
How to put a baby to sleep quickly in 5 minutes (newborn baby)

Often young parents complain that it is difficult to put the baby to sleep during the day and even at night because of the constant whims. In such cases, it is worth asking the advice of pediatricians on how to quickly euthanize an infant.

It is often difficult for a mother to put her baby to bed for many reasons.

11 common reasons why a child is awake

In the first year of life, sleep takes a long period of time in the infant mode, which is necessary to restore strength and full development. Therefore, psychologists teach parents how to properly put a child to sleep.

The main reasons that interfere with the euthanasia of the child:

  • Incorrect organization of the daily routine: mom is sure that it is not scary if the baby sleeps a little during the day. Psychologists consider this to be the main mistake, since lack of sleep during the day makes it difficult to lull an infant to sleep in the evening.
  • Even a slight violation of the usual rituals negatively affects the quality of falling asleep. Rituals give the baby an opportunity to orientate in time, for example, cleaning toys, a warm bath, a lullaby signal that it is time to fall asleep.
  • Growing up children are very inquisitive, so during the day they actively explore the world around them. An unexpected mother's command to sleep discourages the baby, since a sharp change in activity is not yet available to him.
  • Sometimes parents do not notice that the bed is going in an unsuitable environment, for example, when falling asleep, the TV is on, the sun is shining brightly through the window. This interference stops the production of melatonin, which affects sleepiness.
  • Late in the evening laying down leads to overwork of the crumbs, the body accumulates cortisol - a stress hormone. Sleep becomes disturbing and fragmented. Some mothers, not understanding this, try to lull the child to sleep later, believing that this way he will sleep better and longer.

Council. The best time to go to bed at night is between 19-20 hours, when melatonin (sleep hormone) is produced.

  • Problems in putting babies to sleep often arise due to painful reactions, for example, it can be colic in the first months, teething, allergies to new foods.

Falling asleep problems can appear when children learn a new skill

  • It is also difficult to euthanize a child during the learning period. Growing up and getting to know the world around him, he realizes that one can sit and stand in a crib. Children sleep restlessly when they learn a new skill.

Council. Setting the correct wake time will enable your baby to learn new skills, including falling asleep on his own.

  • The child receives negative associations before going to bed when the parents, trying to put him to sleep faster, go to different tricks: they jump on a fitball, and feed them hard. As a result, the child develops a bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night and asking for a swing or feed.
  • Lack of attention and care can negatively affect the baby when laying down. Such situations happen when the mother, wanting to teach the baby to independence, leaves him alone in the crib.
  • In order not to confuse the child in sleepy rituals, it is necessary to exclude inconsistency in the actions of the household, for example, the grandmother is rocking in her arms, and the mother puts her in the crib and leaves. Such a mismatch will disorient the baby.
  • When it comes time to move the baby from the bassinet to the large crib, it can also be difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, early relocation is harmful, it is better to gradually accustom the child to a new place of sleep.

Council. Psychologists consider the appropriate age to transfer from a small crib to a large one when the baby learns to control his actions.

Correct laying rules

Pediatricians explain to mothers how to quickly euthanize a newborn baby. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Set the correct sleep mode;
  • Choose individual methods for laying crumbs.

Important! For the proper organization of sleep, there should be no apparent reason for unwillingness to sleep: illness or stress.

Choosing the right rituals when putting your baby to sleep

According to experts, there is no universal method of bedtime. In every family, everything is different: some parents do not have a problem with laying down, since from the maternity hospital the baby has learned to fall asleep on his own, others have missed this opportunity. For those mothers who have problems with children's sleep, psychologists are advised to get acquainted with popular methods.


A popular method of lulling is a ritual that ensures predictability of actions. Repetitive rituals can be introduced as early as the second month of a baby's life. Evening bathing, a lullaby, and a soft toy before going to bed have proven themselves well.

Good feeding

Mothers know that a healthy newborn, when full, falls asleep at the mother's breast. Artificial children also fall asleep easily after a bottle of milk formula. However, when the breast or nipple is removed, many babies wake up immediately.

Council. Pediatricians say: if in the middle of the night the baby wakes up and asks for milk, you can reduce the portion of feeding during the day, and, on the contrary, increase it before going to bed so that he has a hearty meal.

How to rock a child in your arms

At all times it was customary to rock the baby in the arms. This helps him feel protected and fall asleep quickly. But such a ritual must be used in dosage, since it is difficult to hold a one-year-old child in your arms. In addition, some experts consider motion sickness a bad habit. Therefore, shaking the baby for 3-4 minutes will be quite enough.

Soother / nipple

A dummy is useful for satisfying the sucking reflex, but should be used in the same way as motion sickness, in dosage. Psychologists advise, as soon as the child falls asleep with the pacifier, immediately remove it. Having got used to this action, the baby will not wake up having lost the pacifier.


