
How to cook dried fruit compote for a child

The baby grows, matures, his diet changes. Doctors recommend giving your baby new types of food to try. How to cook dried fruit compote for a child is an exciting question. Doctors advise giving such a drink every day, but they do not talk about the methods of preparation, the benefits and the correct choice of raw materials.

The kid drinks from the drinking bowl

The benefits and composition of dried fruit compote

The beneficial properties of dried fruit compote are due to the variety of its ingredients. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, tastes good. Compotes are allowed for babies from 6 months of age. Benefit:

  1. Normalize bowel function.
  2. Increase children's immunity due to the high content of ascorbic acid.
  3. They speed up the metabolism, remove harmful substances from the body.
  4. Improves mood due to the large amount of sugar in the composition.
  5. They remove excess fluid from the body, have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood - the composition contains a lot of iron.
  7. They stimulate brain activity, have a positive effect on the development of memory.
  8. Normalize liver function, help produce enzymes for digesting food.
  9. Enrich the body with useful trace elements and vitamins.

Dried fruit compote for a child is an irreplaceable product. That is why doctors recommend to introduce it at an early age. So, the gastrointestinal tract of the baby quickly gets used to digest the components of the fruit. Compotes are rich in useful minerals, these are:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium.

The variety of the composition of the drink depends on the components from which it is brewed.

How to choose the right dried fruit for your baby

Dried fruits and even just fruits are important products for children. Compotes are prepared from dried raw materials for little ones if they refuse juices. To prepare a drink for a baby, you first need to get raw materials. You can prepare it yourself or buy it in a store.

The child drinks from the bottle


Many people prefer to make dried fruit compote for babies from their own fruits. If there is an opportunity to prepare apples, pears, plums, quinces and other products from the summer, then why not.

This will not cause unnecessary concerns about the quality, collection and processing of raw materials, especially if the procurement process took place with our own hands. The fruit is washed well, cut into thin slices and dried. You can use various devices for this:

  • oven;
  • sunlight;
  • electric dryer;
  • microwave oven.


Dried fruits are sold in many shops and markets. It is preferable to buy raw materials from shops where there is a procurement license. Industrial products should be sorted out, washed well and dried, because production is on a large scale and not always of high quality. Otherwise, the differences will be minimal.

Important! The more expensive dried fruits are, the better and more selective they are.

When to give dried fruit compote

From 4-6 months, babies are allowed to taste sugary drinks. Preference is given to juices, as they contain more vitamins. But not all children want to drink them, in such cases they are offered compotes.

Raisin water

Raisin water for babies is allowed from 8-9 months. From it there is increased gas formation. The drink is administered in small portions, the reaction of the crumbs is monitored. If there is no rash, constipation, abdominal pain, then everything is in order. Raisins are dried grapes, the drink made from it is sweet and rich. Such a compote is well accepted by babies. It is strictly prohibited for newborns.

Dried fruits compote


Prune compote for babies is very useful. Since mashed potatoes from this product are allowed to be administered at 4 months, the compote can be drunk almost immediately after administration. This dried fruit contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • iodine;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins E, C, PP, group B.

If the crumb already knows how to gnaw cookies, then you can offer him to suck on the dried plum. It tastes sweet, the crumb will appreciate. A decoction of prunes for babies helps with constipation, you cannot add sugar to it. Enough just lightly steam the fruit and cool it down.

Important! If the baby often suffers from constipation, then such a decoction is prescribed to him from 2-3 months, a couple of drops a day.


An apple is practically the first fruit that pediatricians recommend introducing a baby to. It is hypoallergenic, and green products are preferred. They improve digestion and relieve constipation. Rarely, the drink causes gas formation, stains the feces green. After getting used to it, everything returns to normal. Apple compote for babies is allowed at 5-6 months. Enter it in small portions. It contains a large amount of nutrients:

  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • biotin;
  • B vitamins.

The main constituent of an apple is pectin, which is a fiber. This compote perfectly quenches thirst. It tastes sweet due to its high glucose content.

In the arms of the mother, the child drinks from a cup

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried pitted apricots. Puree from such a fruit can be introduced from 6 months. The only concern is an allergic reaction. Compote is introduced later than mashed potatoes, for 1-2 months. No sugar is added. The child is allowed to try such a drink from 8 months.

Dried apricots are rich in useful trace elements and vitamins:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • a nicotinic acid.

The product contains 5 g of protein per 100 g. This is a large amount for dried fruit. Dried apricots are best combined with other dried fruits to get a good fortified and nutritious composition.

Important! Good quality dried apricots have a bright rich orange color.


In appearance, quince resembles an apple, it tastes like a lemon. Compote from it tastes sour, so it is better to combine dried fruit with other sweet foods. It contains about 20 g of carbohydrates. For an adult, this is a lot, for a growing organism, on the contrary. Carbohydrates for babies provide energy for activity. The composition includes a large number of useful vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins B, C, E, PP;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • Apple acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • pectins.

