Shopping for children

Christmas tree: artificial or natural to choose?

A bit of history

It is believed that the custom of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from Germany. Back in the 16th century, the German reformer Martin Luther, returning home on Christmas Eve, drew attention to the beauty of the winter sky. The stars seemed so large that they literally lay on the crown of the trees. Arriving home, Martin put the tree in the room and decorated the branches with candles, and placed a star on the top in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

An interesting custom quickly spread throughout the world, already in the 18th century, New Year trees were decorating the houses of European countries.

The beauties came to Russia thanks to Peter I, who happened to celebrate Christmas in Germany. There young Peter noticed an unusual tree decorated with sweets. When the time came to reign, Peter remembered a funny custom and decided to celebrate the holiday, as in enlightened countries.

In the manufacture of artificial trees, Germany was ahead of all. In the 19th century, artificial trees made of green goose feathers were widespread. A little later, Christmas trees appeared in the USA in the form of wooden pyramids, illuminated by candles.

Currently, the selection of trees is very wide. On the eve of the New Year holidays, you can easily purchase both natural and artificial forest beauty.

Which tree is better - natural or artificial?

Choosing a tree is a matter of taste, each option has its own pros and cons. Before buying a Christmas tree, you must definitely consider all the pros and cons, then the choice will definitely not disappoint you.

Arguments for an artificial tree

  • Durability.

Choosing a high-quality Christmas tree, you can not worry about decorating the holiday for many years. A Christmas tree made of good material will last a long time and will not lose its appearance.

  • Practicality.

Artificial trees do not leave dirt behind, their needles do not crumble. You can put such a Christmas tree on any carpet and not worry about the safety of the carpet. Artificial beauty is indispensable for a holiday with small children, the kid will not prick the pen on the plastic needles.

  • Environmental friendliness.

By buying an artificial tree, you protect the forest from cutting down natural trees.

Arguments against an artificial tree

  1. Poor quality trees unsafe for health. Trying to save money on buying a Christmas tree, you can purchase a low quality product. The chemical compounds included in the composition can negatively affect health, and the tree itself can easily ignite.
  2. Unnaturalness. No matter how lush and beautiful an artificial tree is, it cannot compete with a natural one. The artificial tree does not convey a coniferous aroma, and the needles do not look real.
  3. Price. Although the cost of a Christmas tree will pay off in a few years, not everyone is ready to pay a decent amount for a Christmas tree. A good artificial tree costs on average 5 times more expensive than a real one.

Pros of a natural tree

  1. Beauty. The assortment of Christmas trees on the holiday is huge, pines, fir and spruce will satisfy any, even the most refined taste. They select trees that are suitable for home decor in size, shape, shade of color.
  2. Aroma. The smell of pine needles not only creates a festive atmosphere, but also has healing properties, reduces headache and relieves fatigue. Also, conifers cleanse, disinfect the air in the room.
  3. Price. Almost anyone can afford to put a Christmas tree. In addition, Christmas trees differ in cost depending on the height and splendor of the crown.

Cons of purchasing a natural tree

  1. It's troublesome. To buy a New Year tree, you need to go to the market or forestry, transport it home. Sooner or later, the needles will start to fall off, the tree loses its festive look, and the room requires daily cleaning. Then the holidays end and the tree has to be disposed of.
  2. Unsafe for small children. Kids will definitely want to touch the beauty decorated with tinsel and toys. Spruce needles are very sharp and can prick injure crumbs.
  3. Not entirely environmentally friendly. Although it is now illegal to cut down and sell Christmas trees from the regular forest, it still happens. For the New Year's celebration, trees are grown in special nurseries. Spruce grows very slowly - 20 - 30 centimeters per year. Think how many years did your tree grow to stand in the room for a couple of weeks?

How to choose a natural tree?

Have you learned all the pros and cons of buying a Christmas tree and opted for a living, natural beauty? You need to take care of choosing the tree that suits you so that the New Year holidays pass without excesses.

Which tree to choose?

The New Year's assortment of trees includes spruce, pine and fir. It is important to know how long the tree will stand before the needles begin to turn yellow and fall off. For ate, this figure is 10 days, the pine tree will stand about 12 days, and the fir will please the eye no less 14 days.

When to buy?

It makes no sense to buy a Christmas tree in advance, 2 or 3 weeks before the New Year. Such a tree will not retain its appearance until the New Year, and even more so until the Christmas holidays.

