
Monocytes are elevated in a child under one year old - possible causes

When babies are sick, tests are prescribed to make the correct diagnosis. If it is found that monocytes are increased in the child's blood, this indicates a violation of the immune defense, the cause should be looked for.

Monocytes under a microscope

How monocytes are formed

As soon as foreign microorganisms enter the child's body, the immune system immediately turns on and begins to synthesize antibodies. Proteins-pathogens are opposed by monocytic cells. The more they are found in the blood, the higher the degree of the disease.

Monocyte is the largest type of white blood cell, it is produced by the bone marrow. Elements enter the bloodstream by not yet fully matured cells and live there for about 30 hours. Circulating throughout the body, monocytes settle in tissues, turning into macrophages, whose life cycle is 1.5-2 months.

Experts call these cells "orderlies" who purify and renew the blood. The process of killing microbes is called phagocytosis. It is based on the absorption of pathogenic microbes by monocytes and their digestion.

This type of white blood cell also has other "responsibilities":

  • neutralization of parasites;
  • "Eating" tumor tissues;
  • removal of dead cells from the body.

Note! If a child's monocytes are above normal, this means that the immune system is actively fighting microbes, parasites, cancer cells, and allergenic proteins.

Symptoms with elevated monocytes

In a child, monocytosis can be accidentally detected during a routine medical examination. It is usually diagnosed during a targeted examination when the following indications are present:

  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • feverish condition;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes.

Any of these symptoms is already a reason to suspect an inflammatory process or the penetration of an infection into a child's body. Laboratory tests will help determine the severity of the disease.

Note! Natural phenomena are also capable of increasing the number of monocytes: teething, body recovery after surgery, critical days in a teenage girl.

What analysis needs to be passed

A complete blood count will not provide information on the number of monocytes in a child. The study reveals only the presence of all leukocytes, without dividing them into types.

Therefore, the doctor will prescribe a clinical (detailed) test - a leukogram. It determines the content of each variety of white cells and their quantitative indicator.

Blood sampling for analysis

In a detailed analysis, there is information about other components of blood, the main of which are lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, ESR, basophils. Deviation from the norm of each of these components will present a clearer picture and allow the doctor to answer such questions:

  • what is the state of the child's immunity;
  • what is the nature of the infection (bacterial or viral);
  • at what stage of development is the inflammatory process;
  • are there any complications and pathologies.

An analysis for monocytes and other blood components in combination with the existing symptoms will help determine the underlying disease and choose the right drugs.

Preparation for the examination

The increase in monocytes in the blood is influenced not only by foreign proteins. Improper preparation of the child for the upcoming tests can also increase the number of leukocytes. To make the test reliable, mom adheres to the following recommendations:

  • the day before going to the laboratory, the child is not given fatty and fried foods; if the baby is breastfed, this recommendation applies to the mother's diet;
  • the day before the study, outdoor games and other types of physical activity, as well as stressful situations, are excluded;
  • a detailed blood test is taken on an empty stomach; for a baby, the last feeding should be no later than 2 hours before testing.

Important! If the child is taking any medications and cannot be canceled, the doctor should take this into account when considering the results of the study.

How the analysis is done

In children's clinics, blood for a detailed analysis is usually taken from the ring finger, after piercing its pad. In a newborn, a puncture is sometimes made in the heel with a scarifier, from which lymphatic capillary fluid is collected with a glass tube into a test tube.

A blood smear is applied to a glass slide and placed under a microscope. With this tool, leukocytes are examined. It is not difficult to determine the quantitative composition of each element in the sample - they differ in shape, size and a number of other specific features. This is how a simple calculation of the leukocyte formula occurs.

How else is research done

In some cases, venous fluid is required, drawn from a blood vessel with a syringe. When examining a sample taken, laboratory assistants use hematological analyzers. A test tube with blood is placed in a special device. The device itself is filled with all kinds of reagents that must interact with the lymphatic fluid.

Hematology analyzer

The analyzer will give information about hematocrit, hemoglobin level, size, shape and number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and other components in a matter of seconds. The device translates the received information into graphs and issues it in the form of special forms.

Analyzers are able to quickly and efficiently determine the leukocyte formula, for the sake of which blood is taken from a child.

Pain-free analysis

Any analysis gives babies inconvenience, since the procedure is painful. In paid clinics, an alternative option is used, as opposed to a metal scarifier, - a plastic lancet. The device looks like a fountain pen and works according to the following principle:

  • pressed the button;
  • the spring has worked;
  • she pushed the needle to the correct depth.

The tip of the lancet is so thin that the injection is painless, and the amount of blood is sufficient to make a sample for testing.

Blood collection lancet

The device provides the baby with maximum comfort during the procedure, but it is not always used, since it costs many times more than a simple scarifier.

Decoding a child's blood test

Having received the results of the study of the biomaterial, the doctor immediately draws attention to such a parameter - the child's monocytes are the norm or deviation from it. To decipher the test, it is also necessary to take into account the age for which its values ​​are permissible:

  • in children under one year old, indicators in the range of 3-12% are considered the norm;
  • for a child from 12 months to 15 years old, the permissible value is 3-9%;
  • in adolescents, monocytes are about 1-8%.

