
Bending of the gallbladder in a child - causes

In case of digestive problems, you should start with an analysis of the diet, the number of servings eaten and the quality of the food. If, in the opinion of the parents, there are no problems on the listed items, it is time to seek help from specialists.

Abdominal pain

How the gallbladder functions

The gallbladder is an important participant in the digestion process. In it, the liver stores bile, which is produced for food processing. With its help, food processed by the stomach, after entering the duodenum, undergoes more thorough splitting. The process of production of bile by the liver is continuous, if active enzymes uncontrollably enter the duodenum, especially when there is no food, bile irritates the intestinal walls. As a result, there is discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium.

During a meal, the gallbladder contracts in order to release bile into the duodenum. Violation of the organ's contractility also leads to digestive problems. With the weakened muscles of the bladder, bile is released in insufficient quantities, which leads to the accumulation or stagnation of the contents. Untimely contraction also causes discomfort.

Attention! In case of violations of the timely echo in the work of the digestive organs, they speak of dyskinesia of the biliary tract. This means that bile either does not enter the intestinal lumen when food appears there, or enters the intestine, but when there is no food there.

Types of deformation of the gallbladder

Pain in the right hypochondrium is an indication for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. But the gallbladder is a hollow organ, that is, it consists only of its own walls, just like the stomach, bladder or intestines. Therefore, in order to see the reliable state of such organs, they need to be filled: for an ultrasound scan of the bladder, doctors ask to come with a full urine, that is, drink a glass of water an hour before the study and not go to the toilet. In order to obtain reliable information about the shape and size of the gallbladder, it should also not be empty.

Abdominal ultrasound

The bladder is filled with bile continuously, gradually, in small portions. To prevent the contents from being thrown into the intestines, the child must accumulate bile in the bladder for some time, that is, not eat two to three hours before the study. Otherwise, ultrasound will see the kinks and irregularities inherent in a deflated balloon.

Neck bend

The bile neck is the channel through which bile enters the hepatic duct, and from it enters the intestinal lumen. When the neck is bent, it may be difficult for the contents to exit, but for this, an obstacle in the form of gallstones should form at the bend. The kink itself does not require surgical correction if the digestive function is not impaired.

Kink of the bottom

The bend of the gallbladder in a child in the bottom area is diagnosed when the organ is not completely filled with bile, or when the bottom is formed with congenital deformity. This fact does not affect the quality of the organ's work, especially since most often ultrasound shows the bottom curved only when the bladder is emptied.

Body bending

When a patient has a kink in the gallbladder body, the type of bend is usually described. The most common type is the hourglass or s-shaped bend. This situation is also a consequence of the failure to comply with the rules for preparing for the diagnosis: if the patient had a snack shortly before the appointment.

Internal organs

Bubble flow bending

There are no problems with digestion from the shape of the ducts for the discharge of the contents of the gallbladder. Bile comes out equally well both through straight-flow channels and through channels with bends. The quality of the ejection is affected by the narrowing of the duct or blockage by stones.

Double fold

A double bend is established if the narrowing of the body is fixed on ultrasound in two places. This shape is called spiral deformation. Like other types of kinks, double bends are not a reason for surgical intervention, since they do not carry functional impairments.

Attention! As a rule, with repeated ultrasound, the type of bend may change or be absent altogether. The appearance of this organ directly depends on the amount of bile collected in it.

Classification of deformities in infants

By their nature, the excesses are divided into two groups. Regardless of what type of deformity is, if there is no real deterioration, drug treatment is not required.


The most common deformity of the gallbladder is labile, or acquired. That is, when comparing two diagnostics carried out using ultrasound, a change in the shape of the organ was established. The initial examination did not reveal any abnormalities, and the diagnostics carried out after a certain amount of time showed the presence of an inflection in any of the departments.


Fixed inflection is less common. It is described as a congenital deformity and does not require surgery. A fixed bend can only be established by conducting more than two studies at intervals of several days to several weeks. If the diagnosis shows the same change in shape every time, the deformity is considered congenital.

Causes of the bend of the gallbladder

Various reasons can provoke deformation, including external factors, lifestyle and diet.


