Child health

7 possible causes of high blood platelet levels in children

Many compounds circulate in the blood, cells that perform important functions for our body. Blood corpuscles such as platelets will be described below. Information will be given on how many platelets in the blood are in children, what is the cause of the deviation from the norm, which may affect the results of the study.

Why are platelets in the blood determined in adults and children?

Platelet function

Platelets belong to the blood cells in the same way as erythrocytes with leukocytes. The difference from them is that red and white blood cells have a cellular structure. Platelets are a kind of plate that does not have a nucleus. They are smaller in size than an erythrocyte.

In the blood, platelets are formed from a large precursor cell, a megakaryocyte.

Inside these blood cells there are substances that are stored in the form of granules. Due to these compounds, the functions of platelets are provided.

The main function of platelets is to stop bleeding. The size of the vessel does not really matter: a plug is formed in small ones, and in large ones - a clot of fibrin.

That is, if the vessel wall is damaged, platelets bulge out processes, facilitating the interaction of the plates with each other. The activated platelets release various clotting factors, triggering the clotting process of fibrin monomers.

In addition to participating in the processes of blood coagulation, these shaped elements have other functions:

  • releasing biologically active substances, contribute to the narrowing of the vessel lumen;
  • regulate the permeability of the vessel wall for various compounds;
  • indicate the place of attachment of the fibrin clot to the vessel wall;
  • activate compounds that prevent blood clot formation or promote clot breakdown;
  • support the structure and function of the vascular wall;
  • platelet growth factors promote the movement of endothelial cells and smooth muscles, performing the so-called reparative function.

Platelets are synthesized in the bone marrow, then enter the bloodstream, where they are for about a week and then die.

The rate of platelets in the blood in children

In children, the platelet count that should be normal is slightly different from that of an adult. In newborns, the number of plates from 100 to 400 * 10 * 9 per liter is considered the norm. Then, up to a year, their content grows a little: the lower limit of the norm is 150 * 10 * 9 per liter. Then the level of platelets in the blood reaches 180 - 320 * 10 * 9 per liter.

The norm in adults

The norm of platelets in the blood of an adult is 180 - 400 * 10 * 9 per liter. Thus, with growing up, the normal content of the plates in children reaches the level of adults.

The norm in pregnant women

In connection with the appearance of the fetus, the mother's body has to rebuild. Therefore, it is considered normal to have a decrease in platelet levels in a pregnant woman. For example, the norm of platelets in the first trimester is considered to be 170 - 340 * 10 * 9 per liter.

Given what important functions platelets perform, it is necessary to monitor their level during pregnancy.

What diseases change the platelet count in the blood


A high number of platelets in the blood can lead to the formation of clots, then blood clots in the vessels, which will lead to disruption of blood flow through them.

The reasons for the high concentration of platelets can be:

  • neoplasms at the place of synthesis and maturation of all shaped elements - bone marrow;
  • polycythemia - a disease that is accompanied by an increase in the number of all blood cells, including platelets;
  • presence of an infectious process in the body;
  • there is no way to collapse old records due to the lack of an organ (spleen) where it happens to them;
  • disruption of the kidneys;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • with a loss of blood of a large volume. This gives an impetus for the synthesis of new cells and in large quantities to replenish the lost.

Thus, a high content of platelets in the blood is dangerous for the occurrence of thrombosis.

Goes down

A decrease in the number of platelets can lead to serious consequences, including death. Therefore, the level of shaped elements should not be allowed to decrease in any way.

Lack of platelets in the blood can lead to bleeding. It will also be difficult for the body to stop it. And the person can die from blood loss.

Therefore, if a small number of platelets are found, it is necessary to find out what could have led to this.

Low platelet count is commonly called thrombocytopenia.

Thrombocytopenia can be caused by:

  • increased destruction of these formed elements in the spleen;
  • violation of their synthesis in the bone marrow;
  • infectious process;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the appearance of antibodies - specific molecules to platelets, which contribute to their rapid destruction, reducing their lifetime.

Uncontrolled use of blood thinners can lead to a decrease in platelet counts.

What affects the platelet count in a healthy child?

Before the analysis, it is advisable not to risk and not overload the child with physical activity, to avoid injury. Emotional calm is also important.

A child's diet can also affect platelet levels. It is recommended to exclude fatty, smoked foods. Switch to better nutrition.

Be careful with foods rich in vitamin C. They can thin the blood and change the level of determined blood cells.

You should not take any medications on your own. Any medication should only be prescribed by a pediatrician or other doctor.

Methods for determining the level of platelets in the blood

The study of the content of platelets is included in a number of indicators that are determined in a general clinical blood test. In a modern laboratory, this analysis is performed on an automatic hematology analyzer. As a rule, cell counting errors are minimized. But there are situations when a clot forms in the sample, which makes it impossible to count these plates.

The material for determining the level of platelets is blood taken from a vein or from a finger.

The way out in this situation is to count platelets manually. That is, a blood smear is prepared, it is painted with special dyes so that the plates are visible. After all the manipulations, the smear is examined under a microscope. It is considered 1000 red blood cells, in parallel it is noted how many platelets were seen. Then the calculation is done.

Tips for preparing for a blood test

In order to get accurate research results, you need to make a little effort in preparation. Basically, it is as follows:

  • blood is donated on an empty stomach. Babies starve for 30 - 40 minutes, children under 4 - 5 years old - 3 - 4 hours. For older children, it is advisable not to eat anything in the morning;
  • physical and emotional peace;
  • avoid things that might interfere with the results. What exactly may be reflected has been displayed earlier.

Tips for adjusting blood platelet levels

It is worth contacting your doctor for this. Do not trust word of mouth. Careless use of medication can affect your child's health. Self-medication will not lead to anything good.


Platelets are blood cells that take part in blood clotting processes. The state of the vascular wall depends on their content in the blood. A deficiency can lead to bleeding, and an excess can lead to blood clots. Let the doctors deal with the decoding of the general clinical blood test, and the patient must follow their instructions and recommendations.

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Watch the video: Thrombocytosis primary and secondary. Why Is My Platelet Count High? (July 2024).