
Feeding the newborn

Nine months of pregnancy fly by unnoticed: the parents-to-be are preparing for the arrival of the baby in the house, equipping the nursery, buying things and accessories for the baby. After childbirth, mothers are lost at the sight of a baby, they do not know how to handle him, which regimen and care will be suitable. The most important excitement is to adjust the feeding of the newborn, because from the first days of life, the child should eat correctly. Then children's health, development of organs and systems will be good.

Breastfeeding your newborn

The valuable properties of colostrum

Colostrum begins to be produced even before the first crumbs are applied to the breast, during pregnancy. This fluid is a special secretion of the mammary glands, which is produced by the hormone oxytocin. The consistency of colostrum is thick, yellowish in color. For three days after giving birth, the baby receives colostrum, then "transitional" milk arrives. Only a month after the birth of the child, lactation is getting better, the milk becomes "mature" or permanent. Its composition is individual for every woman. However, a common feature is the high energy content of colostrum.

Important! If childbirth turned out to be premature, then premature babies are born. They cannot suckle on the breast or bottle, so they are fed through an artificial tube. As a rule, they receive an adapted mixture as food, it contributes to the rapid growth of an immature organism. If the mother has been pumping the entire period of resuscitation of the baby and retained lactation, then she will be able to apply the baby and feed it with breast milk after the child is fully restored.

Colostrum contains:

  • Proteins that are easy to digest;
  • Natural antioxidants (vitamins, selenium, zinc, beta-carotene);
  • A small amount of water to protect the immature kidneys of the baby from overloading.

Colostrum also contributes to the development of immunity in the baby, which protects against viruses and infections.

Shades of breast milk

After caesarean section

Back in the 90s of the last century, breastfeeding after a cesarean section was considered impossible. After the operation, the woman in labor could only be recommended to lie in one position, so as not to violate the integrity of the suture. Also, gynecologists argued that the natural process in such childbirth is disrupted, so lactation will not be able to start.

Over time, practice has shown that in such cases, breastfeeding of newborns is possible. How to organize it correctly depends on the wishes of the mother.

Note! Algorithm of attachment after cesarean section is no different from natural obstetrics. After the baby is born, he should be allowed to suck on the breast. If there is no colostrum, do not despair. The sucking process triggers all the necessary impulses, stimulating the work of important hormones for the successful further establishment of lactation.

Duration of feeding

How to properly feed a newborn, and how much he should be on the breast are the very first questions in the hospital for a newly-made mother.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to them due to the characteristics of each baby. There is averaged data that the duration of feedings should be 10-15 minutes. However, due to the fact that there are active “flukes”, and there are more lazy ones, the process can be shortened or delayed.

There are often cases when the baby is distracted, examines the mother, takes a break between sucking. This does not mean that it should be removed from the chest immediately. First, you should make sure that the crumb is full.

It also happens that the baby eats up in 5 minutes. At the same time, he is gaining great weight, which means the presence of a full-fledged balanced and proper nutrition in his life.

How much milk does a baby need

There are many discussions about how to feed a baby and how much milk he should eat. When breastfeeding, it makes no sense to worry - the baby will eat exactly as much as he can and wants.

Additional Information. When a baby sleeps well, it means he is full. If he is hungry, he wakes up, looks for a breast with his nose or asks for milk with a cry.

How much should a newborn eat

Not all babies can receive breast milk. Sometimes a woman in labor has a hormonal imbalance, or milk does not come. Then the mixture is prescribed as feeding. Usually, dosage rates are indicated on the package.

There is a special formula: Food volume = number of days lived * 10. It turns out that if the child is 5 days old, then his correct dose will be 50 ml.

For a day, the dosage is calculated depending on the initial weight of the baby:

  • More than 3.2 kg - the number of days lived * 70;
  • Less than 3.2 kg - the number of days lived * 80.

These formulas are applicable up to 10 days of a baby's life. Subsequently, another calculation is applied: the weight of the child * 1.5 = the volume of the mixture.

By the hour or on demand

If we are talking about artificial feeding, then here the question of how to feed a newborn, by the hour or on demand, is unambiguous - it is strictly necessary to maintain time intervals and dosage. Otherwise, the baby will often spit up, overeat, and vomit will open.

With breastfeeding, the opinion of pediatricians has changed recently. Previously, it was supposed to feed every three hours, today - on demand. In the first month, the baby can constantly be on the breast, since it needs maternal warmth, care, lactation is getting better. Subsequently, the baby's schedule will improve, and, most likely, the intervals will be established within 2.5-3 hours between feedings.

Benefits of frequent application

Modern breastfeeding consultants agree that it is necessary to feed the baby at his request. Some babies can stand 2 hours between feedings, others ask twice per hour. This is especially true in the first month of a baby's life and during lactation crises.

Frequent applications are beneficial:

  • Improve lactation;
  • They stimulate additional milk production, therefore, if there is a lack of it, it is worthwhile to apply the baby more often;
  • They soothe the baby, especially during periods of colic, with the appearance of the first teeth, poor health;
  • The uterus contracts, thereby quickly becoming natural in size after childbirth;
  • The production of oxytocin during feeding helps the mother to be calmer and improve her mood.

Attachment technique

When feeding a newborn baby, it is important to immediately attach it correctly so that it has a correct grip on the breast. If you do not pay enough attention to this issue, there may be big problems with the breast: lactostasis, cracks, mastitis, the baby will not gorge itself or, conversely, be capricious in view of the rapid flow of milk.

