
PoxClin for chickenpox in children

Chickenpox, which is called the most common childhood infection, brings great discomfort to babies, as the rash with this disease is itchy and itchy. If you allow it to be combed, marks may remain on the skin, which are very difficult to remove (and sometimes it is impossible to completely). To alleviate the condition of a child with chickenpox and speed up the healing of the rash, various external agents are used. One of them is PoxClean gel.

Composition and form of release

Poksklin, produced in the form of a hydrogel, is based on an antibacterial active complex, designated by the manufacturer by the letters 2QR. It is a polysaccharide derived from aloe vera. Other components are water, allantoin, betaine and panthenol. The presence of lavender and chamomile extracts in the composition gives the gel a pleasant aroma.

The tool is released in a 100 ml bottle, which has a dispenser closed with a cap. There is a clear yellowish gel inside, but when you press the pump, it becomes a light foam. The volume of one package is sufficient for two to three weeks of treatment of the rash that occurs with the typical course of chickenpox.

Operating principle

PoxClin acts locally and is practically not absorbed into the blood, therefore, it does not have a negative effect on internal organs. The drug has a cooling effect, thereby relieving itching. After treatment with PoxKlin, the skin dries a little, and its healing is accelerated. By softening the treated bubbles, cracking of the wounds is prevented.

In addition, the drug enhances the natural skin immunity of the child, as a result of which the rash is not affected by harmful bacteria. This effect is due to the creation of a kind of barrier on the surface of the skin treated with PoxClean, preventing the penetration of microbes into the vesicles. By promoting faster healing and elimination of itching, the gel prevents scarring and scars.

Benefits of the drug

  • The product does not contain toxic or harmful chemicals. There is no alcohol in it, so PoxClean does not dry out the skin.
  • Unlike ointments or creams with a thick consistency, the hydrogel is easier to apply without damaging the bubbles.
  • The effect of using PoxClin is observed instantly after the first treatment.
  • The product can be used many times and does not develop into addiction.


PoxClean is most often prescribed for chickenpox in order to reduce the discomfort from the symptoms of the disease and to prevent the formation of marks on the skin or to eliminate the pits and scars that appeared after the chickenpox. However, the remedy can also be recommended for other skin pathologies in which inflammation and itching are observed, for example, with insect bites or shingles.


The use of Poksklin is not recommended:

  • With intolerance to any of the components of the hydrogel.
  • Under the age of 2.
  • 30 days after opening the bottle.
  • For the treatment of open wounds.
  • After the expiration date of the product, even if the package has not been opened.

How to apply

To make the cooling effect more pronounced, it is advised to place the bottle of gel in the refrigerator before use. Also, before the first use, you need to set up the pump, for which 2-3 clicks are performed to get foam. In addition, shake the PoxClean bottle before each application.

It is necessary to lubricate the skin covered with chickenpox bubbles with gel three times a day or more often, if necessary (when itching resumes, after changing clothes and after bathing). The drug is applied with gentle movements using cotton swabs or disposable fingertips. Since it is absorbed quickly enough, you should not rub in the product. The gel can be used continuously for up to 30 days.

Reviews and prices

Most parents are satisfied with the use of PoxClean cooling gel for chickenpox. They confirm that the remedy works instantly to relieve the symptoms of the disease. In their reviews, they note good absorption into the skin, a quick cooling effect, a decrease in itching, and an accelerated healing of vesicles. PoksKlin is also praised for its high-quality packaging, convenient dispenser, economical consumption and pleasant smell.

Separately, the safety of the drug and its natural composition are noted, which is very important for the treatment of children's skin. PoxClean is tolerated by most children very well, and allergic reactions caused by the presence of herbal extracts in the preparation (with increased sensitivity of the child's skin to such natural ingredients) are rather rare.

As for the disadvantages of the product, the most often voiced difficulties with the acquisition (not found in all pharmacies) and storage (must be used within a month after opening). Also, many mothers note the high cost of funds, because one bottle of PoxClin costs an average of 800-1000 rubles.


If there is no opportunity to purchase and use PoxClin, you can replace it with one of the local remedies that are often used for chickenpox with a similar effect:

  • Lotion Calamine. The advantages of the drug are the natural composition (based on the natural mineral calamine), the ability to use in infants, a longer shelf life and a lower price. The tool effectively eliminates the itching of chickenpox, and also prevents infection of the blisters.
  • Chatterbox Tsindol. This suspension is based on zinc oxide, so the drug has a drying effect, softens the skin and creates a barrier on it for pathogenic microbes. The tool can be used from birth and is much cheaper than PoxClin or Kalamin.

For information on how to treat a child with chickenpox, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: Chickenpox Symptoms - Common Sign And Symptoms Of Chickenpox (July 2024).