwort is a well-known medicinal plant, the existence of which is known even by those who have nothing to do with traditional or alternative medicine. It is a great natural sedative. But can pregnant women take it? After all, it is this category, like no one else, that shows complete peace and emotional balance.

Is it possible or not?

This question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. He always worries expectant mothers, because doctors recommend motherwort during pregnancy quite often, and the official instructions for use for any form of motherwort release indicate pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding as contraindications.

Women's reproductive health experts do recommend motherwort to calm their nervous system for expectant mothers, but they always do this with caution.

Whatever one may say, motherwort is a medicinal plant, and its use will not always be justified and safe. In general, they believe, motherwort can be used for pregnant women, but in compliance with medical recommendations.

As for the contraindications in the instructions, then pharmaceutical companies cannot do otherwise, because the necessary standard clinical studies to confirm that the mother and child are not adversely affected have not been carried out. In the absence of such studies, manufacturers are required to indicate the unexplored issue in contraindications.

Given that motherwort comes in several forms, it should be noted that alcohol drops are never advised for expectant mothers... A herbal hypnotic and sedative, which motherwort is, is recommended for pregnant women in safer forms - for example, in the form of tablets.

The use of plant materials for the preparation of an aqueous tincture or decoction is also allowed.

Benefits for expectant mothers

The healing properties of motherwort are due to its rich chemical composition and a special effect on the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels. In addition to the presence of certain vitamins and minerals, the leaves and stems of the herb are rich in flavonoids and tannins, saponins, essential and fatty oils, organic acids and glycosides. Whether motherwort will be useful or will harm a woman depends on how correctly it will be used.

Motherwort has a general tonic effect, affects immunity. It has long been noted that women who take motherwort are becoming more resistant to viruses, infections and colds. But motherwort is appreciated not even for this, but for the fact that it gently and delicately helps to calm down, relieve excess impulses and excitement of the nervous system.

Women in an interesting position are always more anxious, more susceptible to depression, anxiety, anxiety, and therefore it is recommended to relieve stressful situations for expectant mothers motherwort.

It is advised for insomnia, general anxiety. All women are well aware of how common problems with sleep and emotional well-being while carrying a baby are. In the meantime, there is nothing more useful for the baby than the calmness and serenity of his mother, her sufficient sleep in time and quality.

Motherwort has a small but stable diuretic effect that can be considered helpful in treating edema. The herb has an anticonvulsant effect and may be recommended for women with epilepsy. With colds and coughs, there is a small mucolytic effect, which contributes to a more rapid discharge of phlegm from the bronchi.

Motherwort has a small analgesic effect and can relieve headaches, its action is considered beneficial for the work of the heart and blood vessels.

For women during pregnancy, motherwort preparations or herbal raw materials may be recommended with high blood pressure and blood pressure instability, manifested in his races. Also, the herb has a uterotonic effect, that is, it helps to prevent bleeding.

The sedative properties of motherwort find their application in the case of the threat of miscarriage, women are prescribed it to eliminate psychological stress, to comprehensively reduce the tone of the uterus. It is also believed that this medicinal plant can help in improving digestion, relieve nausea, and bloating.

In the later stages, given the general effect of the plant on the nervous system, motherwort in broth, tea or tablets is not advised to be taken only by women who are at risk of prolonging pregnancy.

Possible harm and contraindications

Motherwort and Valerian are medicinal plants that have a cumulative effect. This means that before the remedy works, it must accumulate in the body sufficiently. Unfortunately, one cannot expect a quick effect from a long-acting agent. Therefore, the main caveat is the dosage. Sometimes pregnant women notice the lack of the desired effect after starting motherwort and begin to increase the dose, which can lead to rather severe negative consequences.

When consuming large amounts of motherwort, it is important to remember the possible harm.