The best time to buy a forest beauty is December 25 - 26... The tree bought at this time will definitely delight you for the Christmas holidays. It is worth choosing a Christmas tree during the day, in the daytime, in order to carefully examine the needles and choose the best tree.

Where to buy?

Buying a Christmas tree in nurseries or specialized markets, you protect the forest from deforestation. All trees in the nursery are marked and stamped on the trunks, which indicates the legality of the sale of the tree. Here you will definitely not become an accomplice in cutting down young coniferous forests.

What to look for when buying a Christmas tree?

  1. The size and shape of the tree. Having determined the place of the Christmas tree in your apartment, think about what height and shape the tree will fit into the interior. If the tree flaunts in the center of the room, choose a lush tree with a symmetrical crown. We decided to place the tree in the corner - a tree that is more fluffy on one side will do. Do not forget to measure the height of the ceiling before choosing the size of the tree. Consider the height of the barrel stand to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  2. Tree trunk. The thickness of the trunk indicates the health of the tree, the thicker the trunk, the better the tree will stand. Christmas trees with a height of 1.5 meters should have a trunk with a diameter of about 5 - 8 cm. To determine the thickness of the trunk, grasp the tree with your index and thumb or use a tape measure. By weight, a Christmas tree of this height should be at least 7 kg. Inspecting the barrel, check lack of dark spots, mold, other damage. The cut of the trunk should be light with traces of resin, a dark border on the saw cut indicates that the tree was cut down a long time ago.
  3. Needles. The color of the needles should be bright, green, natural, reminiscent of the trees in the forest. A tree with yellowed needles will not last long, it will soon start crumble... To make sure that the tree will stand for a long time, you need to take the tree in your hand and hit the ground a little with the trunk. The needles of a young, recently felled Christmas tree will not fall off. By rubbing several needles in your hands, you can feel the characteristic flavor... The lack of smell indicates that the tree was cut down a long time ago and will soon turn yellow. The lower branches of the Christmas tree should point upward and not look brittle. Bending, resinous branches are an indicator of a healthy, young tree.

Fir branches bend best of all, and pine is considered the least plastic.

How to get the tree home?

The easiest and safest option is to buy a Christmas tree near your home and bring it yourself. Tie the branches of the Christmas tree with a rope to the trunk so that the ends of the branches do not fray. You can also wrap the tree in burlap. Carry the tree trunk forward and do not forget to give the tree time to get used to the warmth of the apartment, leaving first wood on the balcony.

If you decide to transport the tree by car, then the best option would be to attach the tree to the roof rack. When transporting the Christmas tree in the salon, put a cloth under the branches, so you won't scratch covering the machine, and unloading the beauty will be much easier.

It is important to correctly position the tree in the car so that the branches did not interfere driver and did not provoke an accident. Fold down the passenger seats and make room for the tree. It is acceptable if part of the crown will protrude into the street.

How to extend the life of a tree?

To make the symbol of the New Year please you longer, you can apply a few tricks:

  • you cannot install a tree in a room without letting it get used to the heat. Leave the tree on the balcony for several hours for adaptation;
  • never do not put the tree near the battery, radiator, the tree will dry quickly, and the needles will crumble;
  • if the tree was bought in advance and will stand unadorned for several days, leave the tree on the balcony in a bucket of water. Add a spoonful of sugar and an Aspirin tablet to the water;
  • before installing the tree, file and clean the trunk, this will improve the absorption of water and nutrients, the cut should be at a right angle;
  • it is best to place the tree in a bucket of sand, in which case the tree is good and holds securely... In addition, it remains possible to water and nourish the tree with water with sugar and "Aspirin";
  • wrap a cloth around the trunk when placing the tree in the stand. By wetting the fabric, you can water the tree;
  • before decoration trees, spray the twigs from a spray bottle, refresh the tree;
  • do not overload the branches with toys, especially garlands with large bulbs. The light bulbs generate heat that dehydrates needles and accelerates their fall.

How to clean the tree neatly?

The holidays are over and it's time to recycle the tree. Despite its seeming simplicity, this is not an easy task. Dry needles crumble along the entire path of the Christmas tree.

In order not to litter the apartment and the entrance, prepare the tree for disposal... Cut branches as close to the trunk as possible and place in a large bag. The "naked" trunk and bag of branches can be easily and neatly taken out into the street.

