
Why does the child only roll over to one side

Watching your baby is a parent's favorite pastime. They monitor his skills, check with the table of norms and neighboring children. Any deviations from the norms and lagging behind peers make you worry, because no one wants to have a retarded child. Meanwhile, such experiences most often have no compelling reasons and are based only on maternal guesses.


Age of the first coups

The average child turns over only in one direction, this happens at the age of four months. At the same time, pediatricians know babies who made their first coup even before three months. Despite the fact that there is a table of norms for the development of children, this does not mean at all that some lag from the indicated dates indicates that the baby is sick.

Important! All children are individual. Sometimes it happens that a child shows interest in crawling, trains his back on the floor with toys, sits down himself at the age of 6 months, but has never turned over. This only suggests that the overturning did not arouse interest in the baby, which did not interfere with his physical development.

Types of baby coups

Given the skills of babies, we can say that there are two main types of coups:

  • from the back to the stomach;
  • from the abdomen to the back.

The first is much more difficult than the second, but only because parents rarely lay the baby on their stomach, the first turns out to be a coup from the back.

From back to belly

This skill will take a lot of effort. Usually active and restless girls master this trick before boys. You can see how the baby, lying on his back, examines his arms and legs, for which he raises his feet high, to the very face. As a result, the center of gravity shifts, and the child falls on its side, from this position it is already easy to turn on the stomach.

Baby on the side

From belly to back

This usually happens if the child is laid out on his stomach, and he, raising his head higher and higher, throws it back. It will turn out rather by 5 months, when the baby learns to rise on his hands, due to which the head is higher and higher, shifting the center of gravity. If the baby tries to bend, he will surely fall onto his side, after which he will easily turn onto his back.

As a rule, such a coup occurs very rapidly and unexpectedly for the baby, like a sudden somersault. At first he scares the baby, but after a couple of minutes, the child realizes how great it is and tries to repeat the trick over and over again.

How flipping training works

In order for the child's coup to take place, the baby must be able to independently explore his body. If the child is constantly carried in his arms or in a sling, without leaving him alone for a minute, the baby will not get a single chance to train his muscles.

First of all, the baby must learn to hold the head, lift it on its own and keep it upright. Until that happens, the coup will not work. The same applies to the muscles of the arms, legs and back. With a weak muscular skeleton, the child will not be able to crawl, sit down, stand up and roll over.

Baby on the floor

Why does the child only roll over to one side

It is not for nothing that a neurologist is on the list of mandatory doctors. When he examines the baby, he pays attention to his symmetrical development, muscle tone, as well as the shape of the head. For many mothers, the neurologist announced that the skull of their babies is uneven, has a certain plane on one side. This should not terrify parents, this happens with most children due to the fact that in the last month of intrauterine development the child is very cramped, he does not have the opportunity to change his position. Therefore, it turns out that the baby lays down one side of the head. The skull is squashed and uneven.

For this reason, the baby has a favorite side. The child always turns his head to this side, it is difficult and uncomfortable for him to look in the other direction. Over time, the head will become level. The brain, increasing in size, will correct the position of the cranial plates, as a result it will become symmetrical.

At 4 months

In order to help the baby learn the other side, pediatricians recommend placing the baby's head in one direction or the other in the crib. If the baby sleeps with his mother in the same bed, it is imperative to change places with the baby so that he “sleeps” his other side as well.

If the baby has been diagnosed with torticollis, the orthopedist will prescribe a special bagel pillow, the use of which should not be ignored. With the help of such a simple device, the baby will stretch the shortened muscle, and thereby align the cervical region.

Important! If the baby continues to turn only on one side, this only means that it is early to throw the exercises and it is necessary to evenly distribute the time the crumbs stay on one and the other side.

At 6 months

If parents from four months intensively engage in gymnastics with the child, they correctly alternate the left and right sides, communicating with the baby, but at the same time the child at 6 months continues to roll over only in one direction, there are a number of reasons to bear in mind:

  • The kid is just lazy. Having learned to roll over on the left side, it does not even occur to him to learn to do the same on the right side.
  • If the child lies in the crib and is already accustomed to the fact that the whole world is to his right, and a wall to his left, he will not be interested in turning to his left side, because nothing attracts him there.
  • Do not ignore the recommended neurologist visits at three months and six. It is at this age that the specialist will be able to recognize possible problems with the symmetrical development of muscle tone.

Additional Information! There are mothers who do not pay attention to which side their child is turning. Therefore, not all parents complain about one-way turns.

How to help your baby

The main task of parents is to train the muscular skeleton of the child. For this it is useful to use:

  • fitball exercises;
  • swimming in a pool or adult bath;
  • crawling on the floor with toys;
  • morning exercises;
  • evening massage;
  • pull-ups on the bar or dad's fingers.

It is useful to carry out exercises on the ball from 2 months. Placing the child on the fitball with her stomach down, the mother teaches the baby to train the muscles of the back and neck. This is important for future skills. Having a strong back, the child will learn not only to turn his body, but will crawl, sit and stand in time without harming the health of the spine.

Fitball and baby

Why a child needs swimming, those parents who know the useful feature of water know - it creates uniform pressure on all parts of the body immersed in it. In other words, the baby does not feel the need to turn to his favorite side, because he feels his body as weightless, easily turning to either side.

The most important achievement is crawling, which can be observed already from 4 months. The baby first gets on all fours, only then learns, swaying, to take the first steps crawling. It is very important to stimulate the urge to crawl by laying out brightly colored toys in the path of the baby. The more he trains the arms, leaning on them, the easier it will be to build muscle mass evenly, making him forget that he has only one comfortable side.

There is no need to be afraid to forcefully turn the baby over the uncomfortable side. Perhaps the baby will protest at first, because such training for him will be unexplored, strange, bringing discomfort. But after a while he will get used to it, and this will become the norm for him. The kid will get to know his second side and understand that there is nothing strange about him. You should not look for flaws in your baby, accusing him of inability to do some kind of exercise. It is much wiser to contribute in every possible way to the physical development of the baby with the help of joint training.

Watch the video: How To Help Baby Learn To SIT UP (July 2024).