
How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in infants - characteristic signs

The child's digestive tract is imperfect. Babies often have various stomach and intestinal disorders: diarrhea, vomiting, regurgitation. In some cases, parents don't need to worry at all. For example, regurgitation is a physiological phenomenon that in most cases goes away by itself by six months.

Every newborn child should spit up at least sometimes, this is normal.

Vomiting and regurgitation in infants

Parents often do not know how to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in babies. This is what causes their concern. It is not difficult to distinguish these concepts, the main thing is to carefully observe the child, his behavior and well-being. In this case, parents do not have to worry in vain when there is no reason for fear. If necessary, you can consult with your local pediatrician.

How to distinguish these concepts

How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in a baby, characteristic signs:

  • When regurgitating, a small volume of fluid comes out;
  • Vomiting in most cases is combined with diarrhea;
  • If the baby spits up, his general well-being is not disturbed. On the other hand, with vomiting, the child may be lethargic or restless;
  • When spitting up, the child has no odor from the mouth; when vomiting, an unpleasant sour smell may appear.

If unpleasant phenomena are repeated often, you should watch the baby. A baby who periodically spits up continues to grow well and gain weight, remains active and vigorous. If the baby vomits frequently, he may lose weight and feel unwell, as well as refuse to eat. According to these signs, the pathology easily differs from the norm as a result of observation of the child.

Regurgitation can occur after each feeding. Thus, the child simply gets rid of excess food, preventing overeating. You can prevent the problem by reducing the amount of breast milk or formula that your baby eats with each feeding. If the baby is over-fed, the food will not be absorbed, it will immediately come back. This can lead to chronic underweight in the baby.

If the child spits up, his general physical and emotional state does not change.

Causes of regurgitation and vomiting

If the baby spits up, there are several reasons for this condition. In addition to overeating, inappropriate latching of the breast during feeding can lead to the release of food through the mouth. Also, the baby can push food back due to neurological problems. Vomiting is due to the fact that:

  • The child has contracted a gastrointestinal infection;
  • Parents incorrectly or untimely introduce complementary foods;
  • There is an individual intolerance to certain food products;
  • The kid uses milk formula that is not suitable for age.

Unlike regurgitation, vomiting often causes dehydration. Therefore, if the baby has vomited, he should be given to drink as much clean water as possible. You can also use a special glucose solution available from pharmacies. It prevents dehydration and saturates the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Unsweetened cranberry juice or dried fruit compote can also be given to a child over six months old. The main sign of dehydration is a sunken fontanelle; if this symptom is found, the baby must be given water urgently. If the baby refuses to drink, a doctor should be called - it is possible that the child will be given IVs in the hospital to prevent dehydration.

Attention! If the baby is not receiving any artificial nutrition and eats only breast milk, the most likely cause of nausea and vomiting is increased intracranial pressure. In this case, you should consult a neurologist. If the baby vomited after falling and hitting his head hard, you should urgently call a doctor - the baby may have received a concussion.

Tips for mom

Young mothers are often worried about regurgitation. However, this problem can be easily prevented. To do this, you should avoid overfeeding and make sure that the baby suckles correctly. It is known that formula-fed babies spit up more abundantly than breastfeeding babies.

What to do to prevent the baby from spitting up

In order for the baby not to spit up, it is necessary:

  • Do not overeat;
  • Make sure that each breastfeeding lasts no more than ten to fifteen minutes;
  • A nursing mother should follow a diet;
  • Ensure proper grip on the chest.

These simple rules will help you to significantly reduce the amount of regurgitation.

How to breastfeed properly

During feeding, the infant should cover the entire nipple, not just the brown circle that is near the nipple. In this case, the baby will not swallow air. If the baby is not sucking properly, it should be gently weaned and reapplied. After several attempts, the baby will understand exactly what is required of him. The main thing is to be persistent.

Keep in mind! Latching the breast correctly also helps to prevent cracked nipples.

Stomach upset often occurs due to improper latching of the breast by the infant

What to do after feeding

When the child is full, it should be carefully weaned and held in an upright position for ten to fifteen minutes. Soon, the baby will regurgitate the air that it has swallowed while eating. After that, the baby can be put to bed. This applies to both infants and formula-fed children.

Periodic standing upright is generally beneficial for a newborn baby. Holding the baby in a "column" will help relieve the intestinal colic that so often occurs in babies under three months old. Also in this position, the child sees what is happening around him, and actively observes his environment.

Artificial children can buy special bottles that mimic the mother's breast. They prevent regurgitation thanks to a special valve. You can buy such an accessory at any store for newborns. This bottle not only prevents food ejection, but also contributes to the formation of a correct bite, thanks to the anatomical design of the rubber nipple. In addition, if a baby sucks milk from such a bottle, then he does not refuse to breast.

Attention! When the baby has sucked on the breast or has eaten formula milk, after feeding, in no case should he be laid on his back. If a child suddenly spits up, he may choke and die, such cases are not uncommon in medical practice. The baby should be carefully laid on the left or right side.

Modern pediatricians, including Komarovsky, argue that the best prevention of any gastrointestinal disorders, including vomiting and regurgitation, is long-term breastfeeding. The World Health Organization recommends that breastfeeding be continued until at least two years of age. Then, thanks to long-term gv, many stomach problems in the baby can be safely avoided.


Watch the video: Story of an infant struggling with extreme reflux and vomiting - help with neurological chiropractic (July 2024).