
11 month baby menu

The full development of the baby largely depends on a balanced diet and the correct daily routine. The proper attention in the choice of recipes for cooking lies, of course, with the mother. The 11-month-old baby's menu has a wide variety of flavors and a variety of foods.

The child eats

Power features

The eleven-month-old baby is actively growing and needs full complementary foods. It doesn’t matter if it’s a nursing baby or bottle-fed, the choice of food must be taken responsibly. Do not be discouraged if an allergic person grows up in the family - even in this case, you can prepare delicious food not only for the baby, but also for the parents.

Important! At eleven months. breastfeeding or formula feedings become less frequent. As a rule, their approximate schedule is 2 times a day, in the early morning after sleep and before bedtime. Therefore, the menu of an 11 month old baby should be compiled with these meals in mind.

Children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky gives some recommendations regarding what should be sure to feed the child, and which product should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • Children's food is always steamed, stewed or boiled. Ideally, if the whole family adheres to a healthy lifestyle, then the baby will not have to cook the dish separately. And the baby himself will be more interested in eating what adults eat.
  • Potato starch, sugar and sweet additives, various spices are not added to food.
  • The eleventh month is the period when you no longer need to grind food in a blender. However, it should be remembered that the pieces for the baby should be small, much smaller than for the adult. If the child requires puree food, then you need to try to introduce pieces of food into the diet every week, starting with the smallest. It is best to chop vegetables with a fork, cut meat or fish into very small pieces.
  • The most satisfying meal is lunch. The baby should have it between 13:00 and 15:00.
  • After eating, you can give water to drink, especially if the food was viscous and thick. However, adhere to the rule - no more than 50-100 ml of liquid.
  • In the menu for an 11 month old baby, for every day, it is necessary to add as many products as possible that he eats with pleasure. Of course, complementary foods during this period in themselves become more diverse, but you should not be zealous in introducing everything at once. The so-called "backbone" of the diet is cereals (buckwheat and spelled are especially useful, they can also be eaten in the evening, long-grain rice, millet), vegetables, fruits, white meat, white fish fillets and dairy products.

Feeding recommendations

“Eat porridge, and you will be healthy and strong,” - every child hears such a quote. This is no coincidence. Cereals in the baby's diet should be mandatory every day. They contain both proteins and complex carbohydrates. Therefore, the baby will sleep soundly, grow well and not feel hungry so quickly.

An important component of complementary foods is the presence of porridge in the diet

Note! During this period, you should avoid nuts, exotic fruits, and in some cases citrus fruits on the menu. Cow's milk should be introduced into the menu only from a year. However, not all babies may want to drink it. It also makes no sense to insist.

What kind of fruits or cereals to feed the baby should be chosen according to the reaction of the crumbs. What he prefers most should be given. It is important for the child to form a positive bond from their meals. It happens that children eat only apples from fruits. This is totally normal. You can make diluted juices, mashed potatoes, bake them.

On the site Natalia Bezyazykova, an expert on baby food, gives recommendations to parents on changing the diet of the baby. A feature of this period, she notes:

“The nutrition of an infant at 11 months is broader than that of formula-fed babies. The thing is that babies receive protection from their mother in the form of additional vitamins and amino acids from milk. However, it is easier for artificial kids to establish a diet and bring their diet closer to the kindergarten menu, since such children receive an adapted mixture on schedule and are less prone to emotional fluctuations due to the absence of a mother nearby. At this time, it is important for all children to adjust their nutrition in terms of having a good lunch: soup, meat puree or steamed cutlets with vegetables. "

Diet, serving size

Each baby's diet is different. An important and basic rule is that the child should enjoy meals. Don't force him to eat. All parents' thoughts that their child is not eating are wrong. If the baby is active, gaining weight, then there should be no fears. The kid is the same person as the adults. Today he may have an appetite, tomorrow he will not want to eat even half of the portion. However, he will never go hungry, because nature will do its job.

The main rule is food for pleasure

If you start from biorhythms, then the diet is most favorable for the baby as follows:

  • 6-7: 00 - breast milk or formula;
  • 9:00 - breakfast;
  • 11:30 - snack;
  • 13-15: 00 - lunch;
  • 16: 30-17: 00 - snack;
  • 18: 30-19: 00 - dinner;
  • 20: 00-20: 30 - breast milk or formula.

For one meal, the child usually eats 150 grams of porridge, the mixture - about 200 ml. Kefir is allowed to drink up to 150 grams, 50 grams of cottage cheese will be enough, as well as portions of meat. In the matter of cookies, you should not overfeed, although the crumb may love him very much. However, the maximum portion of livers is 15 grams. in a day.

Menu compilation rules

There are basic rules for compiling a menu for an 11-month-old child:

  • The type of feeding and the volume of the mixture at a given meal are taken into account.
  • Any cooking options except frying. Cutlets should not be fried in oil. It is worth choosing the option of extinguishing with a small amount of water.
  • When drawing up the menu, the child's taste needs are taken into account. You shouldn't force-feed him with something he spits out right away. Remember that the diet should contain 5 food groups: white meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  • Avoid “allergenic” foods - those that can cause allergies. Tomatoes may not be suitable for some children in their diet only because they belong to the nightshade family, which tend to cause allergic reactions.
  • The 11-month-old baby's menu is mostly similar to the "adult" diet, but no frills.

