
From how many months can you give a baby soup

Soup for babies is part of the daily meal. There are many recipes to diversify your baby's daily menu. The main thing is to use age-approved products and not rush to introduce unwanted ingredients.

Baby lunch

The benefits of soups for a child's digestion

Soup is an indispensable dish for children and adults. It will help babies to establish digestion, it is easily absorbed and provides the body with the necessary fluid, replenishing the water-salt balance.

The products in the soup retain a maximum of nutrients that are so necessary for a growing child's body. Boiling is a gentle way of cooking, compared to stewing and even more so hot. The first courses are needed to ensure the digestion of the second. That is why it is customary to start a meal with them.

When to offer soup to babies

From how many months you can give your child soup:

  • Up to six months, the baby does not need additional nutrition, except for breast milk;
  • If the baby has health problems, is gaining weight poorly, or symptoms of anemia are noticed, pediatricians may recommend earlier introduction of complementary foods;
  • Infants who are bottle-fed are often advised to offer adult food at 4-5 months of age.

First soup

The first soup is prepared in water with the addition of vegetables. Vegetables are put into the soup, which the kid had time to taste, and is already used to them. Salting is not recommended, especially adding other spices.

Note! The dish should turn out to be liquid so that the baby does not experience problems when swallowing. Be sure to cool to a temperature of 40 degrees. For the first time, offer the child half a teaspoon and monitor his reaction.

When to give chicken broth

The introduction of chicken broth is advised to be postponed until 8-9 months of age. At the same time, pay attention to the child's reaction. Chicken is considered to be quite allergenic and can lead to rashes or other signs of intolerance. Then you should postpone the introduction of the dish.

Chicken bouillon

When to give broth

Meat broth is introduced into food after 10 months, often closer to a year. This is due to the fact that the liquid immediately enters the intestines, substances from food end up in the general bloodstream. As a result, the liver starts to work hard to protect the body, and uric acid in the blood reaches its limits. Therefore, in order not to overload the imperfect organism of the crumbs, one should not rush to introduce meat broths.

Soups in complementary foods for babies

Soups in complementary foods for babies should contain only those products with which the baby is already familiar. Until a year, you do not need to use spices, including salt, and frying. Soups for children under one year old, the recipes for which are quite simple, differ in variety. Every kid will find a dish to his liking.

From 5 months to a year

From 5-6 months, you can offer your child soup made from squash, broccoli, cauliflower. These vegetables are the first to be introduced into complementary foods and usually do not cause allergies.

How to cook soup for babies at 7-8 months depends on chewing skills. At this time, potatoes, carrots are introduced, they can be chopped with a blender or fork. Some children are already coping with microdoses, others are consuming only liquid food.

Then, in the ninth to tenth months, meat is added to the soups:

  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • hen.

They contain proteins that the growing baby needs, and are easily absorbed by an imperfect digestive system. It is better to add food to a ready-made dish or use a secondary broth. The broth can be given to the child in small portions.

You can already enter:

  • white cabbage;
  • bow;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Closer to the year, fish soup is prepared, beef is added to the diet. Again, you should refrain from broth from these ingredients for now. River fish is considered less allergenic.

Recipes for children under one year old

It is important not only to choose the right food, but also to prepare them so that the baby gets as much benefit as possible.

Note! A baby cannot be force-fed, the task of parents up to a year is to acquaint him with a variety of products and foods of different consistency.

Vegetable soup

Vegetable puree soup is perfect for the little ones. It can be prepared from any products that are familiar to the baby and come to his taste. For example, from squash, potatoes, carrots or broccoli, cauliflower.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  • Wash the selected vegetables thoroughly, peel and chop finely. Usually they are taken in equal proportions, but you can always experiment;
  • Place in a pot of boiling water and cook until soft;
  • Grind with a fork or blender, adding water to achieve the desired consistency.

You can add some butter at the end. Give the kid the soup when it cools down.

