
When the child starts to walk and gag

The very first sound of a newborn is a cry. It contains two vowels "y" and "a". Later, these letters can be heard not only during crying, but also in the process of communication between the child and the world, when the baby already begins to walk and gurgle.

Baby screams

When the baby starts to gag and smile

By the end of the first month of life, the child begins to make simple vowel sounds in response to any events. This is how speech begins to develop. The same letters, but in different intonations, can speak of both children's admiration and discontent. The pronunciation volume for each intonation is also different. As a rule, joy is not accompanied by such a loud "a" as protest.

The first smile can be seen after the first month of life. Although a mother can observe an unconscious smile immediately after birth. The fact is that the muscles of children, especially in the first time after childbirth, involuntarily and sharply contract. A child may suddenly throw his arms up during a restful deep sleep. The facial muscles are also subject to physiological work. Therefore, a mother, while still in the hospital, can see a short-term smile of a newborn during his sleep.

A smile in a dream

Unconscious gagging

If the child has reached the age of one month, but the parents have not yet heard the long-awaited "aha", do not worry. The baby makes the first sounds unconsciously, most often emotions become a provocateur to sound. If mom is very busy, dad is constantly at work, there is no time to communicate with the child for a long time, he is left to himself, then rare communication with adults will delay the moment of the first sounds.

Additional Information. Bright positive emotions will give an impetus to an unconscious gurgle. At the age of one month, the brightest emotion for a child is mom and dad. Tactile communication and fun conversation will help your baby start babbling.

Medical statistics helped to come to the conclusion that the very first unconscious gurgle of children of different nations practically does not differ from each other. The first sounds of babies in different parts of the world are similar to one another and do not have any special specifics of pronunciation. Closer to three or four months of life, the child begins to recognize adult syllables and uses imitation in attempts to talk with parents, which is why, at an older age, chatting acquires an ethnic connotation.

Children of different nations

How the gagging differs from the humming

The child's humming, no matter how many months it manifests itself, undoubtedly pleases all family members. Based on the very name of the process of pronunciation of sounds, you can understand how one differs from the other. When a child begins to gurgle, adults hear mainly vowel sounds. The most common of them are "a", "y", "and". The child begins to pronounce them separately. Later, the baby will have a sequence of vowels, similar to the well-known children's "agu". He can start agukat as early as one month of age. This is especially often manifested in children who are not deprived of communication with relatives.

Humming is a more complex set of sounds that gradually develops into babbling. It already contains more consonants, which in combination with vowels make speech richer and more interesting. Among the new letters, the most frequent are "b", "g", "c", "d". Pediatricians do not particularly track the ability to gag, but how often the child walks will be asked at the next appointment at the age of 2 months. This is the time when a properly developing baby demonstrates the start of mastering the speech apparatus.

Infant at pediatrician appointment

The appearance of consonants in a child's speech pleases him. Children are often delighted with the realization that they get syllables similar to adult speech. Many kids thus entertain themselves, repeating the same syllable they like several times, and even laugh at the same time.

What the newborn reacts to with a smile

The first conscious smile can appear in a child in the first 5-6 weeks of life. She will certainly be a response to a close relative's communication with him, most often the baby gives his mother his first smile. After all, it is she who spends the most time with him. Lying on his back, the child examines everything that comes into his field of vision.

First smile

Young parents should bear in mind that children of the first months of life are very short-sighted, their organ of vision is just beginning to develop. Most often, he can perfectly see the face of his mother. The child knows him better than anyone else, and when she talks to him or plays grimaces, the first smile appears, indicating that the baby gets positive emotions from such communication. The whole family, when their newborn begins to smile and walk, understands that development is proceeding in accordance with the average statistical standards.

Methods of encouraging the child to "talk"

If the child has already begun to gag, you cannot ignore his speech. In addition to his emotional admiration, it is important for a baby to demonstrate his answers, thereby creating the first dialogues. When newborns begin to gag, they need to respond with similar syllables. Hearing his own sound in response from his mother, he will be very happy to realize his first sound contact.

Important! If adults repeat after the baby, he will begin to talk more actively, pronounce more clearly and call for a conversation louder.

