
Weight gain in newborns by month

An indicator such as weight gain in newborns by months is determined by the standards and allows you to monitor the correct development of the baby. Minor mass deviations should not cause concern to parents. Large discrepancies with the norms require attention and search for reasons.

Check weighing

Usually, the baby himself knows how much food he needs in a given feeding. But whether there is enough breast milk or infant formula for normal development, only the dynamics of the child's weight gain, which is monitored by the pediatrician, will show.

Why watch for weight gain

Nutrition is the main physiological need of the body. Its importance is especially important in the first year of life, when the child must receive the substances necessary for the formation of hormones, enzymes, and the improvement of internal systems. The value of food is that it helps in the building of tissues and cells, as well as their renewal.

The more nutritious the nutrition, the stronger the baby's health, the better his resistance to harmful factors. Not only physical, but also mental development directly depends on the quality of the food consumed.

For the first six months, a child needs a large amount of valuable substances to cover the energy costs used for adaptation, intensive growth, maintenance of vital functions, and metabolic processes.

Important! Lack or excess in nutrition leads to physical and mental disorders in the development of the infant. Natural and acquired immunities are weakened. The activity of organs that provide homeostasis is upset.

To avoid the development of nervous and endocrine pathologies, allergies, diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, it is necessary to monitor the norm of weight gain in infants by months. Mother performs this function regularly, starting from the first days of the baby's appearance in the house.

Child's weight at discharge

The starting indicator for monitoring body weight is not the one that was at birth: the weighing figures are taken into account at discharge. All children lose weight in the first week, this is due to the natural characteristics of the body.

First weighing

If, for example, a baby weighed 3.5 kg during childbirth, then when sent home this figure will be 200-500 g less. Mom should not worry about this - with a balanced diet, the little one will very quickly gain the necessary kilograms.

How to calculate your child's normal weight

If, after weighing, it seems to parents that the baby is not gaining weight well, this is not yet a reason for worry. Perhaps the baby has a hereditary constitution, or he is more actively growing.

To compare how much the real weight differs from the standard, pediatricians use special tables. Mom can do simple calculations on a calculator.

Weight rate up to six months

On average, the first 6 months, a newborn should gain 800 g. Based on this, the calculation formula looks like this:

Мр1 = Мв + 800 * Nм, where:

  • Мр1 - weight of a child up to six months (g);
  • Мв - weight at discharge from the hospital (g);
  • Nm is the number of months.

For example:

3000 + 800 * 5 = 7000 (g).

If the baby weighed 3 kg at discharge, then the average weight of his body at 5 months should be 7.0 kg. Small deviations in real weight (in both directions) are considered normal.

Weight 6 to 12 months

During this period, the coefficient of increase per month is 400 g. In this case, the calculation begins from the mass, which is the norm for 6 months, where Мр1 is 7800 g (3000 + 800 * 6):

Мр2 = Мр1 + 400 * (Nm - 6).

The result is the following for a baby at 10 months:

7800 + 400 * (10 - 6) = 9400 (g.).

By 10 months, the same baby with a normal diet should weigh 9.4 kg. From the moment of discharge from the hospital, the child gains an average of 6.4 kilograms or 1.6 kg in 4 months after six months.

Table of approximate increase in WHO

The above formulas for calculating the norms of the baby's weight allow conditionally control the monthly development process and do not take into account individual characteristics.

One of the WHO tables

The World Health Organization has long been dealing with the problem of nutrition for newborns, it has compiled its own tables, where step-by-step weight gain in babies is scheduled by month.

Weight gain according to WHO

Age, monthsAdditional weight, g.

Having got a good start in the first six months, the baby becomes more active. Although the food intake per meal increases, the rate of weight gain decreases. This is due to the fact that the toddler begins to crawl, then makes attempts to walk, and most of the nutrients are used to generate motor energy.

Analysis of the dynamics of the weight of the newborn

In addition to tables, pediatricians use special charts, which track the dynamics of body weight gain from the moment the baby is discharged to a certain age. If the real curve is below the control, the doctor analyzes the following factors:

  • what is the mother's lactation;
  • how high-quality her food is;
  • whether the woman lays the baby to the breast correctly;
  • whether the baby is sick, and whether he has worms;
  • the regimen and the number of feedings are observed or not.

