
Baby weight at 7 months

Caring parents closely monitor the correct development of their baby. The important indicators are the height and weight of the child at 7 months. It is possible to correctly measure these parameters at the appointment with a pediatrician.

Baby on the scales

Physical development

A seven-month-old baby differs from a newborn not only in an active lifestyle and in the number of developed muscles, but also in body proportions, which begin to approach the parameters of an adult. At a pediatrician appointment, height, weight, volume of the head and trunk, more precisely the chest, are measured. The latter indicators should increase by about 5 mm each, while the volume of the chest is on average 45-47 cm, the volume of the head is 41-45 cm.It can be seen from the data that the volume of the chest of the child in the seventh month overtakes the volume of the head, although at birth the situation was reversed. The growth of the baby increases by an average of 2 cm, the monthly weight gain varies, depending on gender, from 200 to 1000 grams.

Height and weight

Genetics comes first and determines the dynamics of growth and the rate of development of the child. Tall, skinny parents tend to have tall and thin children. Children of short, tight-bodied parents are more likely to inherit these characteristics.

What matters is the height and weight of the child.

Note! Premature babies can lag far behind in physical development in the first months, but by the year they catch up with their peers in all respects.

By this age, babies become more mobile, but some remain calm, preferring not to bother themselves, which has a positive effect on weight gain. The degree of activity of the toddler depends on the temperament and the amount of attention given to the child, because it is easier to achieve what you want with the help of adults who are ready to respond to any whim of their child. Fidgets spend more energy and calories during crawling and other games.

It is important to consider the baby's nutrition, because a lot depends on the diet: an artificially fed baby gains weight more consistently and faster than a breastfed baby. At this age, complementary foods should already be introduced in the form of mashed vegetables, as well as porridge in water or baby milk.

Baby is measured

Weight norm of a seven-month-old baby

The norm in relation to the weight and height of the child is not a definite figure. There are upper and lower limits of the norm, as well as indicators bordering on it. Certain data are not given on how much a child should weigh at 7 months, but for comparison, you can focus on the average.

Allowance tables: boys and girls

Statistical data in the form of tables developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) are fundamental. It is on these data that you should rely on the ratio of growth and weight indicators of babies. The information given in the table includes not only the average values, but also the lower and upper limits of the norm. Additionally, data are provided to determine small deviations from the specified normal indicators, about which it is recommended to consult a pediatrician or other specialists.

How much should a boy weigh at 7 months

Very lowLowBelow the averageMiddleAbove averageTallVery tall

As you can see, the normal weight at 7 months in boys is all indicators from "Low" to "High": from 6.7 kg to 10.3 kg, respectively. If the child's parameters are close to the "Very low" or "Very high" column, this is a reason to contact a doctor.

The growth of boys at the age of seven months

Very lowLowBelow the averageMiddleAbove averageTallVery tall

All values ​​between 64.8 cm and 73.5 cm are normal indicators. Indicators close to 62.7 cm and 75.7 cm are cause for concern.

Toddler sitting on the scales

Height and weight of a girl at 7 months

AgeIndicatorsWeight, kgHeight, cm
7 monthsVery low5.360.3
Below the average6.865.0
Above average8.669.6
Very tall11.174.2

According to the data presented, if a girl gains from 6.0 kg to 9.8 kg by the age of seven months, this is included in the concept of "norm", a small deviation and a reason for additional examination are indicators of 5.3 kg and 11.1 kg. The growth of girls at 7 months can range from 62.7 cm to 71.9 cm, if the indicators are outside the normal range and are 60.3 cm or 74.2, you should consult a doctor.

