
Sumamed for children: instructions for use

Sumamed can be called one of the most effective and demanded antibiotics, which is a drug of the macrolide group. Adults often take it for otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis and some other infectious diseases. Is such an antibacterial drug prescribed for children, in what forms is it used in childhood, how long does it take to drink such a drug and what analogue is it acceptable to replace?

Release form

Sumamed is a product of the Israeli company Teva, but it is produced in Croatia. It is presented in pharmacies in a wide range of dosage forms. There are these types of drug:

  • A powder from which a suspension is made before starting treatment. Such Sumamed is placed in plastic white bottles that can hold 50 ml of liquid. The powder itself has a yellowish tint and a strawberry smell. The bottle comes with a measuring syringe, and sometimes a measuring spoon.
  • Dispersible tablets. They are sold, depending on the dosage, from 1 to 6 pieces in one pack. They are almost white in color and have a flat round shape. On one side of the medication you can see the inscription "TEVA" and a number indicating the content of the active substance. This medicine can be swallowed or dissolved in water to produce an orange-flavored suspension.

  • Coated tablets. This form of the drug is sold in packs of 3 or 6 pieces and is presented by round and oval convex blue tablets. Depending on the dosage, there is a 125 or 500 mark on one of their sides. On the other side of the tablets there is an inscription “PLIVA”.
  • Capsules. This type of Sumamed is sold in boxes of 6 dense gelatin capsules. They have a blue body and a blue cap, and inside is a white-yellow powder.
  • Lyophilisate. This medicine is a white powder placed in clear glass bottles. It is sold in 5 vials per pack and is not used in children.

Sumamed Forte is produced separately, which is presented only as a powder for preparing a suspension. It has a white-yellow hue and a banana, raspberry, or strawberry flavor. It is placed in white plastic bottles with a capacity of 50 or 100 ml.


The action of any form of Sumamed is provided by azithromycin dihydrate. Its dosage in different versions of the drug is different:

  • The finished suspension of Sumamed contains such a substance in an amount of 20 mg per 1 ml (100 mg per 5 ml).
  • The amount of azithromycin in Sumamed Forte suspensions is 40 mg per 1 ml (200 mg per 5 ml).
  • One dispersible tablet can contain the active ingredient in a dose of 125, 250, 500 or 1000 mg.
  • One film-coated tablet contains this substance in an amount of 125 or 500 mg.
  • One capsule contains 250 mg of azithromycin.

The composition of excipients in different forms of Sumamed is also different:

  • Hyprolose, sucrose, titanium and silicon dioxides, xanthan gum and sodium phosphate are added to the suspension (both in the usual Sumamed and in the Forte preparation). It also contains strawberry, raspberry, or banana flavor, depending on the taste of the finished product.
  • In order for the dispersible tablet to keep its shape, but can quickly dissolve in water, the active substance in its composition is supplemented with microcrystalline cellulose, povidone k30, silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, crospovidone and magnesium stearate. For a sweet taste, add aspartame, sodium saccharinate and banana or orange flavor to the preparation.
  • The core of the coated tablets consists of starch, magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate, MCC, hypromellose and sodium lauryl sulfate. Talc, hypromellose, polysorbate 80, titanium dioxide and a dye are used to make a dense shell of this form of Sumamed.
  • The contents of the capsules, in addition to azithromycin, include magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose and sodium lauryl sulfate, and their shell is made of gelatin with the addition of dyes.

Operating principle

Sumamed has the ability to affect various microorganisms by suppressing the synthesis of protein molecules in their cells. Having penetrated into bacteria, azithromycin attaches to their ribosomes and interferes with the work of special enzymes that are important for the formation of proteins. The result of such an effect will be a slowdown in the reproduction and growth of microbes, that is, the action of the drug is bacteriostatic. However, in high dosages, the drug can also destroy infectious agents (act bactericidal).

The medicine is effective against many types of bacteria, including pneumococcus, legionella, pyogenic streptococcus, moraxella, haemophilus influenzae, clostridia, staphylococcus, chlamydia, borrelia, gonococcus and other microorganisms. However, some staphylococci and streptococci can be resistant to Sumamed. The medicine does not work on bacteroids and enterococci either.


The medication is prescribed for infectious diseases that provoke pathogens included in the spectrum of action of azithromycin. The medicine is given:

  • with sinusitis, sore throat, otitis media and other lesions of the ENT organs, including bacterial complications after ARVI;
  • with pneumonia, inflammation of the bronchi and other diseases of the respiratory tract, the symptoms of which are high fever and cough with the release of purulent sputum;
  • with bacterial infections of soft tissues and skin;
  • at the initial stage of borreliosis;
  • with inflammation of the genitourinary tract caused by chlamydia.

At what age is it prescribed?