Congenital bend of the gallbladder in a child develops in utero. The formation of fetal organs occurs in early pregnancy. In the process of laying future organs, as well as in the generation of tissues, folic acid plays the main role, the deficiency of which in the body of a pregnant woman leads to the formation of fetal abnormalities. Including this is the reason for the birth of children with a cleft palate (cleft lip).

Pregnant at a gynecologist's appointment

Attention! Pregnancy planning and early registration in an antenatal clinic save unborn babies from terrible pathologies. From the first day, an obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes folic acid intake for a pregnant woman for several weeks.


A newborn child can acquire changes in the shape of the gallbladder in very rare situations that are practically not found in medical practice. This occurs in older people, after suffering acute infectious diseases, as a result of the development of gallstone disease, as well as in chronic inflammation of an organ or its ducts.


This reason is the most popular according to the results of statistical studies. Improper nutrition is at the top of the list:

  • hungry diets;
  • dry food;
  • rare food, but in large portions;
  • constant (lingering) food intake;
  • stressful situations;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Functional disorders in a baby can be if he constantly hangs on his mother's chest. That is, if the baby is fed not by the hour, but by the first squeak, he will often stay with a breast or a bottle in his mouth. With this feeding regimen, the gallbladder does not have time to fill, its function, aimed at tracking the appearance of food in the lumen of the duodenum, fades away, as a result of which, over time, bile stops accumulating, constantly being thrown into the intestines. And the bubble, deprived of the opportunity to acquire its shape, is deformed.

Description of symptoms

Indications for diagnosis are a violation of the general condition of the patient, as well as special symptoms:

  • stomach ache in the navel;
  • sharp or aching pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • frequent belching;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • increased gas production (easily detected in overfed children under one year old);
  • wandering urticaria on different parts of the body, worse immediately after eating food containing fats.

Important! Babies who are not able to talk about their pain, screaming for various reasons, can mislead their parents with their capricious behavior. However, if the child is excessively crying, his right side looks more rounded than the left, and he vomits without the accompanying symptoms of intestinal infection (fever, diarrhea), it is worth suspecting functional disorders in the gallbladder.

Diagnosis of anomaly detection

Curvature of the ducts or the bladder itself is diagnosed not only with the help of ultrasound. Echoes of not the form, but the content of the organ are considered to be reliable. The detection of stones, the thickness of the walls of the bladder, the concentration of bile in it are important information about the state and functioning of the gallbladder, based on these data, treatment can be prescribed.

The fact that it is bent along the axial or transverse line does not become an indication for the use of drugs. Disorders associated with the release of bile are diagnosed by other methods:

  1. Blood is taken for analysis to determine the level of bilirubin;
  2. Analysis of the patient's appearance for yellowness.

The shape of the bladder found as a result of ultrasound, as a rule, is not a sign of dysfunction of the digestive organ. Be sure to use additional diagnostic methods.

Danger of kinking for a newborn

The popular pediatrician, Evgeny Komarovsky, is sure that the bending of the gallbladder in children is not a problem or pathology. Even if the child has symptoms that indicate problems with the digestive system, namely, disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, it is not the organ itself that needs to be treated, but the parental attitude towards the nutrition of children. In his opinion, the recipe for healthy digestion, including the timely release of bile, is as follows:

  • you need to feed children not when the time has come, but when they are hungry;
  • you can not force the child to finish eating if he claims that he is full;
  • children with poor appetite to exclude snacks, leaving only the main meals;
  • in every possible way to encourage active games in the fresh air;
  • any functional disorders of digestion should be treated not with pills, but with hunger.

Important! When the body has not received food for a certain period, but only drank fluids, the digestive system begins to independently correct the malfunctions of its own work, synchronously starting at the next healthy meal.

Eats with appetite

Everyone should remember that there is no point for ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs in the regulations of the annual medical examination of the population. This suggests that the information obtained as a result of such a diagnosis will only confuse the patient and direct him to the wrong path of treatment. Finding a curvature of the gallbladder is a prime example of this. This type of research is necessary only when there are tangible problems in the functioning of the abdominal organs. Without complaints, the study of the size and shape of hollow organs is meaningless.

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