
Baby development at 7 months

7 months - the age when a child learns to understand his name and the word "no". The kid also knows how to grab objects with all his fingers, to determine intonation. Also, the baby can find toys that are only partially hidden. At this age, many more interesting neoplasms appear.

Seven month old baby

Skills and abilities of a seven month old baby

What a child should be able to do at 7 months:

  • Ability to sit independently;
  • Tries to sit down without help from an adult;
  • Crawls, but without lifting the body;
  • Leans on one hand, in parallel, it can grab an object with the other palm;
  • Able to roll;
  • He takes the bottle himself;
  • Stands holding the crib;
  • Can transfer things from one palm to another;
  • Tries to play with several toys at once;
  • When an irritant appears, turns his head.

Development indicators are divided into several categories: cognitive (cognitive), physical, emotional and social. Each of the skills belonging to these categories has an impact on the overall development of the baby.

Baby development at 7 months

At this age, learning new skills largely depends on the parents. Some seven-month-olds are already sitting, others are not yet able to do so. You shouldn't worry about this.

Recently, there has been a tendency that age norms are being simplified. In the past, the skill requirements for a seven-month-old were stricter than they are now.

Physical development at 7 months

The time when a boy or girl is 7 months old is characterized by the acquisition of physical skills.:

  1. Maintaining body weight while standing. At an earlier age, the legs of the crumbs bend when placed on their feet. Now she is able to stand confidently, albeit with a safety net, and even walk a little. A baby in this state will look almost like an adult child. But it is too early to teach him to walk, as well as to make him stand.
  2. Ability to roll. A baby at the age of seven months, as a rule, can turn from the back to the tummy and vice versa.
  3. Sitting without hand support. This skill appears both at the age of six months and later. For some mothers, the baby begins to sit quite late - about 9 months. Therefore, if the baby cannot do this at 7, you should not worry (although you still need to show the baby to the doctor).
  4. The ability to pick up food with your fingers. If you put a bowl of cookies in front of your child, he will be able to eat a little thing or two on his own. Parents' help is not required for this. Dr. Komarovsky says that you need to give a child of this age the opportunity to take food and eat it on their own. So he gradually begins to develop the ability to self-feed.
  5. The baby is able to take objects with all fingers.
  6. The ability to distinguish all colors. At the age of seven months, the baby perceives the world almost like an adult. Also, children know how to better navigate in space and determine the distance between objects. Thus, childhood myopia gradually goes away.

Seven month old baby playing

The height of boys of the seventh month ranges from 64 to 73.5 centimeters, and weight - from 6.7 to 10.3 kg. Girls are slightly smaller - from 62.7 to 72 centimeters and from 6 to 9.8 kg.

Psychological development

At the age of seven months, the child's psyche is actively improving, in particular, in communication with adults:

  1. Using the voice to express an emotional state. Among all forms of child behavior, he comes to the fore. Over time, parents can learn to distinguish different states of the baby or toddler by their voice. If he is tired, he will use some intonations, and if he is upset, others.
  2. Recognizing and responding to parental emotions. If adults laugh, the baby smiles. If they are agitated, the baby cries.
  3. Understanding prohibitions. If the child is told “you cannot do this,” he will stop and look closely at the parents.
  4. The kid responds to his name by turning his head towards the adult.
  5. The child begins to love games in a group, when he is surrounded not only by parents, but also by grandparents, brothers and sisters.
  6. More and more, the baby's life begins to obey the regime.

The concept of a norm with regard to a 7-month-old baby is very vague. Each infant has its own characteristics, some children may take longer. This will not affect the future life of the baby.

Baby's speech development

At seven months of age, many babies start babbling, some earlier and others later. Babbling is the repetition of syllables. Here parents can be happy, the baby said "mom". In fact, he does not yet put any meaning in this word. At this age, the child learns to articulate, which is a necessary basis for developing the skills of pronouncing individual words. After a while, the child will speak his native language.

Girl 7 months

Usually, children speak the first syllables for another 5-6 months, at 7 months the second stage of babbling formation begins - autoecholalia (repetition of the same sounds).

At this age, children often begin to understand individual words. If a baby is bottle-fed, he may have some problems with speech development. To prevent them, it is necessary to do special exercises to train the articulatory muscles.

Fine motor skills have a positive effect on the formation of a baby's speech at seven months. The more the crumb uses it, the better.

How to tell if a child is developing normally

The rate of formation of individual abilities is purely individual, but there are several symptoms that should alert parents. Normally, the baby should respond to sounds, sit and perform a number of other movements.

In order for the child to develop normally, you must try to do this:

  1. Put it on your stomach. This position helps to strengthen the muscles of the crumbs.
  2. Give squats while playing. This is how the legs, back are trained, and the mobility of the knee and hip joints also improves.
  3. Try to develop the ability to eat on your own, for which you need to put a plate of food in front of the crumbs. In this case, the adult controls the process.
  4. Encourage any attempt to communicate. It is very good to gather at the crib with a company of grandparents and other guests. It trains social skills and relieves the child of anxiety.
  5. Give him educational toys. At this age, the baby already knows how to grab objects with the whole palm. Therefore, in his arsenal should be rattles and other similar toys. They are able to develop his motor skills and intellectual abilities.

Need to know! If your toddler's skills aren't developing enough, don't worry. Each child grows at their own natural pace. After a few years there will be no difference, the baby started sitting at 6 months or 8 months.

Possible problems

If there is at least one of listed below symptoms, it is recommended to show the child to the doctor (but ne is always a cause for concern):

  1. The kid does not sit. Typically, at 7 months, babies do not need support or arms to do this.
  2. The child does not know how to change intonation. At this age, she acts as a tool for expressing feelings. If there is no such ability, it should be alarming.
  3. The crumb does not respond to sounds. This may indicate deafness. Usually at this age, the child distinguishes sounds well.
  4. The kid behaves absent-mindedly and does not react in response to the smile of an adult.
  5. The son or daughter has difficulty in reaching the mouth accurately with his hand. This skill is necessary in order to learn how to eat independently.
  6. The baby's body seems either too hard or overly soft.

Happy seven month old baby

Even if these problems do not exist, you need to regularly consult a pediatrician to prevent any developmental delays.

Games for baby 7 months

At the age of seven months, you can give your child a pyramid, with which he will be happy to play. True, usually children who have recently crossed the six-month line (including seven-month-olds) can only remove rings from her. But this is no longer a skill. The main thing is to be careful not to leave the child without control with this toy. It is recommended to place it at a short distance from the baby so that he can reach and thus train his motor skills.

Almost any object can be used as a toy for a seven-month-old baby that will not threaten his health. For example, babies love to play with bottles. If they are not completely filled with water, children are incredibly interesting to watch how the liquid pours from one side to the other.

Kid ready to play

All kinds of cups, wooden spoons and other kitchen utensils found in almost any home can also be used as toys for babies. Children really like colored sponges, from which they will be able to build a tower with their parents closer to the year.

Council. Do not overwhelm the baby with toys, because at this age the baby is able to concentrate on only one or two objects.

As for games, the following entertainments are well suited at this age:

  1. Hide and seek. You need to cover your child's favorite toy, but not completely and ask, for example, "where is the bunny?" Next, the parent waits for the baby to find it. Must be praised. At the same time, one should not be upset if the baby does not find the bunny.
  2. We crawl, we crawl. For example, you can invite your baby to crawl after a toy centipede on a string.

A seven month old baby already knows much more than a six month old. This is just the beginning.


Watch the video: WHAT MY BABY EATS IN A DAY. 7 MONTHS OLD (July 2024).