
When a child begins to recognize mom and dad

In the first months, the newborn sees the world around him blurred. Sooner or later, he begins to recognize his parents. They are interested in knowing when the child begins to recognize the mother.

When a child gets to know mom

When a baby begins to recognize mom by smell

Young mothers are asked if the newborn feels the mother. The sense of smell develops in a baby very first. A small person is able to identify a mommy through tactile and olfactory experience. Interestingly, even at the age of one month, a baby is looking for a breast while in grandmother's arms.

The baby has a maternal smell already from the age of three. From about 2 months. he remembers it. He will not confuse him with anything, because mom smells like milk. That is why after the birth of the newborn, the mother must be placed on her stomach. In a week or two, he learns maternal things.

The newborn recognizes the mother by the smell

Note! During this time, other family members can use mom's clothes to calm the baby.

Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the incompatibility of the child's body with mother's milk or its absence, the child is more often given mixtures. With artificial feeding, every member of the family can feed. Because of this, it is much more difficult for him to recognize the mother using only touch.

When children identify mom by voice

Even in the prenatal period, children can hear sounds. The mother's voice is perceived best.

Important! Since the baby perceives the mother's voice while in her womb, it is very important to talk to him. Indeed, in this period, a strong spiritual connection between the mother and the child is developed.

The baby separates his native voice from the rich world of sounds at about 3 months. At the same time, he begins to react to my mother's conversation. The more a young mother talks to a child, the better he gets used to her and the earlier he starts talking.

When children identify mom visually

Vision in the embryo is formed during pregnancy. After birth, the child's ability to clearly see the weak. For the first weeks, he sees the world around him as if in a fog and visually feels the outlines of objects. He is indifferent to who passed next to him: his parents, or maybe a complete stranger.

Note! The baby clearly perceives only those things that are closest to him.

A baby at the age of several weeks is able to recognize:

  • bright light or its complete absence;
  • movement of people;
  • separate closely spaced objects.

Starting from about three months, the world around them takes on color for the baby. This is the time when the child is able to recognize the mother. It is she who feeds the baby, most often carries him in her arms. Therefore, he defines the mother's face, facial expressions and smile earlier. This occurs at the age of three months. By this time, the baby clearly distinguishes between the mother, can smile at her, gag.

At 4-5 months, when the mother appears, the child begins to actively move the arms, legs, reach for her (provided that she smiles and talks to him). The kid does the same by looking at a stranger.

Baby 5 months

At the age of six months, children clearly distinguish between parents, other family members, and strangers. They often avoid the latter: they do not play, they do not smile, they behave somewhat constrainedly. This is a normal newborn reaction. If parents notice differences in the baby's behavior, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician.

Sometimes a son or daughter does not immediately recognize a loved one when he is on the side. There is no need to be afraid of this. At a few months, peripheral vision is still quite narrow, the baby is not able to recognize loved ones from this angle.

It often happens that a son or daughter does not recognize a mother just because she changed her memorable clothes, put on bright jewelry. This is also normal - the child perceives the mother by the presence of certain external signs, if there are no usual things, then the little one is lost.

When and how children start to recognize dad

The father is interested in what time the baby is able to recognize him. This usually happens by about 4 months. When communicating with him, the child laughs, gurgles. During this period, he begins to identify relatives with whom he contacts more often.

Communication between dad and baby

At about six months of age, the infant's behavior changes. He is very attached to his mother and wants to see only her and stay with her longer. At this time, the child does not want to communicate with his father and even pushes him away. This is a temporary reaction - starting from 9 months building new relationships with dad begins. The father needs to find an approach to the baby.

From this age, the little one resumes relations with his father. The degree of attachment of the baby to the dad depends on how he is involved in the upbringing process. The baby at this time recognizes the father and loves to play with him. However, the dad does not play such a significant role in the infant life as the mother. It becomes more important after a few months, maybe years.

How does a baby recognize relatives

At about 8-9 months, a new stage in the development of the baby begins: he begins to get acquainted with his grandmother, grandfather, and other family members. The same applies to distant relatives, friends and acquaintances of the parents. A strong bond with them is established and strengthened as the adult becomes involved with the baby. By the beginning of the 10th month, the baby clearly identifies his own and others in appearance.

How to help your son or daughter recognize parents faster

In order for a daughter or son to start identifying parents faster, you need to heed the following recommendations:

  1. You should smile at your child more often. He will respond in kind. The more often mom smiles at her son or daughter, the stronger the psychological connection between them.

Baby smiling at mother

  1. A young mother should spend enough time with her baby. That way he'll get used to it better.
  2. You should talk to your baby more often. Then he will quickly get used to the mother's voice and utter the first word earlier.

Important! Even a one-month-old baby needs to be introduced to the objects of the surrounding world, to say what they are called. After all, the baby actively learns the world around him. How often parents talk to the baby depends on his mental development.

  1. Demonstrating toys, you need to place them as close as possible to children's eyes. Otherwise, it contributes to the formation of strabismus. Also, bright objects are placed at a short distance from the face and periodically changed.
  2. During communication, you need to actively use facial expressions.

Knowing when any child begins to recognize parents is very important - this indicator indicates the correct development of the baby. If there is anything wrong with this, it is worth visiting a pediatrician. A baby develops correctly only in a family where harmonious relationships prevail.

Watch the video: The unique connection (July 2024).