All types of Sumamed are prohibited for children in the first 6 months of life. Breastfeeding infants over six months of age are allowed to give only the drug in suspension. In this case, the Sumamed suspension is prescribed to patients under three years old, since for older children its volume will be too large. As for the drug Forte, it can also be given from 6 months of age, but only to those children whose weight has exceeded 10 kg. This medication is prescribed for preschoolers and children 6-9 years old, and adolescents, and even adult patients.

Solid forms of Sumamed are not used in the treatment of babies under 3 years old. For children over three years old, the medicine is selected taking into account the required dose and the child's ability to swallow the medicine. Children 3-4 years old are more often given dissolving tablets with a dosage of 125 and 250 mg. Dispersible tablets are also in demand for the treatment of children 5-11 years old, but if the child is able to easily swallow the medicine in the shell, this form can also be given in a dosage of 125 mg.

Capsules and tablets containing 500 mg of azithromycin are prescribed for patients over 12 years of age, but can also be used in younger children if their weight exceeds 45 kg.


Treatment with Sumamed is prohibited:

  • if the child has an intolerance to its main component or any of the excipients;
  • if the patient has previously been allergic to other macrolides;
  • if the patient's liver function is impaired due to severe diseases of this organ;
  • if the child has severe kidney disease.

The suspension is also not used in children with fructose intolerance and other disorders of the absorption of sugars. Dispersible tablets should not be taken for phenylketonuria, because they contain aspartame. Careful prescription of the drug is required for patients with dehydration, diabetes mellitus, heart rhythm disturbances, myasthenia gravis and some other pathologies.

Side effects

The body of young patients sometimes reacts to Sumamed with diarrhea, nausea or headaches. In addition, the use of a medicine often affects the blood, reducing the number of some cells and increasing the number of others. In more rare cases, the medication provokes back pain, allergies in the form of a rash, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, swelling, increased sweating and other symptoms.

If they appeared after one or more receptions of Sumamed, you should tell your doctor about it in order to change the treatment.

Instructions for use

How to take the suspension?

To prepare liquid medicine, use a measuring syringe. With its help, the required amount of water is collected (it is noted in the instructions for the powder), poured into the bottle, closed with a cork and actively shaken. Since the active substance eventually settles to the bottom of the bottle, the medication must be shaken again before each use.

The suspension is taken once a day in a dosage that the doctor should calculate, taking into account the weight of the child and his illness. The medicine is taken either after a meal (about 2 hours), or one hour before any meal. The interval of application of the suspension should be 24 hours.

If the next dose is missed, it is advised to drink it immediately when it is detected, and then give the drug at intervals of 24 hours.

You can give medicine to a child directly from the dosing syringe by dialing the suspension up to the desired mark. Also, some packages have a measuring spoon that allows you to collect 2.5 and 5 ml of medicine. It is not recommended to dilute the finished suspension with water. If such a drug is too sweet for a child, it is better to let him swallow the medicine first, and then offer some clean water to drink the drug. After taking the medication, the syringe and spoon must be washed and dried.

The dose of the drug per day for a particular child must be calculated separately. If a small patient has an infectious disease of the ENT organs, skin or respiratory tract, then for each kilogram of his weight, 10 mg of the active ingredient is needed. In such an amount, the medication is taken for 3 days. For example, a baby's body weight is 12 kg, then he is prescribed 120 mg of azithromycin per day, which corresponds to 6 ml of suspension per dose and 18 ml of medicine for the entire course of therapy. Such a child can also be given Sumamed Forte - its single serving, taking into account the doubled amount of azithromycin, will be only 3 ml.

If the cause of the disease is pyogenic streptococcus, the medication is also prescribed for a 3-day course, but a single / daily dose will be 20 mg / kg. With borreliosis, Sumamed is used for 5 days, while on the first day the child must take the medicine at the rate of 20 mg / kg, and the remaining period of treatment, the daily dose is calculated by multiplying the patient's weight by 10 mg.

How are solid forms prescribed?

Dissolving tablets can be swallowed and washed down with water, or you can dissolve one tablet in 50 ml of water and give the child such a liquid medication to drink. Coated tablets and capsules should be swallowed without biting and washed down with clean water.

Any of these variants of Sumamed is taken once a day, and a single dose and duration of treatment depend on the diagnosis, the age of the child and his weight. In most cases, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 10 mg of azithromycin per 1 kg of the patient's weight and used in this dose for 3 consecutive days:

  • If the weight of the child is from 18 to 30 kg, he is given 2 125 mg dispersible tablets at a time or 1 250 mg dispersible tablet. Also, such a patient can be given 2 tablets in a 125 mg film, if he is able to swallow them without chewing.
  • If the child weighs 30-45 kg, then he needs 375 mg of azithromycin per dose, which corresponds to three soluble tablets of 125 mg or 1.5 tablets of 250 mg (they can be divided according to the risk). In addition, a patient with this body weight can take three 125 mg coated tablets at once. Usually, patients 7-8 years of age and older do not have problems with swallowing such Sumamed.
  • If the child's weight is over 45 kg or he is already 12 years old, then 500 mg of azithromycin is considered a single dose of the drug, that is, he can be given 2 Sumamed capsules at once, one 500 mg coated tablet or one 500 mg dispersible tablet. If forms with a lower content of azithromycin are used, then they are drunk in larger quantities in order to get the required dose, for example, if tablets in a 125 mg shell are bought, a teenager must swallow 4 of them at once.

