Baby care

9 pediatrician tips on how to wash a newborn boy

You have a son. Copy of the Pope. The same, only small. And one of the main questions that a young mother has after discharge is how to bathe a newborn, how to wash a boy, and what is the difference between the hygiene of boys and washing girls.

If you have doubts about your abilities, even in the hospital, ask to be shown how to properly wash the boy.


The main thing here is not to go to extremes. On the one hand, there is no need to perceive the baby as a helpless and unintelligible creature. Of course, a human baby cannot survive without the help of an adult, like a baby turtle.

That is why children's crying sneaks through any adult, even men. But this is a fully formed man, fully adapted to life on this planet. He will be able to live without excess care in the form of boiling water and two heaters in the summer.

On the other hand, it is wrong to think that a child is a miniature copy of an adult. Some organs and systems will still grow and develop. For example, the reproductive system is finally formed only by the end of puberty - this is 15 - 17 years in adolescents. And it is not necessary to compare the external genital organs of a newborn with an adult analogue.

Intrauterinely, the head of the penis and the foreskin are one organ. They are also spliced ​​after birth. This is called physiological phimosis.

The foreskin protects against external influences. And the lubricant produced by it has a bactericidal effect, that is, it itself destroys microbes.

Therefore, the less you touch the foreskin, the less you wash and wash off the natural lubricant, the better for your baby's health. If there is a small hole for free urination, this is more than enough for the next few years. Over time, your boy will mature, the foreskin will become more flexible and the head will open. Before adolescence, you shouldn't worry.

Today, the opinion of pediatricians is based on the principle of non-intervention.

This is how pediatrician Komarovsky explains it: “In modern medical practice, manipulation of the foreskin in babies is recognized as unnecessary and traumatic. But there are still doctors of the old school who recommend mechanically pulling back, pushing the foreskin apart in little boys. Alas, such training sometimes ends in a serious injury. "

How to wash a newborn boy?

There are general requirements for the personal hygiene of babies, regardless of gender:

  • change the diaper at least once every 3 hours;
  • wash off with water after each bowel movement;
  • use soap once a day when you bathe, and a simple baby soap is better;
  • do not overuse gels with fragrances and fragrances.

Pediatricians at the clinic and the school of Dr. Komarovsky recommend bathing the child daily. Of course, this procedure is necessary not only for hygienic purposes. It is a good massage and a way to harden newborns.

But if you are deadly tired or your hot water is suddenly turned off, you can skip one day.

So, how to properly wash a newborn boy:

  1. Place an old blanket on your bed or changing table (which is much more beneficial for your back). Top with a clean diaper, then oilcloth and disposable film. Do not flatter yourself that the baby has already pee. In the process of changing clothes, the child can pee a couple more times in several places, and boys are especially inventive in this regard.
  2. Put your son on the back, with one hand lift by the legs, with the other - pull the diaper out from under him.
  3. Remove the remains of feces with wet wipes.
  4. With a quick motion, turn the baby over so that he lies on his stomach on your hand. At the same time, it is convenient to press your head slightly against your body (do not overdo it!), The legs hang down.
  5. Substitute your ass under running water. With the other hand (this is usually the right one), mine in the direction of the sacrum so that the feces do not fall on the genitals.
  6. Wipe with dabbing movements. Don't rub even a grown-up child hard. The skin in intimate places is tender. This can be irritating.
  7. Let the skin dry, treat with cream or sprinkle with powder. But one thing. When used together with a cream, the powder gathers in lumps in the groin folds and causes discomfort.
  8. We give the baby time to lie down naked. Air baths are always helpful.
  9. We put on a clean diaper, clean clothes.

Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene of boys. Competent hygiene of a newborn boy is the beginning and guarantee of intimate health. Your task in the future is to teach your child how to wash himself correctly. Few people, as a teenager, wash or change clothes in front of their mother. Instill personal hygiene skills now.

In what cases does a mother need to sound the alarm and see a doctor?

  • firstly, if there is difficulty in urinating, the baby is in pain or if there is redness, swelling or itching;
  • secondly, in the case of the development of paraphimosis.

Paraphimosis is a condition when the foreskin moves away, exposing the head of the penis, jumps off and squeezes it at the base. The head of the penis swells instantly. If you do not provide assistance in a timely manner, tissue necrosis may occur. You must immediately consult a doctor. At home, you can apply cold, squeeze the head of the penis with your hand and try to set the foreskin in place.

Sometimes natural lubricant accumulates under the foreskin and a smegmal stone forms. Outwardly, it looks like a white swelling and can scare relatives. It is worth showing the child to the urologist, although doctors say that in adolescence he will come out on his own. In addition, smegma has bactericidal properties.

Summing up, we can briefly repeat how the intimate hygiene of boys is carried out. Gently, without fanaticism, pouring warm water outside without reaching anywhere with your hands. And don't overheat your baby. Excessive heat is just as harmful to the external genital organs as hypothermia.

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Watch the video: Preparing for Your Newborn - Boys Town Pediatrics (July 2024).