In addition to the relative parameter, the absolute parameter is also taken into account, showing the number of monocytes in 1 liter of blood. In this case, the lower limit for each age is the same and is 0.05 * 109 / liter. The upper indicator is normally as follows:

  • under the age of one year - 1 * 109 (in 1 liter);
  • up to 2 years old - 0.6;
  • at 3-4 years old - 0.5;
  • from 5 to 15 years old - 0.4.

Ideally, the absolute value should decrease. When a child's abs monocytes are elevated and do not meet age norms, they talk about the development of monocytosis.

Leukocyte formula table

If you believe Dr. Komarovsky, who devoted a whole section to blood analysis in his medical reference book, the norm is a conditional concept. Therefore, comparing the test results of your child with the normative tables, you should not immediately fall into despair, because the average data are indicated there.

To make a diagnosis, you need to pay attention to the indicators of all blood elements presented in a detailed analysis. They can increase along with monocytes, remain normal, or be underestimated.

Associated elements of blood

LymphocytesNo process in the body's defense system is possible without this element. His "duties" include detection, recognition, antigen control. Lymphocytes synthesize antibodies and perform a number of other protective functions.
If, along with monocytes, there is an increase in this component, they talk about a well-functioning immune system that fights viral and bacterial infections.
When, during monocytosis, on the contrary, lymphocytes are below normal, this is evidence of a weakened immune system.
BasophilsIf the analysis shows an excess of this type of white blood cells, the causes may be an autoimmune disease, allergy, or internal infection (but not acute respiratory infections).
Under the normal state of affairs, these elements should be no more than 1%, they are necessary for blood clotting.
NeutrophilsIf monocytes and this type of leukocytes increase at the same time, they talk about infection of the body with fungal spores or bacteria. In this case, usually lymphocytes are underestimated.
These elements, in turn, are subdivided into subspecies:
• segmented, emerging from the bone marrow by fully matured cells;
• "babies" among neutrophils - myelocytes;
• a leukocyte in the "adolescent" stage is called metamyelocyte.
This last element develops very quickly and turns into a stab neutrophil. The more they are found in the blood, the more serious the bactericidal attack on the immune system.
EosinophilsThis indicator can be overestimated by allergic reactions leading to the development of bronchial asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis.
Eosinophils above normal are an indicator of infection with intestinal parasites or worms.
In rare situations, a similar picture indicates a blood disorder: leukemia or lymphoma.
ESRWith monocytosis, an overestimated level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the child's body (autoimmune, allergic, infectious).

Given the information in this table, it is important to compare the increase in monocytes in the blood of a child with quantitative indicators of all types of leukocytes. This will allow you to see a clear picture of the disease.

Decryption options

The increasing level of monocytes in children is more often associated with colds, respiratory infections and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. More serious pathologies are also possible. Therefore, considering a blood test, the doctor pays attention to the following points:

  • if the percentage of monocytes is slightly overestimated, and the proportion of other types of leukocytes is reduced, while their total number is normal, this indicates relative monocytosis; it is not dangerous and can manifest itself as a sign of a recent illness;
  • in some cases, relative monocytosis is interpreted as an indicator of the norm, if it is based on heredity (this should be confirmed by laboratory tests of the blood of other family members);
  • absolute monocytosis is classified when a given type of leukocytes rolls over in equivalent per liter of material; such an indicator indicates a pathology hidden in the body.

In the fight against foreign bodies in pathology, monocytes are consumed at a high rate. Therefore, the bone marrow has to work in an enhanced mode in order to replace the missing cells in exchange for the dead.

Pathological reasons include the autoimmune state of the body, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, infections against the background of previous operations, poisoning, oncology, tuberculosis, syphilis.

Additional research

If the child has increased monocytes in the blood, and the decoding of the tests does not make it possible to make an unambiguous diagnosis, resort to additional examinations, with the involvement of doctors of other specialties:

  • When there is a suspicion of a fungal, viral or bacterial nature of the pathology, the child is referred to an infectious disease specialist, who will prescribe such analyzes:
  1. coptogram;
  2. bacteriological inoculation and samples for parasite eggs;
  3. serological test for confirmation of pathogens;
  4. clinical urine analysis;
  5. throat and nose swabs.
  • If the infection is not detected, and the stomach hurts, there is a suspicion of a pathology in the abdominal cavity; the child is referred for an ultrasound scan and a consultation with a surgeon, gastroenterologist;
  • Monocytosis can accompany another pathology - mononucleosis; therefore, the doctor will necessarily examine the lymph nodes and prescribe a special blood test for atypical nuclears;

Additional analyzes

  • If, during the examination of the baby, murmurs are heard in the heart, an autoimmune disease can be suspected; in this case, increased monocytes are reinforced with rheumatic tests and blood sampling for biochemistry.

From all that has been said, the conclusion suggests itself: one clinical analysis is not enough to understand why the baby is not feeling well. Having found an overestimated level of monocytes when decoding the test, they correlate it with the indicators of other types of leukocytes. To confirm or refute the presence of pathology, additional examinations and consultations with doctors of narrow specialization will be required.

Even a small volume of blood is enough to establish the quantitative content of monocytes and other leukocytes in it. An increased level of enzyme elements indicates an active work of the immune system. Deciphering the specific changes obtained during testing will tell you the cause of the baby's illness, which will allow you to choose the most effective therapy.

Watch the video: The different morphologies of Granulocytes neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils (July 2024).