
Gift for a child 13-16 years old

Children in their teens already have almost the same preferences and wishes regarding gifts as adults. However, they are still not quite adults, and this must be taken into account - certain children's gifts are still quite appropriate, while some too adult things are not needed yet. In short, the choice seems simple only at first glance, but in fact it is difficult. A gift for a child of 13-16 years old should be chosen as carefully as possible.

Age features

Children 13-16 years old are often united under the general concept of "adolescents", considering that these are not children anymore, but also not quite adults. This point of view is correct, but at this age children are not all the same, growing up occurs gradually, and even individually different for each individual child. When choosing what to give a child for his birthday, it is necessary to build on both the specific age and the real degree of adulthood of the birthday person. Roughly different ages can be characterized as follows:

  • 13 years old. The child is just entering a transitional age, often he himself has not yet fully understood this. However, in most cases, just around this moment, the first reasoning begins that "I am already an adult." Most often, such reasoning is somewhat erroneous, but there is a great desire to prove to adults that they are talking with an equal. It would be nice to channel this energy into a useful channel by giving something that will teach you responsibility. Alternatively, you can simply distract the child with an interesting gift.

You can even play along a little with him by giving what he wanted, which emphasizes his independence.

  • 14 years old. At this age, children are divided into two categories - for the first, the most difficult stage of the transitional age has already passed, and for the second it has only worsened, but the first, fortunately, are still more. At the same time, the responsibility at the age of 14 is definitely more, but it is no longer so important to emphasize it - you can just give some practical thing that a teenager or even an adult needs.
  • 15 years. Now they are clearly growing up, but it is at the age of 15 that children slowly begin to understand that in fact they are still quite far from adults. The transitional age has already ended for almost everyone, most of them have ended their childhood dreams, which are gradually giving way to realistic views on their future life.

Now a gift will be well received, one way or another contributing to the implementation of the optimal (in the child's opinion) scenario of his future, but just bright interesting youth gifts will be relevant.

  • 16 years. Graduation from school is very close, and many teenagers by this time have time to decide on where to go after graduation. This is always a new challenge, often requiring a move to another city and a separate residence from the parents.

Only now, many adolescents, having assessed (albeit theoretically for now) all the complexities of adult challenges, begin to understand that they are still children. Girls of this age can often be touched by a deliberately childish gift - for example, a large soft toy. With guys, the situation is often the opposite. They need to show once again that they are men and are able to cope with any problems.

Of course, this is a too schematic description, and not all children behave this way during the indicated periods, but the stages are roughly described correctly, so watch your child's behavior, compare with what was written and think about what to give him.


There are many options for gifts for teenagers, and now they are no longer particularly divided depending on the gender of the hero of the occasion. What gift to choose will be best described by the teenager himself, but you don't have to ask him - at this age, children themselves usually enthusiastically talk about their interests and wishes, even without any reference to their birthday. You can also please the birthday person with something that he did not speak out loud (or that he did not even dream about), so you should think about what to give the teenager.


One of the most common "adult" gifts of our time is gadgets, and as a teenager, it's time to give them. The child almost certainly had a phone since childhood, but it is clearly time to update it to a smartphone, even the latest models.

Against the background of the development of smartphones, purely musical devices are rapidly losing popularity, but still, the music lover is simply obliged to appreciate a good player. A tablet can provide benefits not only for leisure, but also for study, and a laptop will also be an excellent gift for future students.


In adolescence, the energy of most children is no longer boiling as it used to be, many are slowly abandoning systematic sports, but some, on the contrary, understand that now they will never give up this business.

Rollers should be given, probably, only to younger teenagers, but a bicycle is a useful present for those who love this means of transportation, if you don’t be stingy and buy an expensive and good model. Many boys (and even some girls) will also love their own pear - if there is a place at home to hang it.

For creativity

Creativity (like sports) in adolescence is already abandoned by many, but there are pleasant exceptions. You can give a guy a guitar - he probably already understands that possession of this instrument will easily make him the soul of any company and a favorite of girls. For the girls themselves, embroidery kits remain the most popular creative gift, but this is too much for an amateur.


In a fairly advanced adolescence, there are not so many options. Usually these are books, and even then - very advanced and strictly from the sphere of interests of the birthday man. Board games are also acceptable - for example, quite adult "Monopoly" or "Mafia". Some people advise giving 3D puzzles as a gift, but after 13 years it is hardly interesting anymore.


It is exactly the gift that will direct extra energy in a useful direction and teach that being an adult is not only “I can”, but also “I must”. Very small animals at this age are no longer given. Teenage girls are crazy about kittens right now, and many guys would like to have a real dog friend. However, it also happens the other way around.

Clothing and jewelry

In adolescence, children are already beginning to see the difference between the clothes that parents buy them in everyday life, and worthy expensive things that can be received as a gift. The desire to look beautiful and to please the opposite sex is now expressed very clearly, so good pants, shirt or jacket will be very useful for guys, and girls will like bright dresses, shoes or bags. Jewelry will also come in handy.

Examples of specific gifts

Typically, the more options available, the more difficult it is to pick something specific. That is why it is worth highlighting several popular gifts that will appeal to the majority.


Teenage boys always have a healthy desire for adventure and success. Quests are very popular among young people, but to complete them you usually need to go somewhere specially. There is also a desktop implementation - for example, the now popular quest in the box "The Riddle of the Astrologer's Estate". Another board game, Monopoly, which has been popular for a long time, can measure up to your friends your business skills and luck.

You will learn more about what to give a boy in the following video.


Girls are now very greedy for jewelry. The same earrings are very popular as a gift for a girl - for example, Clover stud earrings or any similar jewelry reflecting the tastes and preferences of the hostess. From the expensive, you can pay attention to the products of the Honey Jewelry brand. The girl will be very pleased with the jewelry on her neck - a choker from Befree or another well-known brand.

You will learn more about what to give a girl in the following video.

Gift requirements

Since children are no longer small, there are not so many different requirements for the chosen gift - except for meeting the tastes of the future owner. In general, these requirements are very close to those that apply to gifts for adults.

Here they are:

  • Safety. Any gift must be safe for its owner and those around him. For the time being, adolescents should not be given weapons - neither cold nor (even more so) firearms.
  • Quality. Even the most practical gift is given not only for the benefit, but also for a long memory. If you want the happy birthday person not to break the gift in the coming weeks (or simply not to abandon the present because of its unsuitability or uselessness), choose only high-quality goods.
  • Certificates. Sometimes, when buying branded goods, not only the external and practical characteristics of the gift are important, but also documentary confirmation of the conformity of the goods to the brand indicated on the box. When purchasing an expensive branded device or jewelry of a well-known brand, be sure to check the certificates so as not to inadvertently present a cheap, low-quality fake.

Watch the video: Samsons Gift - Childrens Bible Story - Judges 13 - 16 (July 2024).