
Newborn cap size

Before the baby is born, you need to buy all the necessary things. The hat is one of them. This is the first piece of clothing used by a toddler. Together with a diaper and a pair of socks, it must be put in a bag and handed over to obstetricians.

Babies in caps

Girls usually get pink hats, boys blue ones. The choice of headgear must be approached responsibly so that the baby is comfortable and comfortable.

Newborn headdress

The first hat of a newborn is called a bonnet. The material from which it is made must be natural, usually cotton. In the heat, it breathes and does not let the baby sweat, in the cold season it effectively retains heat, protecting the baby from freezing. Bonnets are often made with wool or silk. Children's clothing manufacturers offer a wide variety of styles and colors.

Additional Information. In addition to the fact that the cap warms the baby, it creates additional protection for the baby's fontanel, which remains open for some time. It closes completely by the year. Until that time, the appearance of the fontanelle is one of the main indicators of the baby's health. Pediatricians always feel it during examinations.

Caps for newborns

If the baby is discharged from the hospital in cold weather, first of all, you need to make sure that the baby is warm and comfortable. Whereas many parents try to dress the baby so that he looks better in photographs. Now it is fashionable to arrange photo sessions for newborns. When creating images of girls, they use elastic bands and bandages. They also need to be carefully selected so that they do not crush the child too much and are made without the use of synthetic materials.

Features of hats for newborns

If there are buttons or other fasteners on the hat, you need to make sure that they will not crush or injure the baby's delicate skin.

Note! Inside there should be no rough seams, labels that cause inconvenience. Usually, baby clothes have seams on the outside. When they are inside, you need to make sure they are safe.

If there are strings on the hat, the fasteners are at the back, then it is better to refuse it. Newborns sleep a lot, on the street almost all the time in a stroller. Therefore, the mechanisms in the back will cause discomfort. When there are applique elements on the hat, you need to pay attention to where they are, whether they will interfere with the baby's comfort in the carriage. Up to three months, it is better to put on the baby simple hats, without additional elements for beauty. At this time, the main convenience for the child. Patterns, rhinestones, bows are made exclusively for parents to attract their attention. They do not affect the quality and properties of the headdress.

If the hat is made of wool that will prick the baby's skin, you must wear a thin cotton hat under it. The main thing is to provide comfort. If the material from which the headdress is made is natural, it will allow the baby's skin to breathe. It should be soft, pleasant to the body. It is better that the hat is elastic and stretched if necessary. When the baby is indoors, a larger hat can be used.

The simpler the hat, the better. He should not interfere with the movements of the baby, fetter them. There is no need to buy many hats. Babies grow up very quickly and hats become small.

When children are spinning, they are capricious, their hats slide off, they can fall. Therefore, many sewn soft elastic bands along the edge. Other hats have ties. In this case, you need to carefully monitor that they do not injure the baby's skin, do not hinder movement. These hats are best used in strong winds. Children are not very fond of such hats.

Baby in a hat with ties

How to choose a hat for a newborn

Be sure to dress the baby for the weather. Remember that overheating for newborns and babies up to a year is much more dangerous than freezing. Thermoregulation in babies is not fully developed, in conditions where an adult will be cold, the baby may be comfortable. Therefore, you need to monitor the baby's condition very carefully. If the head is sweating under the cap, it is necessary to replace it with a thinner one that is not insulated. When a wet child gets outside, there is a good chance that he will get sick. Children develop colds very quickly. Therefore, it is easier to prevent them than to treat them.

In the first months of life, the baby always walks in a hat. Even in hot weather, it is necessary to protect from the sun. In such cases, you can purchase a panama hat that will protect your eyes from the scorching rays. A hat is an important wardrobe item, you need to be careful about buying it.

Choosing a headdress by seasons

For the baby, you need to purchase a thin knitted hat in which the newborn will be indoors and a hat for the street. Its choice depends on the time of year when the baby was born. In summer it is enough to use a thin cap. If it's cold in the evening, you can wear a fleece hat. In such a hat, a small person will be protected from the wind, will not freeze.

Important! The fleece material is not natural, so you need to watch the baby's reaction: are there any allergies, irritation on the skin. You can purchase an openwork headdress made of yarn. Their styles and colors are varied.

In spring and autumn you can use:

  • knitted;
  • terry hats.

Headdresses with ears and ties are comfortable. Such a hat will not slide off, jump off and will protect the baby well. A hood can be used in strong winds. It is better that it unfastened in order to remove it when not needed. Otherwise, it will interfere with the baby when he is resting in the stroller.

