
Muscle hypotension in infants - symptoms of weak tone

If, on one of the examinations, a neurologist detects muscle hypotonia in infants, mothers should not immediately panic. Timely detected pathology can be eliminated by understanding the causes of its occurrence and taking all possible measures.

Muscle weakness

Determination of muscle hypotonia in infants

Most physicians perceive muscle weakness as a physiological developmental feature that can be corrected. A similar condition is detected by routine testing, subjecting muscle tissue to tension.

If, when bending the arm or leg, there is a reverse reaction - the baby immediately straightens his limb, there are no problems. Hypotonicity in infants is ascertained when there is no response, or it manifests itself with a delay. The pathology is associated with the fact that the muscles on their own cannot contract.

Symptoms of muscle hypotension in infants

Noticing a weak muscle tone in the newborn, the neurologist continues examining the baby to establish the degree of the problem. Several manipulations are used to diagnose the disease.

Step reflex

When the baby is placed on the table, with normal development, feeling support under him, he will take a few steps or try to sit down. With hypotonia of the legs in infants, there is no such reflexorism. The kid can neither straighten his legs, nor sit down or take them even a step.

These actions are practiced on children under 2 months of age. Then the innate reflex fades away, and the diagnosis is carried out in a different way.

Lying down

The doctor puts the baby with his back on the changing table. He takes the baby by the arms and begins to raise, trying to transfer the little one to a sitting position. With normal development, the newborn will strain the muscles, pull up on the arms, trying to help the adult.

Diagnostic method

Note. With a weak muscle tone in a child, a completely different picture is observed. The toddler sticks out his stomach forward and hangs on his hands. In this case, the back is rounded, and the head is barely holding.

Self-diagnosis of the disease

Dr. Komarovsky advises mothers to exercise more often with their baby. This will allow timely identification of muscle hypotension in a child. Even in a calm position, you can find a symptom of pathology in a newborn.

Signs of hypotonia in an infant

Body areaDisease symptoms
ArmsThe norm is when the sleeping baby's palms are clenched into fists, and the arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Completely relaxed limbs are already evidence of hypotonia of the arms in the baby.
It is difficult for children with underestimated muscle activity to pick up and hold objects. They practically do not touch the breast or bottle with their hands during feeding.
LegsIn a healthy newborn, the limbs are slightly bent; with hypotonia, they are straightened. If the lying baby is spread the legs 180 °, then in normal condition of the muscles this will cause discomfort. A sick child will not react to this manipulation.
Neck and vertebraeMuscular hypotension in a baby does not allow him to keep his head normally. Weak tissues in the area of ​​the spine prevent the baby from turning over on its own.

The kid does not hold his head well

This table allows you to answer the question of whether it is possible to determine hypotonia in a week-old newborn. To be sure of the problem that has arisen, the mother should observe the baby for several days and then share her doubts with the pediatrician.

If the child does show the symptoms described, it is difficult to teach him to crawl and squat. Subsequently, he will not be able to independently move from a lying position to a sitting position.

Among other signs of hypotonia in infants, doctors distinguish the following:

  • the baby is overly calm;
  • never gets excited;
  • slow during waking hours;
  • sleeps a lot;
  • does not take the breast well or refuses to suck it at all.

Any of the symptoms is already a reason to contact your local pediatrician in order to diagnose hypotension in a baby in a timely manner.

The causes of the disease

The described developmental pathology can be found less often. If it manifests itself, it is necessary to clarify the reason that provoked the problem. The predominant factors are usually disturbances in the functions of the central nervous system and improper blood circulation in the body. This situation can be provoked by the following points:

  • complications in childbirth: fetal hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma;
  • prompt delivery;
  • bad habits, from which the woman did not give up at the time of an interesting position;
  • severe pregnancy and related diseases;
  • the birth of a baby with low weight or early;

Born prematurely

  • improperly organized nutrition of the baby from the first weeks of life;
  • infectious and viral diseases leading to the depletion of the baby's body;
  • excessive intake of vitamin D by the baby;
  • developmental pathologies and various defects.

The reason for the weakened muscle tone can also be genetics, when the baby inherits a serious illness. Regardless of what the hypotension is, it threatens with serious consequences. The toddler lags behind in physical development, it is difficult for him to learn to sit and walk. In a child who spends most of the time without movement, weak muscles begin to atrophy, and bones slow down in growth.

As a result, a growing baby develops a deformation of the skeleton, which leads to scoliosis, a change in gait and other serious consequences. In an effort to keep himself in an upright position, the child strains all internal organs, this provokes the development of all kinds of pathologies.

How to improve muscle tone in a newborn

Timely determination of muscle hypotonia in a child will help to slow down the problem in the early stages. Before prescribing therapy, the baby is examined to make sure how developed the other systems are. If drug treatment is required, it will be selected individually.

Manual therapy - physical exercises and special massages - plays an important role in eliminating muscle weakness. A mother with a baby visits a specialist, where she herself learns such manipulations in order to perform them at home.

Council. If you have the opportunity to visit the pool, you should go swimming with the toddler. Such exercises perfectly eliminate the described syndrome and do not reduce muscle tone.