Quince contains a lot of potassium - 10 times more than other trace elements. Fruit compote improves the functioning of the heart, circulatory system, lungs. Recommended for improving digestion.

Quince compote


You can also start acquaintance with compotes with a pear. It is allowed to taste it from 4-6 months, and boil compote from 7 months. It can be given for diarrhea, for constipation it is better to abstain. Pear promotes flatulence and constipation. Therefore, it is allowed only if the baby does not have digestive problems.

Closer to the year, the baby will taste various berries, fruits and vegetables. His diet will become much more varied. Pediatricians are allowed to add a little sugar to the compote, to cook a drink from different products:

  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • strawberries;
  • cherries;
  • cherries;
  • strawberries;
  • blueberries;
  • blackberries.

This is not the whole list. Before starting the introduction of the compote, the crumbs are allowed to taste fresh berries. If there is no reaction, then you can cook the compote. Dr. Komarovsky is of the same opinion.

Important! Dried fruit compote is saturated with a large amount of vitamins necessary for babies.

How to cook dried fruit compote

Cooking dried fruit compote for babies is very simple. The raw materials are first soaked, then steamed and cooked. It is better to soak the fruit in the evening so that the drink is fresh the next morning.

How much to soak

First you need to calculate the amount of raw materials and water. For every 10 g of the product, take 100 ml of water. It turns out that for 50 g of prunes or apples, 500 ml of water is used. For the first time, it is enough to cook 20 g of fruit, since the baby will only taste the compote.

Dried fruits are boiled in water for at least 15 minutes. Pour raw materials with warm water in a deep bowl. Change the water several times until it becomes transparent. It is important to qualitatively clean the product from dirt so that no dust, particles of sand and husks remain. An infant should receive only fresh and high-quality drink.

After washing, soak dried fruits in slightly warm water for 15-30 minutes until swelling. Dried fruits are again poured with fresh warm water, left to saturate the water. If you cook compote in the evening, you can soak it all night.

How much to steam

In the same water in which the dried fruits were soaked, they are boiled. Pour everything into a small saucepan. More water is added to make a total of half a liter. Cover with a lid. It is advisable to use dishes with a transparent lid so as not to open the saucepan again.

Put the dishes on the stove and turn on the largest fire. As soon as the water boils, the fire is made smaller and cooked for 10 minutes. Leave for 1 hour to infuse the compote. A cooled drink made from dry fruits is offered to the crumbs.

The glass lid is needed in order to keep all the nutrients in the drink. The more often you open the lid of the saucepan, the more they evaporate. It is easier to observe the preparation of the drink through the glass lid. Then it must be insisted for 1-2 hours.

Important! Compote for the baby is prepared daily. It must be fresh. An old drink can provoke poisoning and diarrhea.

Compote in a saucepan

What can be combined with

Up to 12 months, you can combine dry fruits with each other. A good recipe is to brew a compote from prunes and dried apricots for a child. Apples go well with any fruit. The older the baby, the more diverse ingredients are added to the saucepan during cooking. It is important to remember that berries are allowed after a year, so it is better to cook such compotes for adult children.

Dried fruit rate by month

At what exact age can a child be given dried fruit compote? This question is often asked by caring parents at the pediatrician. There are certain regulations for the introduction of such products. It is permissible to introduce the baby to the drink later, but not earlier.

How often to give

At 6 months, doctors are allowed to give compotes to babies. Do not exceed the permissible rate. It increases as the baby grows up. If you give your child too much water to drink, he will give up normal food and will constantly demand a sweet drink. It does not matter how many doses per day to divide the dose of compote, the main thing is that the amount is within the normal range.


In six months, compote is injected with 10 ml. Every day, the dose is increased by 10 ml, by the end of the week, it is brought to 70 ml. By the year the daily portion is increased to 150-200 ml. This number is kept up to 3 years. If the baby is thirsty, it is better to give him plain water.

Up to a year old drinks are allowed:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • prunes;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • peach.

The combination of fruits with each other increases the concentration of beneficial microelements and their diversity.

Important! It is recommended not to exceed the amount of drink per day, so as not to kill your appetite.

Prohibitions for dried fruit compote

Not all children are allowed to drink dry fruit compotes. If a child is allergic to fresh fruit, then dried compote will be prohibited. Children prone to allergies are introduced to dried fruits with extreme caution. If a reaction is manifested, then acquaintance with a healthy drink is postponed to age after a year.

Pear compote should not be drunk in case of digestive problems. It tends to cause constipation and flatulence.

Dried fruit compote for a child will perfectly complement the diet, saturate it with vitamins and useful minerals, and serve as an additional useful biological supplement. Kids love compotes very much, they can be cooked tasty and sweet, and most importantly - healthy.

Watch the video: Simple Berry Compote with Belgian Waffles (July 2024).