A hat for winter must be chosen especially responsibly: it should be provided that it covers the baby's forehead, ears, throat. There are helmets that leave only the baby's face open, also covering part of the cheeks. When using them, there is no need to tie a scarf, they cover the neck. Putting them on is also very simple, usually a button is used. For older children, after a year, such hats are worn over the head. There is no need to be afraid to purchase such hats, they are very convenient to use.

Usually, warm hats are sewn with a knitted or fleece lining. If not, you need to wear an extra thin hat. This is especially necessary if the warm one is made of knitted fabric. Knitted winter hats stretch well, so young mothers prefer them. This property will help you carry your hat during the season. The baby's head grows, and in a month the circumference increases by one centimeter or a little more. Fleece hats are also popular in winter, but they are not as elastic. There is a chance that you will have to buy a new one.

Baby winter hat

It is better to buy hats from trusted brands and manufacturers to be sure that the hat does not fade and shrink after washing and does not lose its properties. The best choice can be made by reading reviews on the Internet, talking with consultants in children's stores.

Choosing a hat by size

The size of a hat for a newborn can be found by measuring the circumference of the head. It is impossible to know the exact value before childbirth. It is better to complete the shopping before the baby is born in order to have time to iron and wash the purchased items. In addition, a hat for a newborn is a basic necessity even in the delivery room. The child's approximate height, weight, head size can be determined at the last screening. At 30-34 weeks of pregnancy, a planned ultrasound is performed, which allows you to assess the condition of the baby and its size. The table, which contains information on the size of hats for children by month, will help determine the size of a cap for a newborn.

What exactly is the size of the baby's head will be reported immediately after delivery. If necessary, you can ask relatives to purchase a new hat. There will still be time before discharge from the hospital. Usually babies have an average birth weight, height - about 50 centimeters. If the baby is born earlier than expected, then his height and head girth will be, respectively, less. It also depends on the parents. Stunted mothers and fathers are unlikely to have tall children.

The size of a hat for a newborn of average weight and height is 33. 2-3 pieces are enough, babies grow quickly. Those who were born with a low weight try to catch up with their peers even faster. Typically, for newborns, size 56 clothes and 35 hats are suitable. With this size, the height of the product is 13 centimeters. The size is also required - the diameter of the bottom. For newborns, it is usually 9 centimeters. This information is needed for those who want to make their own hat for their child. For these purposes, it is necessary to buy natural fabrics and materials, leave the seams outside. Knitting has gained popularity these days, mothers are trying to surround their child with things created with love and warmth.

Baby in a knitted hat

You can determine the size of the baby's head using a measuring tape. It is necessary to take measurements when the baby is calm. The tape must be held behind the back of the head along the most protruding parts and connected on the forehead, above the eyebrows. Must be skipped over the ears. You can use a regular thread, then attach it to the ruler. The rounding is in ascending order, just like with clothes for a child. With an increase of 52 centimeters, size 56 is required.

Girls tend to have a smaller head circumference than boys and grow at a slower rate. The headdresses in the store often indicate not the size, but the age of the child. For babies of different sexes, they offer values ​​that differ from each other, these are average indicators, there are exceptions, much is determined by genetics.

Newborn Hat Size Chart

A table will help parents find out without measurements the size of a hat for newborns, according to which you can navigate when buying a headdress for a baby. It presents average values. If the baby was born large or, conversely, premature, the size may differ. In a month, the circumference of the head increases by about one centimeter, so in a year the head will grow by about 12.

If there are difficulties with self-measurement, the size of the head of a newborn baby for a hat will be prompted by the workers of the maternity hospital. Usually, its value, along with weight and height, is recorded in the primary documents of the baby.

Measuring baby's head circumference

Newborn cap size chart by month

Baby ageAverage size of a headdress for boysMedium size headdress for girls
0 months34-3932-38
1 month37-4135-40
2 months39-4337-42
3 months41-4539-44
4 months41-4539-44
5 months42-4640-45
6 months43-4741-46
7 months43-4741-46
8 months44-4842-47
9 months45-4843-47
10 months45-4843-47
11 months46-4944-48
12 months47-4945-48

Taking into account the developmental characteristics of each child, it is better to measure the head circumference before buying a headdress. If this is not possible, you can use the data in the table.

A child needs a headdress from the first minutes of life. Parents need to consider buying this piece of wardrobe thoughtfully so that the baby is comfortable and comfortable. Remember that the main thing for a baby is to be warm and comfortable, beauty does not come first.

Watch the video: NEWBORN BABY CAP - Cutting and Stitching Full Tutorial (June 2024).