Note. The reasons for weight loss can be neurological pathology and dysbiosis, a stressful condition in a nursing woman. Even a vaccine can cause temporary weight loss.

For some children, the weight gain curve may be located on the graph above the standard. The reasons influencing excess weight are already considered here:

  • perhaps the mother is overfeeding the baby;
  • if the child is bottle-fed, they look to see if the formula is correctly selected;
  • determine if there are abnormalities in the work of the endocrine system;
  • whether the nursing woman is taking hormones.

Plump butuz

An inactive kid, who eats a lot, turns into an over-fed butuza. Therefore, you need to look for the cause of such hypodynamia. Perhaps the child has a pathology of mental development.

Poor weight gain

If the toddler is underweight, but is active, does not cry, mom should not worry. This means that the baby eats as much as he is supposed to, but due to individual characteristics it develops more slowly.

Crying babies alone is not a sign of malnutrition. The child can eat normally and gain weight well, but he suffers from gas or colic. When both indicators are present (the child cries a lot and does not eat well), we can talk about a serious problem leading to weight loss.

How to notice undervoltage without weights

If a mother compares her baby with other children of the same age and complains that she does not have such a well-fed child, it is recommended to pay attention to family members. If relatives do not differ in large build, then a thin baby will not be a butuz.

The kid doesn't eat well

You need to worry if the child is constantly crying, does not sleep well, eats little, behaves sluggishly. You can suspect a dangerous underweight by the following signs:

  • the baby has a pale, unhealthy appearance;
  • the skin is dry, rough, has lost its elasticity;
  • no fat folds on the body;
  • hair and nails grow poorly.

The toddler, pathologically underweight, lags behind in development. When, for example, at 3 months a child does not reflexively open his mouth at the sight of a nipple or does not hold his head well, we can talk about a lack of nutrition.

What to do with poor weight gain

If the lack of body weight has become a reason for concern, the mother discusses with the pediatrician a future strategy for correcting the situation:

  • first of all, the baby is examined for the presence of diseases, pathologies;
  • regulate the diet;
  • revise the mother's diet and the list of complementary foods, if the toddler is already more than six months old.

Whether the baby is full or not during feeding can be practically tested by giving him a little infant formula after breastfeeding. If the baby eats it willingly, it means that he does not have enough mother's milk. Therefore, the baby is either transferred to mixed feeding, or the number of attachments to the nipple is increased during the day, resuming also the night meal.

Boys and girls: is there a difference

The gender of the child is one of the factors influencing the rate of weight gain. In the above calculation formulas, this is not taken into account, WHO tables and graphs are compiled separately for boys and girls, in view of the differences in their physiological development.

Interesting. The boy is more active than the girl, gaining weight and height. Even his head circumference is larger. This is due to the peculiarities of body formation by gender.

At the same time, a plump, tall baby can develop in one family, and a thin, short kid in another. It is not worth comparing children, even if they are of the same age. The basis for correct development is not the neighbour's children, but the norms for adding centimeters and kilograms, starting from the first indicators.

Increase depending on gender

Age, monthsMinimum gain *, g.Maximum weight gain, g.Increase in height, cm
in boysgirls

* The minimum limit for weight gain is the same for all children. When the baby will gain less than this indicator, it is worth sounding the alarm.

After weighing the child, the mother compares the result with the data from the table above. If it fits into the interval between the minimum and maximum corresponding to age and gender, then the child is developing normally.

Features of the increase in premature babies

Babies born between 28 and 38 weeks of gestation are considered premature, provided that their weight is less than 2.5 kg and their height does not reach 45 cm. Such babies are outwardly different from babies born on time:

  • they have loose, wrinkled, inelastic skin;

Premature baby

  • poorly developed or completely absent subcutaneous tissue;
  • the body is covered with original fluff;
  • the head is larger in proportion to the body;
  • nails are soft, thin, not fully formed.

These differences make it difficult to diagnose the correct development of the baby by external signs (especially at first). Therefore, constant monitoring of body weight is required. They compare not only the weight gain by week, but also take into account the pace at which development should go:

  • by 2-3 months, the newborn needs to double its weight;
  • by six months - increase it by 4 times from the original indicator.