An example of a menu for artificial feeding

A prerequisite for baby's health is a healthy menu

An example menu for artificial children looks like this:

  • The first feeding is a mixture (up to 200 ml).
  • For breakfast, complex carbohydrates (it is best to take regular cereals, and not branded "baby cereals") - cereals: buckwheat, corn, oatmeal. Add half an egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil to the porridge. It is permissible to give fruit puree up to 50 gr for dessert. or diluted juice.
  • Lunch in the summer is a steamed meatball or a piece of fish (up to 50 g.), With stewed, boiled vegetables (100-150 g.). In winter, you can cook soups, but be sure to add cereals to them.

Additional Information. If the kid loves soups very much, and wants to make something tasty and aromatic for him, then you can prepare a healthy filling in advance. Finely chop the greens, put them in an ice cube tray, pour a little olive oil on top. Put in the freezer and take one or two cubes per serving of soup. It is very satisfying, healthy and delicious.

  • Dinner depends on the kid. When a child is active during the day or has a tendency to wake up at night from hunger, then you should give some kind of porridge (preferably buckwheat), for dessert - 50 gr. fruit puree or 50 gr. cottage cheese. A little later, you can offer 150 ml of kefir.
  • At night - a mixture (up to 200 ml).

Power menu table

Feeding1 serving size (milk or mixture)CerealsFermented milk
products, kefir
Meat fishVegetables,
Drinks (tea, compote, juice, jelly)
Pectoral200 ml150 gr.150 gr.50 gr.120-130 gr.20-30 ml
Artificial180-200 ml130-150 gr.150 gr.50 gr.120-130 gr.50-60 ml

If a child grows up in a family who eats little or often refuses to eat, then the right decision would be to make the menu bright and colorful. Then it will be interesting for a capricious kid to disassemble this "food" figure "in parts".

Bright and healthy breakfast menu - porridge

Additional Information. The volume of liquid is estimated by the formula: 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. However, it should be monitored if the baby has problems with stool (constipation), or has diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems. In this case, an increase in consumption of drinks during the day is allowed.

Features of the diet for breastfeeding

At 11 months, mother's breast milk does not help to satisfy the appetites of a rapidly developing baby. However, it certainly protects the baby from diseases and helps to enter the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The baby's diet is in many ways similar to the diet of a person who is on a healthy diet:

  • All dishes are boiled, stewed, baked. Grind in mashed potatoes, it is permissible to mash with a fork.
  • You can add a little salt and sweeten to your food. The food should still feel undersalted. It is allowed to add finely chopped greens to taste.
  • You can add fresh vegetables and fruits little by little. It is better to grate them first. If the fruit or vegetable is soft, then grate it on a coarse grater or try to chop it finely, then offer it to the baby.
  • Porridge can be boiled in milk. Fresh milk should be absent in the diet.
  • Exclude all fatty, fried foods, smoked meats, purchased sweets and chocolate, foods that cause allergies.

Product volume

Serving volume of vegetable puree per meal

The daily need of the baby for food

ProductDaily rate (ready-made)
Breast milkUp to 500 ml
PorridgeUp to 200 gr.
Fruit, juice100-110 gr.
VegetablesUp to 200 gr.
Meat or fish50-70 gr.
Bread10 gr.
Olive oil5 gr.
Cottage cheese50 gr.
Kefir300 gr.
Biscuit15 gr.
Butter5 gr.

The recommended volumes are indicated by the World Health Organization.

Delicious and healthy recipes

Here are some delicious and healthy recipes to help mothers.

Pumpkin and carrot soup for lunch

Steamed fish cutlets

Ingredients (for 5-7 cutlets):

  • 150 gr. white fish (best hake),
  • Egg,
  • Carrot,
  • Bulb onions.


  • Peel, boil, and chop onions and carrots.
  • Look for fish fillets for bones, remove, if any. Using a blender, beat together with the onions and carrots. You can use a meat grinder for this purpose.
  • Form small patties and send them to a double boiler for 20-25 minutes.

Patties can be frozen and thawed before cooking.

Similar cutlets are made from chicken fillet, but with the addition of 20 gr. milk and white bread. They can be dipped in a little butter before serving.

Pumpkin-carrot cream soup with cauliflower


  • Carrot,
  • Bow,
  • 100 g pumpkins,
  • 2-3 cauliflower inflorescences,
  • 4-5 tablespoons of buckwheat porridge.


  • Boil buckwheat in advance.
  • Boil all vegetables until tender, put the cauliflower last.
  • Beat vegetables in broth until creamy.
  • Put buckwheat porridge in a separate bowl, add broth.
  • Add a spoonful of olive oil to the soup before serving.

There are no difficult moments in creating a menu for an 11-month-old baby. The main thing is to remember that the baby needs all vitamins and the most healthy diet. When parents by their example help the baby to create a competent food culture, then he will grow healthy, vigorous and strong.

Watch the video: 10 Mashed meals for 9 - 12 months baby. 9,10,11,12 months baby food recipes. Indianbabyfoodrecipes (July 2024).