Child health

7 easy ways to beat infant insomnia

Small children are very cute, but a newborn's dream can sometimes seem downright nightmare. Many parents, having learned from childcare textbooks, expect babies to sleep a lot, 12 hours at night, 4 or 5 hours in the afternoon, that they will “sleep all night” at 6 weeks, that they can be put in their own bed and will be happy to fall asleep. If you have such a baby, then this is the exception, not the rule. The people who wrote these textbooks have no children at all / are men / scientists / live on a fantastic land.

Ask any parent of a newborn and they will probably tell you that long, deep, peaceful sleep is not on the list of things their family has.

And that's usually okay. Newborns should not sleep for many hours straight at night. Their small organisms are simply not designed to function that way. But sometimes insomnia in newborns can seem abnormal, pathological.

Children and adults all wake up at night when the transition through sleep phases occurs. Many of us just roll over, straighten our pillow and sleep again, but babies may have sleep associations. This means that if the baby falls asleep in his mother's arms, and then wakes up alone in the cradle, he will most likely be upset and wish to return to his arms to fall asleep again. Or if babies fall asleep while breastfeeding, they will need these same sensations to fall asleep again.

Indeed, there are so many facts about the sleeping habits of newborns that parents need to know, as they are different from adults.

It is necessary to understand the reasons and find solutions that will help you overcome the problem of sleep in a newborn baby.

Newborn sleeps little

Perhaps this is a normal sleep pattern for an infant.

Remember that newborns must wake up frequently to eat.

Indeed, the newborn's sleep patterns are nothing like adults. The sleep of a newborn is subject to a cycle: the baby wakes up, eats, perhaps is awake a little, and then returns to sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

The following sleeping and feeding patterns of a newborn (when breastfeeding an infant) well illustrates this cyclical sleep pattern:

  • 9:00 - awakening and feeding;
  • 10:00 - sleep (30 - 60 minutes);
  • 11:00 - awakening and feeding;
  • 12:30 - sleep (30-60 minutes);
  • 13:30 - awakening and feeding;
  • 15:30 - sleep (30 - 60 minutes);
  • 16:30 - awakening and feeding;
  • 6:00 pm - sleep (30-60 minutes);
  • 18:30 - awakening and feeding;
  • 19:30 - short nap (20 - 30 minutes);
  • 20:00 - feeding and waking up;
  • 21:30 - a short nap (20 - 30 minutes);
  • 22:00 - awakening and feeding;
  • 23:30 - feeding, immediately sleep;
  • 3:30 - feeding and returning to sleep;
  • 6:30 - feeding and returning to sleep.

Why is the baby not sleeping?

As a result, expect your newborn to wake up frequently. But if the baby does not fall asleep well and looks tired, becomes more and more moody, you need to accurately determine the cause of the newborn's insomnia and provide appropriate assistance.

The baby does not sleep because he is hungry

This is the most common reason why a newborn does not sleep well. An infant feeding on formula or breast milk requires feeding every 4 or even 2 to 3 hours. The baby may get hungry before the next feeding time and he wakes up for the same reason at night. Since newborn babies have a small stomach, they need small and frequent meals. Breast milk will be digested faster, so if you are breastfeeding your baby will be hungry more often.

You can schedule your feeding time so that it takes place just before bed. If a newborn is awake after a feed, it is likely that its stomach is full and it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep. Continue to feed your baby more often in the evening, perhaps every 1 to 2 hours. And another option - you can wake up the baby for feeding before going to bed.

The baby does not sleep well because he is overexcited

A newborn needs a lot of sleep. He can stay awake only for a few hours. Infants younger than 6 months usually need a short nap after 2 to 3 hours of being awake. And this is the best case. Some parents may assume that the more tired the child is, the easier it will fall asleep. In reality, everything is exactly the opposite.

Even a simple throw into the air can make a toddler excited. More mature children can become hyperactive due to any exposure to noise, toys, or the environment. When a baby is overworked or overworked, he feels irritated, and as a result, the baby does not sleep day or night.

Create a calm environment to help your child relax. Massage him gently, sing a lullaby. A relaxing bath, dim light, and skin contact are all helpful methods to soothe your baby. Parents should also pay attention to their mood, as children feel it very subtly.

The child does not sleep well during the day or night, as he is used to motion sickness

This is a common reason why a one-month-old baby is awake. If the baby is used to swinging in his arms until he falls asleep, then when he wakes up an hour later, you will have to swing him again. This process can continue over and over again!

This happens because the baby does not yet know how to cope with feelings such as fatigue, hunger and pain. The swing movement helps soothe the irritation and anxiety of the baby.

If, for this reason, your one-month-old baby does not sleep much, provide a safe object, such as a stuffed animal or blanket, to help develop the ability to fall asleep in the crib. The child will touch the object, which will mean safety and comfort for him. This method is quite effective when a month old baby does not sleep during the day.

Newborn baby does not sleep well due to Moro's reflex

The Moro reflex often makes it impossible to fall asleep without problems. You've probably already seen this. The child begins to fall asleep, and then suddenly waves his arms, thereby frightening himself.

Try to swaddle your baby so that he does not disturb himself with sudden movements and can sleep deeply.

The baby does not sleep all day and all night due to pain or feeling unwell

Another reason why a baby does not sleep well during the day or at night. Babies are very sensitive. Teething, abdominal pain, acid reflux, colds and coughs, as well as many illnesses, cause discomfort for the child.

Remember, babies cannot tell us they have a headache or sore throat. And when the baby is restless, there is a reason. Try to find out the specific reason and provide appropriate assistance.

The newborn does not sleep at night, as he did it a lot during the day

It is normal if the baby sleeps a lot during the day and therefore does not want to at night. In such cases, they say that the child beguiled day and night. This can happen when the baby sees little daylight. Babies need to develop a sleep cycle.

Exposure to light during the day will help your child know the right time, and quiet play during the day will help him “work up” a night's sleep.

Find a sunny spot in your home. Going for a morning walk with your child is also a good idea. Remember to dim the lights in the nursery before bed. The child will logically associate light with the time of activity, and darkness with the time of sleep.

The newborn does not fall asleep well because of discomfort

It can be difficult to find out why a child does not sleep during the day or at night. If you cannot identify the reason why the baby cries and does not sleep, pay attention to comfort. Check the newborn's diaper. It may be wet or dirty. Maybe the child is too wrapped up or, on the contrary, undressed.

Being a parent of a newborn is both the most difficult and wonderful thing to do. But we all know firsthand how grueling it can be to help a baby fall asleep soundly. Yes, newborns should wake up to feed around the clock, but parents should gently encourage their baby to sleep deeper at night.

In most cases, in the early months of life, the newborn is awake at night for short periods of time. It may seem like an eternity, especially if the parents are tired and chronically sleep deprived. Fortunately, this period only lasts a few weeks. It is also likely that most of the reasons a toddler is awake at night are temporary rather than emergencies.

There is a growing call in the medical community for pediatricians to pay attention to parents when they say their children are awake. If you think your child is suffering from an undiagnosed illness or allergy, tell the doctor. Perhaps this is the key to ensuring that you and your little one get much needed rest.

Watch the video: 8 HOURS Gentle Night Rain for Relaxing, Study, Meditation, insomnia, Sleeping. Rain Sounds (September 2024).