How to teach a child to say agu

Children who do not have serious congenital developmental anomalies say their first "aha" themselves, there is no need to teach them this. Medical research suggests that those children with whom adults communicate a lot start to gurgle earlier than others. The leisurely, clear speech of adults pushes the child to imitate. In this connection, in addition to regular screaming, calm, meaningful sounds appear.

Foot massage

To stimulate the development of speech skills, pediatricians, including Komarovsky E.O., recommend massaging the feet and palms, thereby activating large areas of nerve endings:

  1. Place your thumb in the baby's palm, allowing him to grab onto it.
  2. Feel for the joints connecting the fingers with the hand, gently knead them in a circular motion.
  3. Knead each finger from the base to the nail with rubbing movements. For a more comfortable procedure, you can use baby cream. Apply a small amount of it to your fingers, increasing their sliding, and then carefully feel each child's finger, as if rubbing the cream.
  4. Lubricate the feet with baby cream. Make circular rotations: from the heel to the pads under the fingers.
  5. If you press lightly on the area of ​​the pads, at the base of the toes, the baby will reflexively squeeze the toes of the foot.
  6. It is also important to massage each finger, paying special attention to the joints.

Attention! Regular massage will allow not only to facilitate and bring closer the moment when the child begins to walk and gurgle, but also to cope with muscle hypertonicity, if any.

When talking with your child, it is important to adhere to the basic rule - not to pronounce words too quickly. In order for speech to develop gradually in the future, without jumps and hesitations, parents must choose the average rate of pronunciation in the family. Sentences should be short but succinct. This will make it easier for the child to remember the meaning of what was said. Each action must be accompanied by the same phrases describing the event. Over time, the child will learn the meaning of words and respond to the speech of adults.

If the baby does not walk

The main question is how to teach a child to gag if he has not started doing it on his own. In medical practice, there are enough cases when a child who has even reached three months of age has not yet begun to walk. The problem does not always lie in the physiological deviations of development. The more often adults communicate with the baby, the faster he will try to answer. Mom's songs are very useful. Humming isn't just important before bed. If a child is upset and crying not because he is hungry or hot, but because he wanted to hugs, even when they went out with him, it is better to calm him down not by swaying, but by singing.

Mom sings to baby

Mom's melodic intonation, accompanied by stroking the back, calms the baby much better than the shaking movements that parents gravitate to. In this case, the quieter the song, the more diligently the child will listen to it, forgetting about the whims. Mom's song will soon become recognizable for the baby, and he will try to reproduce it on his own.

Attention! The development of a child's speech directly depends on the frequency of communication with his older relatives. In order to start making sounds, the child must see how others are doing it.

It doesn't matter what his mother says to him. The meaning of what was said at this stage of development does not matter. The main thing is intonation and articulation. You can aloud, looking at the baby, make a shopping list, which will later be passed on to the dad. A child at this age can be "consulted" by asking him questions and answering them independently. Only the lively daily speech of loved ones is able to push the baby to a conversation. The child must see how adults speak. The main ability of children is to imitate. If the baby often sees how his relatives pronounce syllables, how his lips move, he will quickly begin to make attempts to repeat.

If the child has not tried to make a sound for several months, this should be told to the local pediatrician. The doctor, knowing the developmental features of the child, will be able to conclude whether an additional examination by a neurologist is necessary, or whether the parents simply devote more time to the baby.

Important! Constantly working TV in the room irritates the child's nervous system, while he is not able to concentrate on his mother's communication. In order for the child to successfully develop his speech, it is necessary to protect him as much as possible from information garbage coming from a loud and bright screen.

Even the first conscious smile can be seen by deliberately smiling broadly at the child. The more you exaggerate at the same time, the sooner the baby will try to repeat it. Throughout the development of speech and other skills, the child will look at family members as an example to follow. Therefore, it is important to remember that the family creates a personality every day. Not only prohibitions and rules need to be explained in the future what is good and what is bad. A personal example is the best motivator in moving towards a goal.

Watch the video: The Floppy Infant: Hypotonia (September 2024).