Correct and incorrect attachment to the breast

Step by step recommendation:

  1. Mom takes a comfortable position: sitting, lying or standing. This moment is extremely important, because in the absence of comfort, the baby will not be able to calmly suck on the breast.
  2. The baby is positioned correctly at the breast. His face is turned to mom, his mouth is at the level of the nipple. The head of the newborn should not be clamped or somehow fixed - he should calmly turn it around if possible and willing.
  3. Attachment. First, tickle the baby's lips, he will reflexively open them. It is important further not to pull the nipple to the baby's mouth, but to help him find it himself by directing his head. In the mouth of the crumbs, there should be a nipple and part of the areola (its lower part), and not just one nipple.
  4. When sucking, the nose and chin are pressed against the chest, the baby must swallow.
  5. If suddenly it hurts, you should stop the feeding process (press the little finger on the baby's cheek, he will open his mouth, in no case pull the breast - this will injure her), take out the breast and offer it again.

How to hold a child correctly

There are several positions that are comfortable to feed. It is important that it is convenient for both the baby and the mother.

The most optimal ones:

  • Tummy to tummy, lying down;
  • Pose, sitting, mother holds the baby with one hand;
  • Armpit position. This position is very suitable when feeding twins.
  • Feeding while lying down, the baby lies on the mother's tummy;
  • Standing. If the baby likes to be in a sling, this position will be very appropriate and comfortable at any time of the day.

Important! If the baby begins to choke, you should immediately change the position and pay attention to the position of the baby and the mother. Everyone should be comfortable, the child should feel that he is safe.

Feeding positions

Signs of a satiated baby

In matters of nutrition for a newborn, there is another relevant one: how to understand that the baby is full. Usually, newborn babies sleep most of the time. They wake up most often because of hunger, and, having satisfied the need, fall asleep again.

As soon as the baby grows up, he begins to stay awake for some time between feedings. In such cases, he will always make it clear when he is hungry, with a strong, sharp cry and attempts to find a breast or a bottle.

Important! Sometimes pediatricians suggest doing a wet diaper test. It is worth holding the baby without a diaper for a day to determine the number of peeps. If there are at least eight of them, then you can not worry, the baby feels good and is full.

Good weight gain and baby's mood during the day will also be an indicator of satiety. A hungry child is often naughty, cries and does not want to play.

Breast alternation

In the process of feeding, it is important to pay attention to breast alternation, since at first the baby receives front milk, back milk after a while.

Foremilk is lighter, with a high glucose content, it is an excellent thirst quencher. The back, on the contrary, is more fatty, with vitamins and proteins, it helps to fill up.

It is advisable to offer one breast at one feeding, and the other at the next. Due to this, the baby will always be full, developed and active.

Simultaneous feeding and expressing milk

Some mothers seek to create a "milk bank" so that in the event of a lactation crisis or the mother's ill health, the baby will always have breast milk. You can express between feedings, or at the same time. Such procedures stimulate additional milk production - it becomes more.

How to do it:

  • Prepare a breast pump for a specific breast;
  • Turn on the device at the moment when the baby began to suck on another breast.

Expressing and feeding at the same time

What to do if there is no lactation

When breastfeeding, periods of milk decrease occur. Sometimes it does not stay in the first days after childbirth.

To establish lactation, you should:

  • Apply the child more often to the chest, every hour or two;
  • Drink warm drinks, teas, compotes;
  • You can ask the midwife to straighten your breasts. When the milk has just arrived, the breast becomes heavy, it is not always possible to immediately attach the baby to the breast due to severe pain. In such cases, you should first express the milk a little so that the flow is not so strong;
  • Pay attention to whether the baby grabs the breast correctly;
  • Do not add water or a mixture to the crumbs.

Mom's right attitude

Expectant mothers should seriously think about nutrition for their newborns during pregnancy. However, do not forget about yourself. Often, maternal concerns for the most part go only to the baby, depression, fatigue, irritability appear.

It is important to understand that the child feels everything, he has a special connection with his mother. Therefore, mom should always be calm, she should not panic.

Note! With irritation, poor health, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline enter the bloodstream, which negatively affect lactation and can reduce it to a minimum, or it may not be at all.

How to recover from a difficult birth

Each woman in labor, having arrived home after the maternity hospital, hurries to put things in order, cleanliness, and do household chores.

Important rules to maintain physical and emotional health:

  • Let go of all worries and tune in to successful motherhood. You shouldn't delve into the past, the baby has already been born, which means that the mother has coped with this mission. In especially severe cases, you should not hesitate and take care of a visit to a psychologist.
  • In the first month, rest: lie down, communicate with the baby, feed, establish lactation. This will help the organs "fall into place", the uterus will contract, and the mother will replenish her strength and energy.

The first month a woman needs to rest as much as possible.

  • Communicate with your husband, family and friends. If necessary, share your impressions, emotions and experiences.
  • Homework will wait - now is recovery time. You can and should ask your spouse, parents for help. They probably will not mind and will always come to the rescue.
  • Do not tolerate soreness and discomfort. It is unpleasant to feed - you should change your position, contact a consultant.

If the young mother observes all the rules for organizing feeding, carefully watching the baby, then there will be no problems with feeding. The whole process will soon improve, a regime will be developed, motherhood will only be a joy.

Watch the video: How to Bottle Feed and Burp your Newborn Baby (July 2024).