The consistency of vegetable soup for the first feeding

With chicken

At what age you can give your child chicken soup depends on whether it is cooked in water or broth. In the first case, you can enter it after 7 months, in the second - 8-9 weeks later.

If you plan to use broth, then after the first cooking it is better to drain it. Then pass the prepared chicken meat through a meat grinder and return to the soup. You can add a little onion, parsley and carrots. All pieces should be small, the carrots must be boiled until soft.

A glass of broth will need 70-80 grams of meat. If desired, add a tablespoon of milk or a lump of butter at the end of cooking.

With meat

Soup with meat is best cooked in water. Boil the product separately and grind it in a meat grinder. Add onions and carrots to the soup. You can add any vegetables you want, such as squash, potatoes, or broccoli. Flour is used to give a puree consistency. A teaspoon is diluted in water and added to the dish during cooking.

The finished soup can be rubbed through a sieve or use a blender. It is convenient to adjust the density by adding water. For 100 grams of meat, you will need about a glass of water, a third of a small carrot and a little onion. If you plan to include other vegetables in the dish, then take about 20 grams of each.


Soup for a child of 10-11 months can be prepared with fish. Pollock fillet is suitable for him. Do not use canned food under any circumstances:

  • Boil potatoes, carrots and onions;
  • Add fish, be sure to remove the bones and clean if necessary. She needs to spend no more than 5 minutes in boiling water;
  • Grind the soup, add a small amount of boiled milk if desired.

For 100 grams of fish, you need a small potato, 5 grams of onion and a third of a carrot.

With potato

Mashed potato soup is suitable for children who still do not cope well with pieces. It is a great way to stimulate chewing skills:

  • Wash potatoes, peel and cut into arbitrary pieces;
  • Cook until soft;
  • If the baby drinks milk, add in a volume appropriate for age. Remember that up to a year it must be diluted with water. Whole milk, both cow and goat, is prohibited for such crumbs;
  • Add carrot juice or cook a finely grated vegetable along with potatoes;
  • Cool the dish to body temperature.

For 200 grams of potatoes, 100 milliliters of milk and a teaspoon of carrot juice are enough. You will need at least one glass of water.


Broccoli soup is easy to prepare and very healthy. Boil the cabbage in the amount of 100 grams and one medium-sized potato. The less water in the pan, the more nutrients will be retained in the vegetables. You can bring vegetables to readiness in a slow cooker. When the vegetables are tender, beat them with a blender. If you wish, you can add a little low-fat cream, then the already delicious soup will acquire a pleasant creamy consistency.

Broccoli soup

You can boil the rice and rub it through a sieve. After that, dilute the dish with boiled milk, add a piece of butter. After 8-9 months, baby soups are cooked with vermicelli. You can prepare a dish of potatoes, carrots and onions, add a handful of pasta at the very end. It is better to start with products intended for baby food.

The rate of complementary feeding with soups up to a year

As with every new product, the soup must be introduced gradually. Even if the baby is already familiar with all the ingredients, new combinations can lead to unexpected reactions. Therefore, you should not offer the baby a whole plate at lunch.

Serving sizes

You need to start feeding with soup with a teaspoon. If the baby reacts normally, suggest how much to eat. In the first days, 3-4 spoons are enough. The amount should be gradually increased so that by the year the portion is 180-200 grams.

Note! It's okay if the baby eats a little more or less. The famous pediatrician, Komarovsky, believes that children themselves are well aware of their diet.

The kid eats himself and with pleasure

Complementary feeding frequency

Soup can be offered every day at lunch. Liquid food is good for babies, it normalizes digestion and is easy to digest. The main thing is that the dishes do not contain fatty foods, such as pork, and be prepared without the use of spices. You can add some salt to your meals, but remember that the fewer flavor-altering ingredients in the food, the better for the baby.

Soup for babies necessarily appears in the diet for up to a year. A sufficient variety of products allowed for input allows you to introduce your baby to different flavor combinations and find his favorite dish. You need to add food to the diet gradually, monitoring the reaction of the little one.

Watch the video: How to make Chicken Soup for baby! (June 2024).