Games and entertainment

10 ideas for an unusual weekend with kids

Even an ordinary weekend can be turned into an exciting adventure for children, you just have to show your imagination. We bring you 10 of the most original ideas for a weekend together.

Going out into nature is the best option for a family weekend. You can go to the dacha, have a picnic in the park closest to your house, or it is better to go on a real hiking trip! Children will love it. If you go far, then most of the trip can be traveled by car or train, and only the second part of the road can be walked on foot, arranging halts. Do not forget to take the compulsory components of a real hike: a map, a compass - well, at a halt, make a fire, cook a campfire soup, and also boil tea over the fire.

Children love to help adults so much, prepare dinner with them for the whole family. Choose the most festive recipes, and if the children are older, try to cook national specialties. It is also a great occasion to tell kids about the peculiarities of foreign cultures in a playful way. Let the children not only peel potatoes, but also set the table with festive dishes, of course, under your supervision.

Your children have probably built houses and fortresses more than once from pillows, chairs and blankets? Become the main foreman build for kids the most impregnable fortress or a cozy house out of an ordinary blanket... Let it be unprepossessing outside, the main thing is that on quiet evenings you can climb there with the children and tell them mysterious stories or read your favorite fairy tales.

Tell the children that today you will be shooting a real film and that mom, mom and children will be in the lead roles - there will be no limit to the joy of the kids. You can play with the script of a famous fairy tale, or even easier - make a movie about one day in the life of your family. Write a real script together, assign roles, sew costumes, and start filming. Let the kids feel this is not a game! This family weekend will not only teach kids how to work in a team, but also give them a chance to show their acting skills. Edit video on your computer, add beautiful music and save the movie as a reminder of one of the happy weekend.

Children love holidays so much, but not only birthday can make them happy. You don't have to wait for a special occasion to please them let the holiday happen on a regular weekend (almost every day on the calendar is marked with some kind of holiday or historical date). Is it Cosmonautics Day, World Builder's Day or Animal Protection Day? An excellent occasion to tell children about the traditions of this day, about a new profession or about an unusual rare animal. And to consolidate the received titles, go with the whole family to the zoo, planetarium or museum. If the weekend coincides with one of the traditional Russian holidays, such as Maslenitsa, go to the festivities. And then - bake pancakes together or watch a themed movie.

Children are very fond of all sorts of rearrangements or repairs. It's so interesting: hammering in nails with Dad, painting a fence, or choosing a place for new shelves. Get creative with an everyday task - draw a plan, create home decorations with your own hands. If you are not ready for such global changes as rearranging furniture, then simply buy new curtains for the nursery, let the children choose new colorful pillows and blankets for themselves... This activity will not only unite the whole family, but also allow you to transform your home in a playful way.

We have long dreamed of beautiful professional family photos, then feel free to go to a real photo session. Don't save money, choose the best photographer and a beautiful studio with an original interior. Let the new pictures be a reflection of your family happiness, because children grow up so quickly, have time to capture their first smiles or steps. If there is no opportunity to go to a photo session, do not be sad, arrange it at home! Let the children work with you to develop a theme for the shooting: a pirate ship or a princess castle? Create decorations from available tools, and have one of your relatives or friends act as a photographer... Print pictures and decorate the whole house with family portraits.

We have long dreamed of our own small greenhouse on the balcony, let the children become the main helpers. Buy together new pots, albeit the simplest ones, children's imagination will help turn them into real designer interior decorations. Let the kids paint the pots with acrylics or decorate them using a simple decoupage technique. Decorate your finished compositions with stones or shells that you brought from vacation. Let quirky animals or a family of small ceramic gnomes settle in your miniature garden.

Board games are not only the usual lotto and monopoly! You will be surprised how great is the selection of games for every taste and age. Create a small library of your favorite games at home, and the question of what to do in your free time with the whole family will be decided by itself. By the way, there are such games in many cafes! In addition, in many cities "game libraries" are set up - clubs where people who are keen on board games gather. They will be happy to answer your questions, teach you how to play and help you make your choice. We also read: board games for a child: interesting and useful

You can arrange a day of health and sports for the whole family. Start the day off with energetic music, and let the children act as trainers, let them lead the process. After lunch, go for a jog or bike ride... And in the evening, organize a spa at home, let mom and daughter make each other moisturizing masks from fresh cucumber, and dad and son give a massage master class.

Going to a movie or a café, going for a roller coaster ride, or baking a birthday cake together - the kids don't really care what you do on the weekend. They will even appreciate the usual walk, the main thing is that the parents devote themselves to the kids and do not think about work.

Watch the video: 10 Unusual Children You Need To See To Believe (July 2024).