What is a tree in a pot?

Another practical way to decorate the holiday and not part with the New Year's beauty is to buy a Christmas tree in a container. After the celebration, you can plant a tree in the country, in a personal plot or even in the forest.

Choosing a Christmas tree, pay attention on the color of the crown and the type of trunk, the tree should look healthy. Be sure to remove the tree from the pot before buying and assess the condition of the root system. The roots should be solid and the earth should stick tightly to the roots. Chopped off roots, clean from the ground, indicate that the tree was planted in a container recently. Such a Christmas tree may not take root on a personal plot.

A Christmas tree in a pot cannot be kept at home for more than 7 days. If it is not possible to plant a tree in the near future, take the tree out to the balcony, there it can be up to a month. Just do not forget to water the tree, without watering the tree will dry out quickly.

How to choose an artificial tree?

If your choice fell on an artificial Christmas tree, then you should first deal with the types of New Year's trees and the materials from which they are made.

Types of artificial trees

  1. Cast Christmas trees. Each twig of a cast beauty is made separately, cast in a certain shape, and then put together. Such Christmas trees look most naturally, are most similar to the real one. Most often, cast Christmas trees are produced by European manufacturers, but there are also domestic analogues... Such New Year trees are different high quality... Christmas trees will last for many years without losing their original appearance, the shelf life of the product is at least 10 years. The disadvantages of cast Christmas trees include high price, these are the most expensive artificial trees.
  2. Trees made of PVC film. For the manufacture of Christmas tree needles, a polyvinyl chloride hard film is used. The film is high strength and durability, the minimum warranty period for a PVC tree is 5 years. Artificial beauty needles are soft, the tree is suitable for families with small children... The main manufacturer of Christmas trees is China and Taiwan, and Taiwanese Christmas trees are more durable and of higher quality. Prices on PVC trees available, democratic.
  3. Christmas trees made of fishing line. Such trees have been known to many since the times of the Soviet Union, but over the years, the appearance and quality of the product has noticeably improved. This is very durable and durable trees, which are mainly produced in Russia, the minimum shelf life of the product is 15 years. The price category of Christmas trees is average. The disadvantages include sharp, thorny needles, so the Christmas trees unsuitable families with children.
  4. Fiber optic trees. In the branches of the artificial beauty, fiber optic threads were built through which light passes. It turns out that it is not the garland that glows, as in ordinary Christmas trees, but the needles themselves. Safety is ensured by the power supply of the tree through an adapter with a minimum voltage. Such trees are produced mainly in China, and the price of a beauty is slightly above average. The manufacturer guarantees that the life of the tree will exceed 10 years. Artificial trees differ in a variety of sizes and colors. You can pick up a small tree, a desktop version or a two-meter beauty, it all depends on your desire. A variety of colors will allow you to choose a Christmas tree suitable for any interior. Christmas trees are produced both in natural green and extravagant silver, blue, decorated with cones and snowflakes.

How to choose an artificial tree?

Before buying a New Year tree, carefully examine the product, pay attention to quality product:

  • the tree should not have any foreign smell;
  • inspect the branches, in a quality product must not be noticeably wire. And the needles quickly fall into place, even if you hold your hand against their growth;
  • the branches of a high-quality Christmas tree are securely fixed, but flexible enough and easily change shape;
  • the material from which the tree is made must be refractory;
  • pay attention to the stand, preferably a metal construction;
  • goods must be certified.

How to care for an artificial tree?

After the holiday, you need to remove all the decorations from the tree and wipe the needles with a slightly damp cloth. Then fold all the branches towards the trunk, not tightly fasten with a rope. You can wrap the tree, place it in a plastic bag or cellophane and leave it in this form until the next holiday. The main thing is that the storage place for the Christmas tree is not too hot.


New Year is a wonderful, fabulous holiday, and the tree is an irreplaceable attribute of the celebration. Which tree to choose, natural or artificial, is a matter of taste for everyone. Currently, the range of trees is wide, and it is easy to find a tree that meets even the highest requirements.

It is important to know the positive and negative sides of an artificial and "live" Christmas tree and be able to choose a quality product. Then the tree will serve you for a long time, and the holiday will be devoid of unpleasant surprises.

Watch the video: Artificial Christmas Trees. 27 Best Artificial Christmas Trees Budget, Mid-Range, High End (July 2024).