
"Drotaverin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Spasms of smooth muscles can disturb the expectant mother at any time during the gestation period. In some cases, this is a serious problem that can cause a miscarriage or premature delivery, so doctors resort to special medications from the group of antispasmodics. These include "Drotaverin", which is often prescribed instead of another well-known antispasmodic drug - "No-shpy".

Features of the drug

Drotaverin is sold in pharmacies in two versions.

The first one iso yellowish-green round tablets. They come in packs of 10-100 and are an over-the-counter medicine.

The second type of drug is injection solution. It also has a greenish-yellow tint, transparent, produced in 5-20 ampoules containing 2 or 4 milliliters of the drug. This product is sold by prescription.

Any form of "Drotaverine" as an active substance contains a compound of the same name - drotaverine hydrochloride. Its dosage in one tablet is 40 mg, and in 1 ml of solution for injections - 10 or 20 mg. There is also a tablet preparation called "Drotaverin Forte", which differs from the usual double dosage (80 mg in 1 piece).

Operating principle

The active substance "Drotaverin" is able to relax smooth muscles. Since they are located in the membranes of internal organs and blood vessels, under the influence of tablets or injections, spasms are eliminated, and vasodilation occurs. This relieves pain, which was caused by muscle spasm, and also slightly lowers blood pressure.

The drug is capable of affecting the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the genitourinary system, biliary tract. Under its influence discomfort and painful sensations provoked by increased tone or spasms disappear.

And therefore, "Drotaverin" is often used as an anesthetic if there are functional disorders of the kidneys, bladder, intestines, gallbladder. Due to the effect on the vessels, the drug improves microcirculation, which contributes to a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

"Drotaverin" can be prescribed to women in position, but only after a doctor's examination. One of the main indications for using the drug while waiting for a baby is hypertonicity of the walls of the uterus. This is a rather dangerous condition, which in the 1st trimester can cause a miscarriage. And therefore early treatment with Drotaverin is justified, since it eliminates the risk of spontaneous abortion while preserving the pregnancy.

The use of the drug in the 2nd trimester is also most often in demand with uterine tone. The appointment of a medication in this case is very important, since when the myometrium contracts, the blood flow in it is disturbed, and the baby receives fewer nutrients that he needs for normal development. However, independent use at a later date is prohibited, because if the dosage is incorrect, "Drotaverin" can provoke relaxation of the cervix, due to which labor will begin earlier than planned.

The drug can also be used during childbirth. Usually "Drotaverin" is assigned to women in labor, have irregular or too strong contractions.

Due to such labor activity, various complications are possible, ranging from birth trauma and placental abruption to rupture of the uterus. By putting an antispasmodic drip, doctors restore the normal rhythm of contractions and prevent negative consequences.

When else can it be used?

Since "Drotaverin" is an antispasmodic, such a drug can be prescribed in situations where different spasms have occurred. The medication is used in patients with:

  • cholangitis, stones in the gallbladder, cholecystitis or pericholecystitis, if colic occurs with such pathologies;
  • dry cough caused by bronchospasm;
  • headache caused by vascular spasms;
  • gastritis, colitis or enteritis, as well as a functional disorder that caused spasmodic abdominal pain;
  • cystitis, pyelitis and other inflammation of the urinary system;
  • increased body temperature, if a woman's peripheral vessels have simultaneously contracted, which interferes with heat transfer and threatens the baby in the womb.

All these indications during pregnancy require separate consideration for each patient. Often in the early stages, "Drotaverin" is used without fear, but from the end of the second trimester, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs and other pathologies, other drugs are selected that do not affect the cervix.


Although doctors consider "Drotaverin" relatively safe for pregnant women, treatment with this drug has some limitations. For example, such a remedy cannot be used for serious kidney diseases, since if the excretory function is impaired, the excretion of its active substance will slow down. The use of tablets and injections is not recommended in other cases:

  • if a woman has heart failure, since under the influence of "Drotaverin" a heart rhythm disorder is possible;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with glaucoma, since the drug is able to increase intraocular pressure;
  • if the expectant mother has hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the medicine and the use of "Drotaverin" will lead to the appearance of allergy symptoms;
  • if the woman's liver does not cope with its functions, and this affects the metabolic changes of drugs.

Separate contraindications for the tablet form will be hereditary diseases that affect the absorption of sugars, for example, a lack of lactase or malabsorption of glucose-galactose. If the blood pressure indicators of the expectant mother are low, it is better to avoid the use of "Drotaverin", as the condition may worsen. With severe abdominal pain, the doctor must certainly rule out dangerous surgical diseases, for example, inflammation of the appendix.

Side effects

Some pregnant women may react negatively to Drotaverin, for example, their blood pressure decreases, an allergic rash occurs, nausea, dizziness and other side effects. In this case, you need to suspend the treatment and contact a specialist so that he picks up a similar medication to which the patient will not have an undesirable reaction.

How to use?

According to the instructions for use, the tableted "Drotaverin" is swallowed and washed down with a little water. Often, a single dose of the drug is one standard tablet, that is, 40 mg. Sometimes it is doubled, then a woman needs to take two regular tablets or one "Forte" at once. This dose is usually sufficient to relieve pain and discomfort.

The daily dosage of Drotaverin tablets is 120-240 mg. You need to take the drug twice or thrice a day. The maximum allowable amount of active substance is 240 mg per day. If after taking 80 mg painful sensations still remain, you do not need to drink the drug additionally.

The doctor should be informed about such a situation so that he examines the woman and picks up other medicines.

If the patient requires injection treatment, then the route of administration and the regimen of administration are determined individually. A liquid medication can be used in a dose of 40-240 mg per day. A solution with such a content of drotaverine is administered 1 to 3 times a day intramuscularly. In acute conditions, the drug is administered intravenously in the amount of 40-80 mg. This injection is very slow.

The duration of treatment with "Drotaverin" is determined by the doctor, taking into account the symptoms, the condition of the woman and other factors. Often, the medicine is used only for a few days, and when pain and hypertonicity disappear, it is immediately canceled.

In some cases, the drug is prescribed for a long course, but only under the supervision of a specialist.


You can see a lot of positive feedback on the use of "Drotaverin" while waiting for a child. Expectant mothers call it effective and confirm its effectiveness in case of increased tone, headache, intestinal colic and other problems. According to them, the drug did not affect the development of the baby in any way, it was tolerated normally and is affordable... Rash, redness, nausea and other adverse reactions to Drotaverin are very rare.


If it is necessary to replace "Drotaverin" with a similar drug, the doctor will prescribe a drug with the same active substance - "Spazmol", "No-shpa", "Droverin", "Spazmonet", "Trust" and so on. They are represented by injectable solution and tablets, produced in different countries, used for the same indications. In addition, in case of hypertonicity, instead of "Drotaverin" can be used "Papaverine". This medicine is also good for relieving cramps and lowering blood pressure.

In addition, in addition to pills and injections, it is also produced in rectal suppositories, which is convenient during pregnancy.

Watch the video: Meftal Spas Tablet - Uses, Dosage, Mechanism of action, Side effects (July 2024).