Light gymnastic exercises

For a long time, special gymnastics has been developed to eliminate muscle hypotonia in infants. If the mother works with the baby every day, she will very quickly achieve a positive result.

Exercises for Hypotension

BoxingHaving folded the baby's palms into fists and holding them, the mother alternately bends and straightens his arms, placing the upper limbs in front of the child. For a change, you can perform actions simultaneously with both hands
A bikeYou need to twist the baby's legs so that you get an imitation of driving on this transport
Criss-crossThe baby's arms are first spread apart, then crossed on the chest
Pull upGrasping the baby's wrists, they try to slowly transfer him to a sitting position, then put him in place
Breeding legsThe lower limbs are first crossed, then bred to the sides. Start with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it

The described exercises must be performed in a complex manner, smoothly moving from one action to another. Mom determines the sequence of manipulations herself, performing each movement several times.


Weakened muscles may not respond to physical activity, which will prevent the baby from showing anxiety. Therefore, during the procedure, no effort should be made so as not to injure the baby.


To achieve a quick effect, gymnastic exercises must be supplemented with massages. Such manipulations have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulate the work of all organs.

In infants, massage for hypotension should become a daily routine during the first year of life. In addition to home manipulations, it is planned to visit a specialist at least once a quarter with a course of 10 procedures.

Do not limit yourself to massage only problem areas - you need to use all the muscles of the body. Therefore, during the procedure, the baby is placed either on his back or on his stomach.

Each time the manipulation starts with the fingers on the hands, at the final stage the back is worked out. During the session, the specialist presses on the bioactive points, thereby stimulating nerve impulses. A mother who does not have such experience should limit herself to other manipulations: stroking, tapping, pinching. Any movements must be performed, moving from the edges of the site to the center.

Firming massage

It is recommended to start a cycle of remedial gymnastics with light massages, and end it with them. The best time for manipulation is before feeding the baby, so as not to create additional stress on a full stomach. If the child is sick or in a bad mood, it is better to postpone physical activities for a while.

Other components of therapy

Depending on the degree of damage to the muscle fibers, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures to stimulate toning. These include:

  • a visit to the physiotherapy room;
  • acupuncture;
  • herbal baths;
  • compresses on sore joints and rubbing.

If you do not limit yourself to single procedures, but perform a full range of therapy, then after 3 months the little one will actively move its arms and legs, raise its head, try to roll over and even sit down.

Normal tone of children under one month of age

To understand how much the baby is lagging behind in development, you need to familiarize yourself with the standards set by WHO for the average baby.

Physical development standards for babies

Age, monthFeatures:
0-1A newborn has reflexes: grasping, sucking and even walking. The baby should already turn his head at the smell of breast milk.
1-2The baby begins to hold his head, turn it to the sound, follow the toy with his eyes. During this period, children are already trying to suck their fingers, they are animated at the sight of their parents or hearing their voices.
2-3The child keeps his head well in an elevated position. When lying on his tummy, he confidently rests on the arms. In an upright position, it leans on the surface with its legs and actively pushes off from it. Facial expressions appear.
3-4Grasping the fingers of the mother, the baby tries to sit up, moving from a lying position. Being on the stomach, the child rests firmly on straightened arms. He examines his fingers, tries to hold the rattle, takes his mother by the breast while feeding. The muscles of the face have developed well, reflecting the mood of the little one.
4-5The baby becomes mobile, actively turns his head in all directions, being interested in what is happening around. When the baby is supported under the arms, he firmly rests on the legs and tries to move them. The muscles of the arms are well developed: the child takes objects, holds them in his palm and pushes them away.
5-6A normally developed infant is able to sit down independently. Rolls over from back to tummy and even tries to crawl. If you help the baby, he is able to hold a spoon and eat from it.
6-7Already actively crawling, begins to walk, but so far with the help of support. Turns his head towards the objects that are named to him.
7-8Stands up in the bed on its own, is able to move along the supports. He is actively interested in toys, can disassemble and haphazardly assemble pyramids.
8-9The baby confidently holds the cup and drinks from it on its own. He plays with his mom and himself. Tries to imitate the actions of his parents
9-10The baby confidently holds the cup and drinks from it on its own. Tries to imitate the actions of his parents
10-11Most children at this age walk independently, squat and return to a standing position. They know how to find the named objects in the house and take them in their hands. Undress and dress the dolls as well as themselves.
YearThe child not only walks, but already runs. He sits down at the table without any outside support and eats himself. Helps mom clean the room by folding her toys.

Important! The rates given in the table are conditional. Therefore, if the baby does not fit into the standards, this is not a reason to suspect that the child is hypotonic. Premature babies lag slightly behind their peers in development.

Stages of normal development

If the toddler is having difficulty crawling by the appointed time, it is more likely due to overweight. When the baby is not able to hold his head, does not show a muscular reaction to external factors, does not try to roll over, these are already clear signs of low tone, and it must be urgently eliminated.

Watch the video: What is Muscle Tone? (July 2024).