  • In this case, the main danger lies in disturbances from the work of the central nervous system. The woman becomes lethargic, drowsy, lethargic, often complains of attacks of severe dizziness. Severe overdose is fraught with loss of consciousness, delirium, auditory and other hallucinations.
  • If you eat too much motherwort, it can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting appear.
  • Motherwort allergy is less common, but it can also occur, especially in pregnant women. The fact is that after conception, a woman's immunity is under the suppressive effect of progesterone, and an inadequate reaction to various antigens is quite likely, even if a particular product or plant did not cause an allergic reaction before pregnancy. Allergy to motherwort can manifest itself as severe itchy skin, hives, erythema, and edema.
  • All pregnant women are contraindicated to take motherwort without the permission and prescription of a doctor. The plant contains a certain amount of alkaloids, which can lead to termination of pregnancy, instability of the heart.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take the plant and preparations from it for women suffering from hypotension, since the herb additionally lowers blood pressure, which can cause a woman's condition to worsen. Motherwort should not be taken by pregnant women with gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, low heart rate, plant allergies, and thrombophlebitis and the risk of thrombosis.
  • Pregnant women who drive a car themselves are warned separately - the product can cause drowsiness, absent-mindedness, which can lead to a traffic accident.

How to cook and take correctly?

On the counter of the pharmacy, a woman is waiting for a large assortment of motherwort-based products, and therefore modern women do not need to collect, procure, dry and brew plant materials. Here are the options you can apply.

  • Tablet form... If doctors prescribe pills, then usually it is "Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar", but pills without the word "forte" are also possible. You need to understand that "forte" is a strengthened formula, and therefore the dosage of such drugs is always less than that of conventional tablets. The exact dose is prescribed by the doctor. Usually, expectant mothers are advised to take 1-2 tablets a day.
  • Tea or water infusion. Prepared using plant materials. You can buy dry motherwort extract, but it is better to opt for tea in filter bags. This form is more convenient for brewing, moreover, it will be difficult for a woman to make a mistake with the dosage - a single dose is already packaged in the bag.

You can take such tea at any time, but it is better to make a fragrant evening tea, which will then help you fall asleep softly and easily.

In case of stress, to reduce anxiety, anxiety, to normalize sleep, you can take either pills or herbal tea decoction. It is not recommended to combine different forms of drugs at the same time.

To normalize kidney function and reduce edema, doctors advise taking no more than half a glass of motherwort tea no more than 2 times a day.

A woman can also apply motherwort externally. Usually, with its help, you can quickly get rid of boils and pustules, promote the healing of wounds and burns. To do this, make a stronger infusion, increasing the usual dose by half, and treat the affected area, apply lotions. It is permissible to use motherwort juice for local purposes.

For dermatological problems on a large scale, it is recommended to prepare motherwort baths. To do this, a liter of strong infusion of herbal raw materials is added to the warm water of the bath. The duration of such a procedure should not exceed half an hour.

A strong infusion or decoction will help maintain a healthy appearance of hair and skin, remove their increased oily content, if a woman has such a problem. Motherwort is also believed to promote faster hair growth.

Features of admission at different times

It is not prohibited to drink motherwort in the 1st trimester, but you should definitely get a doctor's permission for that. During the first three months of pregnancy, very important processes of embryogenesis take place, when the organs and systems of the baby are formed. Any negative impact during this period is undesirable. The difficulty is that it is also very difficult to distinguish favorable from negative during this period. Therefore, it is not worth taking motherwort without the need. If the drug is recommended by a doctor, carefully follow the dosage recommended by a specialist.

In the 2nd trimester, the risks of abortion and fetal malformations are not as high as in the early stages. A woman can afford motherwort tea or another approved form of the drug, but only if there are no contraindications.

3rd trimester, especially its later terms, requires the abolition of motherwort, even if a woman has been taking it as directed by a doctor for a long time, if a woman has a tendency to overmaturity. At 39-40 weeks and later, you should not take the drug, so as not to contribute to the prolongation of pregnancy.


According to the reviews of women who took motherwort during pregnancy, all the fears and concerns associated with the presence of contraindications in the instructions for use turned out to be unfounded - the pregnancy proceeded normally and the intake of a soothing sedative herb did not negatively affect the child's condition.

Some are sure that valerian is better, and if you also think so, then you should discuss the issue with your doctor, since valerian has its own list of indications and contraindications, one does not replace the other, and in some cases replacement is not possible.

There are almost no negative reviews, and this suggests that motherwort has become a real friend for pregnant women. Many people say that only thanks to him they were able to maintain calmness and balance.

The drugs are usually well tolerated and side effects and effects are rare. If they do occur, they are expressed mainly, according to reviews, in a decrease in pressure and a deterioration in general well-being.

Watch the video: What are the early signs of pregnancy? (July 2024).