If the weight is below normal

Situations when a baby is clearly not gaining weight can depend on many circumstances:

  1. Not enough breast milk for breastfeeding. According to the norms, the baby needs to eat a certain amount of milk in one feeding. The amount of milk per day can vary, as can its composition. For example, in the morning, after a night's sleep, there is more milk than in the evening. To keep track of how much milk your baby is getting, you can use a baby scale before and after feeding, or use a breast pump to pump milk into a bottle. The required amount of milk is calculated by dividing the total body weight of the baby by 8 or 9. On average, you should get 210-240 ml (1/8 or 1/9 of the baby's body weight). If the baby is not getting the right amount of milk, formula should be fed.
  2. Poor or slow introduction of complementary foods. Whatever type of feeding the parents choose, complementary foods are necessary for the baby for proper growth and development. Complementary foods contain essential vitamins, trace elements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are not found in milk or formula. Many toddlers give up unusual food at first because of its texture or taste. You should not give up trying to introduce complementary foods, you should give the child time, then again offer to try the already familiar product.

The crumb eats

  1. Unbalanced diet. The child may lack certain elements, for example, fats, which in the form of butter, butter or vegetable, are added to cereals and vegetables during the preparation and serving process. The diet can be replete with sweeteners, which are fast carbohydrates that leave little healthier, but spoil the appetite and harm the formation of children's taste preferences.
  2. The degree of activity is too high. It is possible that an energetic and mobile toddler at 7 months, having received freedom of movement in the form of crawling, tries his best to use it and spends much more calories than he receives. Added to this circumstance, an improper diet, as well as a lack of breast milk, will clearly not contribute to proper weight gain.
  3. The baby is sick or teething. During illness, as well as during teething, the baby can refuse both the usual complementary foods and the mixture. In this situation, it is worth trying to feed the baby with breast milk more often or change the mixture to another, for example, goat milk.

Important! An increase in temperature can be observed with viral infections and with teething. It is impossible to independently carry out treatment without determining the cause. It is necessary to call a pediatrician at home to determine the cause of the increase in temperature and obtain the correct recommendations from the attending physician.

  1. Internal diseases. There are a number of diseases, including hereditary ones, such as cystic fibrosis, in which the organs responsible for the secretion of mucus are affected. Apart from this, the problem may be as follows:
  • violation of the digestive system;
  • worms;
  • malfunctioning of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • low hemoglobin levels;
  • neurological disorders.

If you suspect that a child is underweight on one or more points, you should definitely contact a specialist for advice and appropriate treatment.

The kid is listened to at the reception

Additional Information. Many people believe that it is worth feeding the baby more and more often to help him gain the necessary weight, however, this is a misconception. Do not deviate greatly from the norm of the amount of food eaten by a child, because there is a high probability of causing even greater harm to his health.

If the child is overweight

The first thing you should pay attention to is what weight the baby was born with. If during pregnancy a lot of nutrients were supplied through the placenta, and there was also a genetic predisposition, then the newborn was prescribed to become a hero and leave the mother's belly with a weight already exceeding the average at that time. In this case, excess weight is considered justified and cannot be corrected.

In other cases, when it comes to unreasonably high rates, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Properly organize the feeding and drinking regime. For breastfed babies, there are no strict restrictions on the number and frequency of breastfeeding, however, with the appearance of vegetable puree and porridge in the diet, 3.5-4 hours should pass between these meals. The toddler may not have enough liquid, which is why he asks to eat more often. It is worth offering water.
  2. Observe the daily routine. It is important to keep track of how long you sleep at night and how many times your baby sleeps during the day. The waking time should be filled with games and activities:
  • Morning exercises and massage are required.
  • Long walks in the fresh air.
  • It is highly advisable to bathe daily in cool water (35 degrees) before the last or penultimate feeding before night sleep.
  1. Provide a sufficient amount of physical activity. Play with the child, stimulate him to activity: crawl, try to get up, help him jump, lifting him above a flat surface.

Swimming games

The issue of weight gain worries parents most often. Any worries about this are best discussed with a doctor. If the baby is active, cheerful, eats well and plays with pleasure, then everything is in order.


Watch the video: PREMATURE BABY JORGE WAYNE HUGE 7 months of birth kilos (July 2024).