
Fenkarol for children: instructions for use

"Fenkarol" is referred to as antihistamines, therefore, such a drug is in demand in adults with urticaria, cough, skin rash, runny nose and other manifestations of allergies. It is possible to use such a medicine even in childhood, but with certain reservations - in particular, the doctor prescribes the dose for young patients only.

Release form

Fenkarol is a product of the Latvian company Olainfarm and presented in pharmacies in two forms.

  • Pills are available in three different dosages and are characterized by a flat round shape and white color. There is a risk on the drug with the lowest dosage. One package can contain 15, 20 or 30 tablets.
  • Solution for intramuscular injections, it is placed in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml, and one box contains 10 ampoules. The solution itself is colorless and transparent. In the treatment of children under 18 years of age, this form of "Fenkarol" is not used.


The main ingredient in Fenkarol is called hifenadine and is contained in the solid form as the hydrochloride salt. Its dosage in one tablet is 10 mg, 25 mg or 50 mg. Additionally, the solid form of "Fenkarol" contains sucrose, potato starch and calcium stearate. These substances provide the tablets with density and other physical characteristics.

Operating principle

The hifenadine contained in the drug is able to block histamine receptors, due to which "Fenkarol" facilitates the course of allergies or prevents its development. The drug has an antipruritic effect. In addition, the drug reduces the permeability of blood vessels (this is due to its anti-edema effect), and also prevents the spastic effect of histamine on the bronchi and intestinal smooth muscles.

The active substance "Fenkarola" is absorbed rather quickly and within 60 minutes after taking its level in the blood becomes maximum. Metabolic changes of such a compound take place in the liver, and the drug is excreted within two days after administration, mainly with bile and urine. The depressing effect of the drug is usually absent and occurs only in the case of individual hypersensitivity.


"Fenkarol" is in demand for various diseases of an allergic nature. Such a remedy is prescribed for:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • atopic dermatitis, eczema and other dermatoses;
  • hives;
  • itchy skin due to medication or other allergens;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hay fever;
  • Quincke's edema.

At what age is it prescribed?

The tablet form of "Fenkarol" is not used in the treatment of children under 3 years of age. If it is necessary to prescribe an antiallergic agent for a child of the first years of life, the use of "Fenkarol" should be abandoned and an analogue approved for small patients should be chosen. If the patient is 3 years old, it is permissible to give him only pills that contain 10 or 25 mg of hifenadine.

A drug containing an active substance in a dose of 50 mg is not prescribed for children, since the dosage of such tablets for children is too high, and there is no possibility of dividing the medication into halves (there is no risk).


"Fenkarol" can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Since the tablets contain sucrose, they are not used for hereditary diseases in which the absorption of carbohydrates is impaired. Children with diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract, cardiovascular system and liver are given medicine with caution.

Side effects

Taking Fenkarol can cause dry mouth and various dyspeptic symptoms. Such negative symptoms, as a rule, disappear if the dosage of the pills is reduced, but sometimes it is necessary to refuse further treatment by choosing an analogue. In rare cases, the medication has a mild sedative effect.

Instructions for use

The medicine is given to the child after a meal in a dosage that the doctor selects based on the severity of the allergy and the patient's sensitivity to therapy.

  • Children 3-7 years old give tablets containing 10 mg of the active ingredient. In such a single dosage, "Fenkarol" is taken twice a day. Sometimes the doctor advises giving the child a medication of 5 mg (half a 10 mg tablet). The maximum daily dose for children under seven years of age is considered to be 20 mg of hifenadine.
  • Child 7-12 years old it is recommended to take 10-15 mg per dose, therefore such a patient is given one or one and a half tablets of 10 mg each. The frequency of taking the medicine at this age can be twice or three times a day. At the same time, the child should not receive more than 50 mg of the active substance per day.
  • Single dose for children over 12 years old is 25 mg of hifenadine. Most often, the remedy is taken twice a day, but sometimes the doctor sees the need for three doses. The maximum allowable dose per day is 100 mg.

The duration of treatment with "Fenkarol" is determined individually, but most often the course of taking such a drug lasts from 10 to 15 days.


If a child accidentally takes an overdose of Fenkarol, it will lead to dry mouth, headache, vomiting and other negative symptoms.

To eliminate them, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and drink activated charcoal, and then show the patient to the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Since one of the actions of hifenadine is to reduce gastrointestinal motility, the drug can affect the rate of absorption of drugs that are slowly adsorbed in the intestine (for example, anticoagulants).

Terms of sale

No prescription is required to buy Fenkarol tablets, but a specialist examination is recommended. The average price of 20 tablets of 10 mg is 270-280 rubles.


Keep the tablets at home in a dry place out of reach of small children. The temperature during storage of the medicine should not exceed +25 degrees. The shelf life of tablets with a dosage of 10 mg and 25 mg is 5 years.


Most of the feedback from parents about Fenkarol is positive. They call the drug an affordable and effective antiallergic agent. According to mothers, the tablets are easy to swallow (they are small), they do not cause drowsiness, but allergy symptoms are eliminated quite quickly. However, in some cases, the effect of treatment with "Fenkarol" is weak, and sometimes the child has an adverse reaction to such a medicine, which causes, though few, but negative reviews.


Other drugs based on hifenadine are not available, but if necessary, replace "Fenkarol" with another drug, the doctor may prescribe an antihistamine with another active substance - the list of such alternatives is impressive.

  • Erius. The action of such a drug is provided by desloratadine. It is usually prescribed for children in syrup, since it is allowed from 1 year old. Coated tablets are prescribed from the age of 12. Analogs of such a medicine are "Blogir-3", "Desloratadin", "Ezlor", "Elisey" and "Lordestin".
  • "Fenistil". This drug works thanks to dimethindene and comes in several forms. Drops and gel are used even in infants, since they are allowed from 1 month.
  • Claritin... This medicine contains loratadine and is available in syrup (it can be given to children from the age of two) and tablets (they are prescribed from the age of 3). Instead of "Claritin", analogs such as "Clarisens", "Lomilan", "Loratadin Stada" and others can be prescribed.
  • Parlazin. Such a drug based on cetirizine in drops is used in children over a year old, and in tablet form - from 6 years old. It can be replaced by other medicines containing cetirizine, for example, "Zodak", "Allertek", "Zyrtec" or "Cetrin".
  • "Suprastin"... This drug works thanks to chloropyramine and is available in tablets and in injections. In children, it is used from 1 month.
  • "Erespal"... The basis of such a medicine is fenspiride. Especially for children, it is produced in a syrup that can be given to patients over two years old.

All about the causes, types and methods of dealing with allergies, see the next video.

Watch the video: Centrovit (July 2024).