A good welcome is a dip in warm water after a busy day. This daily ritual not only calms the baby, but also sends a signal to prepare for sleep.

Bathing in the evening helps the baby fall asleep well

After bathing, you need to feed, water the child, dress in warm pajamas and do a massage. After these procedures, he will sleep all night.


Swaddling is a method that has been used in childcare for centuries. Then it was considered a bad habit and stopped recommending it to young mothers. However, its popularity has increased recently, as mothers have noticed that free swaddling helps babies to fall asleep and not wake themselves up with their hands.

Author's methods

Council. It is desirable for everyone to find their own method of euthanasia by observing the child and his temperament. The author's methods of calming babies, which have received wide recognition, will help.

Dr. Harvey Karp Method

Harvey Karp's technique for calming babies is considered interesting, which is based on the sensations in the mother's stomach:

  • It was cramped and warm there, so swaddling is helpful;
  • Rocking the baby up and down, lying on the side, tummy or arm of the mother;
  • "White noise", that is, the sound "sh" or another quiet sound, has a calming effect on the child, the mother herself can "whine" with the same volume as he cries.
  • Soothing satisfaction from the sucking reflex.

Note. Dr. Karp is convinced that the sucking reflex can satisfy not only the mother's breast, but also the baby's finger.

Estiville's method

Estiville's Controlled Crying Method assumes that a 6-month-old baby can fall asleep on its own if the necessary rituals are performed. For example, put it at the same time, leave a toy or a pacifier overnight. The actions of adults should be constant: the child is placed in the crib without being lulled and left alone. At first, leaving the room is allowed for one minute, then increases to five minutes. Moreover, at each entry into the room, the crumbs are not taken in their arms, but simply shown their presence. Such visits should be done until the child himself falls asleep.

The Estiville technique will help teach the baby to fall asleep on his own

Elizabeth Pantley Method

The method of self-falling asleep by E. Pantley, a mother of four children, is designed for a gentle regimen. First, the mother determines if there is a problem with sleep, pays attention to the crumbs' signals, prepares special rituals for sleep.

Further, the technique includes the following steps:

  • High-calorie food before bed in the form of cereals, cheese, yoghurts.
  • Evening rituals: fairy tales, lullabies, breastfeeding, special lighting, soft music, soft pajamas.
  • Laying the baby down early, no later than eight hours, then there will be no fatigue of the child, time will be freed up for household chores.
  • A full daytime sleep will enable you to fall asleep quickly in the evening.
  • Experiments with ways of laying: in a stroller, on a swing for children.
  • Make your favorite toy a symbol of sleep. To lull the baby to sleep, place the toy between the mother and the baby during breastfeeding, then put it in the crib with the baby.

You should not expect a quick result from the method, but it is as comfortable as possible for kids and parents.

Nathan Dailo's technique

Nathan Dailo, the dad of a newborn boy, has invented a useful method that will put a child to sleep in 40 seconds: gently touching the body at the right pace.

Note. About the work of this method, from the point of view of physiology, pediatricians say that touching stimulates the baby's ability to calm down on his own, just as if he was sucking his thumb. Minus - the method stops working at 4 months of age.

Evgeny Komarovsky's rules

Children's doctor Komarovsky offers his own rules, the implementation of which will help to relieve the baby's anxiety during sleep.

Rule # 1 The Importance of Parental Sleep

It is necessary to prioritize the rest, as it is better for a newborn if the mother will get enough sleep.

Rule number 2 Establishment of sleep and wakefulness

It is necessary to correctly determine the periods of sleep and wakefulness, taking into account the biorhythms of the baby and the daytime regimen of the parents.

Rule # 3 Clarifying a place to sleep

A place for a baby to sleep is only in a separate bed, then both the child and the adults will get enough sleep. In the year, the baby can be moved to another room.

Baby better sleep alone in his crib

Rule number 4 Monitoring sleep duration

It is necessary to adjust the time of daytime sleep in order to prevent the baby from falling asleep poorly in the evening.

Rule # 5 Optimizing Feeding

The baby's reaction during feeding, such as falling asleep while eating, will signal how much food to give in the evening. You can feed tightly or, conversely, reduce the amount of food.

Rule # 6 Day Saturation

The baby's wakefulness should be intense: walks, communication, games, this will increase the duration of the night's sleep.

Rule # 7 Freshness of air

Airing is obligatory half an hour before bedtime; in a stuffy and humid atmosphere, the baby does not fall asleep well.

Rule number 8 Evening swimming

Bathing in warm water and calm water games relieve fatigue and improve your baby's mood.

Rule # 9 Comfortable crib

The correct organization of the bed with fresh linen and a comfortable mattress.

Adequate sleep is a prerequisite for the physical and mental development of a child. Following the advice of specialists, it is easy for a mother to understand how to put a child to sleep in almost 5 minutes.

Watch the video: How to Get Your Baby to Sleep (June 2024).