In case of infection with pyogenic streptococcus, chlamydia or borrelia, the dose and duration of treatment will be different. The maximum dosage of Sumamed per day for children under 12 years old is considered to be 500 mg.


An excessive amount of suspension or a higher dose of tablets causes vomiting, temporary hearing loss, severe nausea, diarrhea and other negative symptoms. If an overdose is detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor and give the child symptomatic medicationsthat he will appoint.

Interaction with other medications

Treatment with Sumamed can affect the intake of some other medications, which are indicated in the instructions for the selected form of the drug.

Before you start taking an antibiotic, you should check if there are any funds that the child is already receiving on this list.

Terms of sale

All forms of Sumamed, like other antibacterial agents, are purchased with a prescription. To acquire them, you must first show the child to the doctor and receive a prescription for the necessary medication from him. The price of the drug is influenced by its form and dosage. A bottle of suspension costs about 200 rubles, and for a bottle of Forte raspberry or strawberry powder you need to pay about 550 rubles.

The average price of 6 tablets in a 125 mg shell is 300-330 rubles, a package of 125 mg dispersible tablets is 400 rubles, and six capsules are about 460 rubles.

Storage conditions

Sumamed in any form can be stored at room temperature, including the prepared suspension. The drug must be kept out of the reach of babies. Sealed powder bottles and dispersible tablets have a shelf life of 2 years, while coated tablets and capsules have a shelf life of 3 years. After preparation, Sumamed suspension and Forte banana suspension can be stored for only 5 days, and Forte with raspberry or strawberry flavor - up to 10 days.


Many parents and doctors (including Komarovsky) speak positively of Sumamed. They confirm that such an antibiotic helps with infectious diseases and begins to act on pathogens very quickly, due to which the condition of the sick child improves soon after the start of admission. Of all the forms of the drug, suspension is most often used in the treatment of children, since it is sweet in taste, easy to dose and swallowed by children.

Dissolving tablets are also often used, because if necessary, you can make a liquid preparation from them, which is also very easy for a child to swallow.

Parents consider Sumamed's high cost to be one of the main disadvantages of Sumamed, which is why they often choose the Russian counterpart, which is not so expensive. In addition, there are complaints about the side effects of such a medication, for example, the appearance of diarrhea after taking a suspension or an allergic rash after taking pills. In such cases, the drug is often also replaced with another antibacterial agent.


You can replace Sumamed with various antibacterial agents. If it didn't work out to buy the drug or the mother is interested in the drug cheaper, first of all the doctor will offer analogues that also contain azithromycin. These medicines are Azitrox, Zitrolide, AzitRus, Azitral, Hemomycin, Azithromycin Zentiva, ZI-factor, Ecomed and others. They come in a variety of forms, including suspensions for the smallest children and capsules or coated tablets for older patients.

In some situations, instead of Sumamed, other macrolides may be prescribed, because the effect of these antibacterial agents is the same as that of azithromycin preparations. Among them, the following are often used to treat children:

  • Klacid... Such a clarithromycin-based drug is available in suspension for babies over 6 months old and in tablets that are prescribed for children 3 years of age and older. There is also an injectable form, but it is not used in childhood. The drug is in demand in the treatment of chlamydia, pneumonia, purulent otitis media, sinusitis and other infections.
  • Wilprafen Solutab. This antibiotic is made in the form of dispersible tablets (after dissolving in water, they become a strawberry suspension). The action of such a drug is provided by josamycin, which is effective for scarlet fever, tonsillitis, blepharitis, laryngitis and other infections. The medicine is given to babies weighing more than 10 kg.
  • Macropen... This medicine in the form of granules contains midecamycin and is used from birth to fight chlamydia, streptococci, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other infections. It is also available in tablets that are approved for the treatment of children weighing over 30 kg.

If the child is allergic to macrolide antibiotics, the pediatrician will recommend antibacterial drugs of other groups, for example, the cephalosporin drugs Zinnat or Suprax. Also, medicines containing amoxicillin are often prescribed - Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ospamox, Flemoxin Solutab and others.

They are used for cystitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, urethritis and many other diseases caused by harmful bacteria.

For information on how to properly prepare the suspension, see the next video.

Watch the video: Tips To Avoid Taking Antibiotics For Treating A Fever (July 2024).