
Mixed feeding of newborns

In some cases, mixed feeding of newborns is required. In order for the child to develop correctly, all the necessary substances and vitamins enter his body, parents should carefully study the features of preparing mixtures, feeding techniques and alternating with breast milk.

Mixing of products for feeding is done strictly as required.

What is mixed feeding

For the normal functioning of the crumbs' body and the development of all its systems, it is necessary to properly organize the diet. In the process of its formation, the composition of the mixtures, the age of the baby and individual characteristics should be taken into account.

It is necessary to switch to such a system for various reasons. In 90% of cases, this is due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast, as a result of which there may be a lack of breast milk. Switching to this method of feeding is also required because bottle-feeding is often performed in maternity hospitals. As a result, babies quickly get used to the nipple, and it becomes difficult for them to switch to breastfeeding.

A special form of feeding is mixed nutrition for a newborn. It is held in the first year of life. Feature - the child receives a special mixture with breast milk.

Important! The volume of the infant formula in the daily diet of a newborn should not exceed 1/5 of the total amount of food received.

Positive and negative sides

Choosing a mixed diet has a number of positive and negative qualities. They need to be considered to reduce the likelihood of problems occurring. The main harm is expressed in the following:

  • allergic reactions (especially to mixtures with fermented milk cultures in the composition);
  • frequent problems with stool (constipation);
  • dysbiosis;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen (colic, increased gas production);
  • violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora.

When choosing a mixed feeding option, remember that natural breast milk cannot be completely replaced by even the best quality formulas. There are much less vitamins and nutrients in the substitutes. That is why milk should be kept in the child's diet for as long as possible.

Another disadvantage of the mixed form is the load on the digestive tract. The fat content of breast milk and formula may not match. As a result, disorders of the digestive system develop, colic intensifies.

It is necessary to carefully study the advantages of this approach to nutrition. Each infant develops individually, but there are parameters common to all children. Experts managed to identify the positive features of a mixed diet:

  • freedom of action for parents (the mother is not tied to the house, she can bottle feed the baby at any time);
  • contact is not broken, as breastfeeding persists;
  • with a lack of milk, the mixture will make up for the missing nutrients.

Setting up mixed feeding for a newborn is easy. The mode can be saved as it was during the full-fledged GW. The only difference is that the milk and mixture will alternate.

Attention! In the process of nutrition, you need to adhere to the norms. The mixture should be prepared taking into account the age recommendations.

The need for feeding

You have to supplement for various reasons. Experts point out the following circumstances:

  • lack of breast milk (pronounced problem);
  • it is impossible to constantly be with the child (study, work, business trips);
  • kidney disease in the mother;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels in a nursing mother;
  • cesarean section;
  • the birth of several children at once;
  • premature birth;
  • diseases caused by the action of infections and viruses.

You should not immediately switch to mixed meals. The first step is to consult a doctor. He will draw up a suitable GW scheme. If the child is malnourished, then this will be expressed in slow weight gain or decrease in performance. It is in this case that a special milk mixture is introduced in addition. If there is a true lack of milk, then supplementary feeding with a mixture is introduced in a month or two after birth. In some cases - immediately after the baby is born.

There are misconceptions about insufficient lactation:

  • hot flashes are absent or mild;
  • the chest is constantly soft;
  • milk is difficult to express;
  • the child often cries;
  • for a long time "hanging" on the chest.

In order to understand whether the real problem is or not, it is recommended to check how the baby is gaining weight. Also, in some cases, in order for milk to begin to be produced more actively, stimulation of the nipples is required.

Expression problems are solved quite simply - you need to carry out a small massage or use special devices. If a baby cries during or after a meal, this does not always indicate the need for supplementary feeding. Sometimes negatively affected:

  • overwork;
  • colic;
  • improper attachment;
  • the beginning of the teething process.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child, and then eliminate the reasons for the discomfort. The duration of the "hovering" is also explained: the baby wants to extend the time spent with his mother. Even a lag in weight gain does not always indicate the need for supplementation with formula. The discrepancy in indicators for girls at 2 months is from 3.6 kg to 6.6 kg.

You need to feed if there is a lack of weight or other objective reasons

There are physiological reasons for the introduction of mixtures into the diet of a newborn. Nipples can crack, which can lead to severe pain. A similar problem in most cases occurs when the baby is not properly applied to the breast. It is necessary to use special healing ointments that presuppose the preservation of breastfeeding.

Important! An objective method for assessing nutritional deficiencies is the number of micturitions. Supplementing is introduced if the baby urinates less than 12 times a day (you can check on the wet diaper test).

How to maintain lactation

It is necessary not only to draw up a feeding schedule, but also to know how to maintain lactation if the mother cannot always be near the baby. A pumping system is used for this purpose. Milk can be stored in portioned containers and given to the baby using a bottle. This will maintain breast stimulation and prevent milk production from ceasing.

If you choose mixed infant feeding, it is recommended to ask your doctor how to properly feed, combining breast milk and formula. The general recommendation would be to schedule the schedule so that the mixture takes up as little space as possible. Its maximum amount is 50% of the total amount of food (including complementary foods).

How to calculate the amount of mixture

The main rule is to pay attention to the information on the packaging with the product. It gives recommendations on the amount of the mixture in accordance with the age of the baby. Additional calculations should be made by the doctor, since he knows the individual characteristics in the development of the baby.

For the first feeding, use no more than 10 ml of liquid mixture. Here, attention is paid to the body's response to the product. Then, if it is missing, the amount is calculated by age. Calculation example:

  • age - 4 months;
  • meals per day - 9 times;
  • the rate for urination is 40 ml;
  • additional amount of food (mixture) - 120 ml.

The volume of 120 ml must be divided by the number of feedings per day. Wet diapers will help to regulate supplementation, so the test is performed 1-2 times a week. If the indicators are normal and without the formula, it can be excluded from the nutrition program completely (return to breast milk).

Making a liquid mixture is easy

Supplementary feeding technique

In order not to overfeed a small child, it is recommended to follow the additional feeding technique. The type of mixture, volume of milk, individual characteristics and needs of the crumbs are taken into account.

When to inject the mixture

The mixture is administered for medical reasons and recommendations. It can also be turned on when a poor wet diaper test result occurs. Age restrictions - from the first day of life.

How to choose a mixture and bottle

The choice of bottle and dry product is made individually. Reviews are taken into account, an important indicator is the well-being of the baby. An option is suitable, after which weight gain will continue, there will be no colic, dysbiosis or an allergic reaction. The shape of the nipple is close to the nipple. The volume of the bottle is small (100-120 ml up to 6 months). To organize mixed feeding for the baby, constant monitoring of his condition and weight will help.

Mixed feeding options

In order for the product not to be harmful to digestion, you need to introduce it in small portions. There are marked benefits from mixing foods (breastfeeding and formula) if the right approach is chosen. There are several ways to feed:

  • first milk, then a mixture (immediately at a time), plus - an increase in the level of lactation;
  • the choice between milk and formula (in one feeding they give either milk, or mixture, or complementary foods) - it is recommended to give breast at least 3 times a day.

Which of the options will be organized mixed feeding of newborns can be decided independently. But it is necessary to introduce a mixed diet of a newborn and choose how to feed it after consulting a doctor. He will also calculate how much mixture should be in the diet. If possible, then you need to save GW up to a year.

Watch the video: COMBI FEEDING. DR BROWNS HONEST REVIEW (July 2024).