If the baby develops mentally and physically normally, then by the year he will catch up with full-term peers in terms of weight norms.

To do this, it is recommended to introduce prematurely born babies to HW complementary foods earlier than expected. With poor weight gain, cottage cheese is introduced into the baby's menu (2-3% to the daily diet). It is recommended to alternate breastfeeding with formula milk. Complementary foods introduced from 5 months of age should be higher in calories than those that full-term babies receive.

Scales for newborns

If the child is problematic and is gaining weight poorly, it is worth buying a home (or renting) a control device. There are several modifications of the newborn scale. Parents need to choose the option that works best for them.

Types of scales

Features:Traditional appliance made of painted metal. Works on the principle of compression of springs using a weight and a measuring rod. Weight determination is done manually.
More modern models are arrowheads. No manual intervention required, but the principle of the spring is the same
The body is made of lightweight metal or environmentally friendly plastic.
The stabilization system allows you to more accurately determine the weight, even if the baby is restless.
Thanks to electronic sensors, the weight is indicated on the display automatically.
Many models have a memory block that retains previous readings
pros• durability;
• no food required;
• inexpensive
• error no more than 15 g;
• lightweight and do not require special care;
• large selection in terms of design
Minuses• periodic lubrication and cleaning is required;
• heavy;
• do not differ in design
• you need power supply (from the mains or batteries);
• less durable than mechanical ones;
• are expensive

Time-tested models

Each category has its own merits and demerits. If the exact weight of the baby is important, it is best to opt for electronics. If its price is too expensive, there is a reason to rent such scales - rental will be cheaper than buying. Although with a mechanical device, you can control the weight gain quite well.

Scale model overview

Brand nameMax load, kgError, g.Features:Orient. price, thousand rubles
Beurer BY80505Powered by AA batteries. Equipped with an overload indicator. The bowl is not removable3,5
LAICA MD6141Equipped with many different options. Several units of measurement available3,8-4,2
Maman SBBC21218Instead of a bowl, a platform is used, which is convenient for the baby. The program is equipped with all the necessary options3,7-4,5
Momert 74741315Convenient metal model. The scale is equipped with a magnifying glass2,0-2,5
Seca 725165Safe, comfortable, shockproof bowl. The balance is equipped with a zeroing function4,0

The table shows a conditional mini rating of devices for weighing newborns. Parents may come across other models, so you need to learn how to prioritize when choosing them.

How to choose a baby scale

For a successful purchase, you should pay attention not only to the beautiful design. Devices are evaluated according to other criteria.

Features of the newborn scale

Bowl size and shapeThe larger the parameter, the more convenient it is to weigh the child. The toddler must fit completely on the scale
Platform typeIt is recommended to choose not monolithic, but collapsible. This makes it easier to transport and maintain the device.
MaterialMetal models are heavier than plastic ones. Make sure that lightweight material does not contain harmful impurities
Permissible loadIf you buy a device with a margin for subsequent years, then it is better to choose models designed for a load of up to 50 kg. They have a removable bowl that allows you to turn your table scale into a floor scale
ErrorThe indicator should be minimal so that the weight of the baby can be determined with greater accuracy

Electronic devices may have additional functions built in, this affects the cost. Therefore, giving preference to such models, you need to think how important the available options are.

How to weigh a child correctly

Knowing how much a newborn should gain in weight by months, and having an appropriate device at home, it is easier for mom to track dynamics. The scales must be accompanied by instructions for use. The following recommendations are also important:

  • the scales are placed on a flat surface;
  • lay the diaper and only then turn on the electronic device or set zero on the mechanical device;
  • the baby is stripped naked and carefully placed on the scales.

Weighing the little one

If the toddler is too mobile, then it is more reasonable to purchase an electronic model. It has an option to fix the average weight.

Checkweighing helps the mother know if the baby is gaining enough weight. The main thing is that the shortage does not make you worry, because on one day the baby was mobile, on the other - he behaved calmly. One should panic when there is no weight gain for a long period.

Watch the video: HELP! MY NEWBORN WONT GAIN WEIGHT 2 Week Check Up - Raw u0026 Uncut. Dr. Paul (July 2024).